Joe Biden
46th President of the United States

Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire Guide #006, June 2021
Section: Inspire Praise and Guide & Operation of the Shaami Mujahid Ahmed Al-Issa
Page(s): 02-07
We congratulate the Islamic nation and congratulate it for the recent operation inside the unjust and oppressive America, and we applaud that attack launched by our hero brother Ahmed Al-Issa, who is from the Levant, the Blessed Land. He caused damage to the enemy and has pleased every Muslim who is passionate about his religion and is every day witnessing the Americans and the crusader west interfering in the affairs of the Muslim nation in various ways and violating their sanctities.
In an interview with Fox News, US Representative Madison Cawthorn said that Ahmed Al-Issa had acted in retaliation for the US air strikes in Syria, and the deputy affirmed that the blame falls on US President Biden for his policy in Syria. In this issue, we will cover that operation and its impact on the American enemy, and we incite and guide those involved in lone Jihad to carry out and obtain the best results, by the help of Allah.
This operation increased the division between the American people, between the right and the left, and between the Republicans and their supporters, and the Democrats and their supporters, in two ways:
- One: Due to targeting white Americans or Anglo-Saxons, the right took it as an argument against the left. It was preceded by an operation that targeted Americans of Asian origin, and it was taken by the left as an argument against the right.
- Two: The right supports spreading weapons throughout America without restricting it, and the left is opposed to this and calls for restrictions. The operation was carried out by using a machine gun that was frequently used in shooting operations, and this operation raised the matter of the spread of weapons in America. So immediately after the operation Biden in his speech focused on this matter saying that he does not like to wait even for a minute to take steps towards issuing restrictions and regulating the possession of weapons.
This operation brought grief to the American people and to their leaders. Biden said, commenting on the Colorado incident, “Ten lives have been lost, and more families have been shattered by gun violence in the state of Colorado… And the feeling — I just can’t imagine how the families are feeling — the victims whose futures were stolen from them, from their families, from their loved ones who now have to struggle to go on and try to make sense of what’s happened”. We say to Biden that the feelings of the families of the victims and their loved ones in America is the same as the feelings of the families of the victims of the American interventions, including the bombings and the military landings in Yemen, the Levant, Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, and others, and so you can imagine how they are.
And he also said “My heart goes out. Our hearts go out for the survivors. The ones who had to flee for their lives and who hid, terrified, unsure if they would ever see their families again, their friends again”. Biden ordered the lowering of US flags to express grief and to mourn for their victims.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, that the situation in America today is not far from the situation in other unstable places in the Muslim countries where there are conflicts and deaths. America is experiencing daily shootings and killings in its midst. Biden said in his public speech on the subject of gun violence, “Every day in this country, 316 people are shot. Every single day. A hundred and six of them die every day.” And there were (since the beginning of the year) more than 850 additional shootings that took the lives of more than 250 people and left 500 injured. This is an epidemic”. He also said, “Every month there are 53 women who are shot by their partner.” These are the women’s rights under democracy. He also said, “Our flag is always lowered due to gun violence,” and he also said pointing out the financial losses faced by America as a result of gun violence that it “cost the nation $280 billion a year in hospital bills, physical therapy, trauma counseling, legal fees, prison costs, and the loss of productivity. Not to mention the psychological damage done to those watching this happen”. and during the past year alone, 43,549 people have been killed, according to the GVA website. It has been reported by ‘Accuracy in Media’ that the number of those killed in Chicago alone from the beginning of the year till March has been 123 murdered. Just as Allah Almighty has afflicted them with Corona He has also afflicted them with these conflicts amongst them.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Hind Province
Magazine: Voice of Hind #013, February 2021
Section: The Senile Crusader
Page(s): 13
The events that unfolded after the election of the president of the United states in 2020 exposed the western systems and reminded all of us that no matter what system the mankind comes up with against the system of Allah is hell bent to fail. Even though the fore sighted leaders from the Islamic state had warned the people of US in the heydays of the so-called president Donald Trump- The dog of Rome that he would only bring the destruction and misery to the people of United states. So, the attack on the Capitol hill- the temple of western democracy by his people was as disgraceful as it could ever be in their eyes. Thus, after the culmination of his tenure he left the America in ever fragile state and the worst is yet to come.
However, his successor the accused crusader Joe Biden is being seen a better leader both by the disbelievers and the so-called Muslims alike, when in fact the reality is not so. This crusader has been in the office for nearly half a century and if we look back into his legacy, he is no different than his predecessors. He was among the first Senators to have voted for the Invasion of Iraq where millions of innocent Muslims were murdered by the US and her allies. He also supported the Invasion of Afghanistan and other Muslim countries where US troops oppressed and transgressed the innocent Muslims. Thus, he has the legacy of supporting the wars against the Muslims all over the world and he would be proud of this, even though he might state otherwise today in order to gain the support of the Muslims in America. Moreover, when Joe Biden became Vice president in 2008, his own son Beau Biden boarded a military aircraft to Iraq in the same time to be deployed there. Therefore, it would be totally wrong to falsely attribute to him the characters of kindness and respect towards the Muslims. In fact, he has been at the forefront of the transgression and oppression by the crusader America against the innocent Muslims all over the world.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Hind Province
Magazine: Voice of Hind #018, July 2021
Section: Victory or Defeat, War in Afghanistan
Page(s): 10
One of the rumours was that after the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, the Taliban would send its fighters to Kashmir to fight against the Indian troops and hence free the Muslims of Kashmir from the oppression of Indian forces. The Taliban however officially made its stance clear and said that Kashmir issue is the internal matter of India and that the Taliban won’t interfere in this matter. The Taliban once again made its policies clear and proved that the Taliban has evolved now and that it has learnt to put the interests of its own people first and foremost. It is no longer willing to sacrifice their Emirate for the sake of the Muslim brothers, not anymore. All those ethics and morals are gone which it showed when protecting the Arab Mujahideen against the onslaught of the Kafir America and her NATO allies.
Moreover, what is surprising is that when Joe Biden announced the date for the complete withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, people started to draw their own conclusions. Media first and foremost and then people also fell for the propaganda that America has lost and that the Taliban had won. But if observed carefully, the demands that were made by America some twenty years ago remained the same. The Taliban has given in on all of those demands and the only difference is that the Mujahideen of Al Qaeda are replaced with the Mujahideen of the Islamic State.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Khorasan Province
Magazine: Voice of Khorasan #013, August 2022
Section: After a Year, the US Is Still Licking Its Wounds
Page(s): 14-15
The blessed operation was conducted exactly a year ago on the 26th of August. Even after a year, the US is licking its wounds. This heroic attack was a heavy blow on Taliban murtaddin, whilst their spokesperson was quick to herald the operation as an attack on civilians but when he saw his master, Joe Biden, crying over the death of American soldiers, he entered the cave like a cat from rain.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Khorasan Province
Magazine: Voice of Khorasan #013, August 2022
Section: After a Year, the US Is Still Licking Its Wounds
Page(s): 17
Although the old and frail US president, Joe Biden, seems to be disappointed with the efforts of murtad Taliban militiamen, he has said that he would strengthen his loyal mercenary, the Taliban militia, against Islamic Khilafah in Khorasan, and the US has a future plan of a direct attack in Afghanistan. Therefore, we say to Biden, his Taliban mercenaries, and the neighboring masters of nationalistic Taliban militia, this will be your last effort, by the will of Allah, and you will be defeated and humiliated, by the will Allah, and the flames of war has not been fully lit yet, rather we are warning you of a great bloody war. So, wait, O enemies of Allah!
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Khorasan Province
Magazine: Voice of Khorasan #019, December 2022
Section: Jihad Betrayed: The Riddah of Al-Jawlani the Munafiq
Page(s): 06
Eager for new career opportunities, Al-Jawlani does look comfortable in the shoes of Erdogan’s puppet, and he cannot wait to host the Sultan of the tawaghit in Idlib, and to attend a military parade with him. As the making of the anti-Khilafah regional “peace” moves on in the Sham, you can bet that Al-Jawlani is also fantasizing about taking photo opportunities with taghut Assad in Damascus, Khomenei in Tehran, Putin in Moscow, Xi Jinping in Beijing, as well as with Biden in Washington, Macron in Paris, other “presidents” in Dar al-Kufr.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Khorasan Province
Magazine: Voice of Khorasan #020, January 2023
Section: The al-Fallujah Complex
Page(s): 19
What America has learned from the lessons of the First and Second Battles of al-Fallujah, is to avoid, as much as possible, placing its soldiers on the ground in front of the mujahidin, and to put proxies in their place from allies, pawns, and spies. Then, the tragedy experienced by its soldiers in al-Fallujah – being killed by the dozen at the hands of the mujahidin in a disproportionate battle – will not be repeated. We have seen this in the Battle of Mosul, al-Baghouz, and others, where America waged a remote war with aircraft. It cowardly avoided direct combat with the soldiers of the Khilafah on the ground, for fear of repeating the psychological complex of al-Fallujah, the symptoms of which are still manifest in the behavior of American leaders, the most recent of them the feeble and demented Biden, who appeared on the screens of al-Ra’i raving about the Battle of al-Fallujah! We must wonder: If the American leaders are raving about al-Fallujah in public while they are awake, then what is their condition in their sleep?! There is no doubt that the Battle of al-Fallujah has become a nightmare that haunts them, and we promise them more psychological complexes and nightmares that will be deeper and more lasting, by the permission of Allah – at the hands of worshipers of Allah the mujahidin.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Khorasan Province
Magazine: Voice of Khorasan #023, March 2023
Section: And Gas Balloon Intimidates the Goliath of the Time
Page(s): 44
On the 4th February, an American fighter jet shot down a “Chinese spy balloon,” as the Goliath of the time claims, near the coastal areas of South Carolina, while it was simply a weather balloon that was turned away from its course, as per the claim of the Chinese infidels. However, this defenseless airborne toy was eliminated by a $400,000 Sidewinder missile, and this too expensive weapon system was chosen by the Goliath of the time in the following weeks while dealing with similar valueless unidentified worries flying in its sky.
However, the US officials forgot not to immediately come up with huffy and belligerent statements in their war of rhetoric, when Taghut Joe Biden, haughtily, refused to express any apology for taking out the Chinese balloon, although the US officials didn’t deny the possibility of hobbyist being behind such unidentified worries. Hence, the most interesting part of this comedy show is that the largest military spender of earth, the Goliath of the time, takes out such mere hobbyist’s balloon with multimillion dollar priced weapons without proper scrutiny. So, the viewers of this comedy show possess every right to question the intellectual level of this so called “strongest military power” of the world, since it can spend in millions for eliminating mosquitos without waiting for a while to trace out where these mosquitos are coming from. Actually, if someone becomes too blind out of pride, he can’t really make proper utilization of his intellect.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Khorasan Province
Magazine: Voice of Khorasan #023, March 2023
Section: And Gas Balloon Intimidates the Goliath of the Time
Page(s): 47
The US feels really uncomfortable when other disbelieving powers of the world, including the communist China, want to challenge America’s hegemony in global surveillance. And if one takes a look at the Chinese infidels’ surveillance policy on the Uyghur Muslims, he or she might find that these far eastern infidels are not less barbarous than the US Crusaders when it comes to dealing with the Muslims.
Nevertheless, Taghut Biden administration must be bragging about their “tough on defense” stance through eliminating spy balloon, as significant (!) as mosquito, with a $400,000 airto-air guided missile. And in the coming days, you might be seeing the high-tech dumbheaded Goliath of the time investing billions in R&D projects for developing high-tech systems for preventing extra-terrestrial suspicious mosquitos from entering their airspace, as the balloon’s “caliber” is currently being examined at the FBI laboratory in Quantico of Virginia, after recovering it off the Atlantic coast. It seems that the US vows to make its lands and skies impenetrable, although there remains the question about what might happen in case of the land of the Aad and Samud of the time fall victim to deadly earthquakes that happened in Turkey in the recent times.