George W. Bush
41st President of the United States

Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Hear the World… a Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 04
In the book, ‘Decision Points’, he will reveal all the bad decisions and mistakes that George Bush made as President… this is volume one. [David Letterman, on George W. Bush’s new memoir]
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Questions We All Should Be Asking
Page(s): 07
Why hasn’t anyone tried George W. Bush yet? Are one’s crimes against humanity detestable only during their administration?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: The Way to Save the Earth, Usamah Bin Ladin
Page(s): 08
All industrialized countries, especially the major ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis, except that most of them have called on each other to commit to the Kyoto Protocol and have agreed to reduce emissions of harmful gases. However, Bush Junior – and prior to him, Congress – rejected this agreement in order to please the major corporations. They, therefore, are the real culprits behind the assault on the global climate, and this isn’t the first of their crimes against humanity: they themselves were also behind the current global financial crisis, and they themselves were behind all the speculation, monopolization and price rises in peoples’ sustenance. They are also behind globalization and its tragic consequences represented by its adding tens of millions of people to the ranks of the impoverished and unemployed.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Shaykh Anwar’s Message to the American People and Muslims in the West
Page(s): 56
Following 9-11, The American people gave George W. Bush, unanimous backing to fight against the mujāhidīn, and gave him a blank check to spend as much as needed to fulfill that objective. The result? He failed, and he failed miserably. So if America failed to defeat the mujāhidīn when it gave its president unlimited support, how can it win with Obama who is on a short leash? If America failed to win when it was at its pinnacle of economic strength, how can it win today with a recession at hand?
Following 9-11, The American people gave George W. Bush, unanimous backing to fight against the mujāhidīn, and gave him a blank check to spend as much as needed to fulfill that objective. The result? He failed, and he failed miserably. So if America failed to defeat the mujāhidīn when it gave its president unlimited support, how can it win with Obama who is on a short leash? If America failed to win when it was at its pinnacle of economic strength, how can it win today with a recession at hand?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Shaykh Anwar’s Message to the American People and Muslims in the West
Page(s): 58
If George W. Bush is remembered by getting America stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s looking like Obama wants to be remembered as the president who got America stuck in Yemen. Obama has already started his war on Yemen by the aerial bombings of Abyan and Shabwa. By doing that, he has waged a publicity campaign for the mujāhidīn in Yemen, and within days accomplished for them the work of years. As the popularity of the mujāhidīn in Yemen skyrocketed, the popularity of Obama in American plummeted.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #002, October 2010
Section: Abu Mus’ab Al-Suri: The Jihadi Experience – The Open Fronts & The Individual Initiative
Page(s): 21
Alĥamdullilāh, the enemy’s military attack now has put us within the borders of the same map, it is called ‘The middle area of operations’ (mantiqat al-`amaliyyat al-wusta) and in practice, it includes most of the states and countries of the Arab and Islamic world. It is the same in the political field, with the ideological, economic and civilizational attack… Bush has put us all on one map, which includes the same area, and its political name is ‘the Greater Middle East’.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #002, October 2010
Section: Obama’s Ploy and the Peak of Islam, Shayk Ibrahim al-Banna
Page(s): 23
We would like to say to the American people that your president Obama is deceiving you in his claim that his war is a war against al Qaeda rather than a war against Islam. This is a crusade just as his predecessor Bush has declared and Obama is following his footsteps and Muslims understand this fact. We will not stop targeting you on your soil and elsewhere as long as you are occupying our land and bombing our homes and killing our children, women and elderly, and as long as you are supporting the Jews in their occupation of Jerusalem.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #004, January 2011
Section: Inspire Reactions: Government & Media Responses
Page(s): 11
Inspire includes references to David Letterman (on President George W Bush), CNN reporting on the New York based RevolutionMuslim group in its documentary American al Qaeda, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on France’s outlawing of the veil… []
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #004, January 2011
Section: In Order That They Taste Some of What We Tasted
Page(s): 18-19
Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance. 19 This means the oppressing and embargoing to death of millions as Bush Sr. did in Iraq in the greatest mass slaughter of children mankind has ever known, and it means the throwing of millions of pounds of bombs and explosives at millions of children – also in Iraq – as Bush Jr. did, in order to remove an old agent and replace him with a new puppet to assist in the pilfering of Iraq’s oil and other outrages.
So with these images and their like as their background, the events of September 11th came as a reply to those great wrongs, for should a man be blamed for defending his sanctuary? And it all shows that the real loser is… you. It is the American people and their economy. And for the record, we had agreed with the Commander-General Muhammad Ataa, Allah have mercy on him, that all the operations should be carried out within twenty minutes, before Bush and his administration notice.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #007, September 2011
Section: Hear the World… a Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 04
Michael Scheuer, CIA 1982-2004 (al-Jazeera): “Our political leaders are still fighting an enemy that doesn’t exist. They think, in a rather racist way, that the Muslim world is mad at Americans because we have freedom, and liberty and women in the workplace; and not because we are the unflinching supporters of Israel, because we support the Saudi police state, because we have troops in the Arab Peninsula, in Iraq and other places. So really no matter how big the intelligence community gets in the United States, as long as U.S. foreign policy remains what it is, the enemy will continue to grow in numbers and probably lethality. […] If you listen to President Obama or former President Bush, it’s still that they hate us for our freedoms and our liberties, and we’re going to kill them or capture them one at a time. And yet we killed Usama bin Ladin in this age of celebrity; we think that ended a big part of the war. Well, while we focused on Bin Ladin, al Qaeda expanded from basically being an Afghanistan-centric group to being still in parts of Afghanistan, in a big part of Pakistan, in Yemen, across North Africa, Somalia, Iraq and Palestine.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #007, September 2011
Section: Yahya Ibrahim: The Greatest Special Operation of All Time: The Expeditions of Washington D.C. and New York
Page(s): 08
It is my belief that this achievement of 9/11 constitutes one of the greatest victories of 9/11. This is because it would have been difficult to pursue the battle with the West when it was hiding its true face from the masses of the Muslims. Even though many forms of aggression were committed before 9/11, but what happened post-9/11 brought the case to a different level. “Basically Bin Ladin said jump,” said Michael Scheuer in an episode of al-Jazeera’s 9/11 Decade series entitled “The Image War”. “Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney said how high?”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #007, September 2011
Section: A Decade in Pictures From 9/11 Till Today
Page(s): 09
A great and powerful nation, isolated from the rest of the world by two great oceans, America believed it could carry on with an imperialistic policy in the Muslim world without suffering the consequences. 9/11 proved America wrong. America’s evil would come back to haunt it. Following 9/11, George W. Bush promised a war on Islam and Muslims, which he termed the “War on Terror”. He also forecasted that this war would be a long one. Here we look into the main events and consequences of what is turning out to be an epic conflict between the Muslims and the West
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #008, May 2012
Section: Hear the World… a Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 03
Abdel Bari Atwan, Editor, Al Quds Al Arabi (The Clash of Civilizations?): “It was the greatest pleasure in Bin Ladin’s life when Bush administration sent their troops to occupy Iraq. It was the revival of al Qaeda. It was actually the re-birth of al Qaeda. […] Usama bin Ladin succeeded by actually organizing the attacks of 11th of September; he provoked the Americans and he pushed them to fall in his trap.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Hear the World… a Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 05
Osama Abu Rasheed – Editor of al Mizan newspaper (From Washington): “When it comes to the [American] foreign policy, they [democratic candidates] want to appear more on the right [more extreme] than Obama who is now more on the right than Bush. As to using unmanned drones, the number of those killed by Obama’s administration is more than Bush’s. When it comes to the issue of escalating the so called war on terror, Obama is more on the right than Bush even though he was quoted saying :” We are not in a war with Islam”. However, it is clear now that Bush’s strategies are continuing and that Obama wants to say “I am on the right more than Bush with regard to this issue”. They [democratic candidates] also want to say: “We are more on the right than Obama.””
Dr. Zhang Wei Wei – Professor and Author (Talk to Al jazeera): “Sometime I joke with my American friend, I said: with this system already in place [Chinese system]. It is highly unlikely we will elect a guy like George W. Bush. He is way too below the bar [Laughter]. It is unlikely. […] Sometimes I joke with my American friends, i said: my goodness, you fought many wars, you won these wars tactically but you are losing strategically. And this “strategically”, that is about wisdom. Seeing with this the Arab revolution etc. Where the western interests are?! Where the American interests are?”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Winning on the Ground, Yahya Ibrahim
Page(s): 55
Obama’s wrong thinking have been repeated previously by those who preceded him in office. In the 2003. the U.S. president George W. Bush, in a ridiculous scene of an illusionary victory, was celebrating the end of the military operations in Iraq which was actually the ignition for jihad. Iraq then emerged to be one of the fiercest centers for jihad. The celebrations had no impact on the movement of jihad. However, the media broadcasted the celebrations in a dexterous way and that’s how America wins; through baseless claims. On 29th Oct. 2011 the world was engaged in a ceremony just like that of Bush, but this time it was Obama’s. The same way Bush was celebrating, unaware of the long tough war. Obama was trying to shorten the fate of the ongoing conflict through a decade in an ambiguous speech. Aiming to end a war which had just intensified. Obama had put aside these mistakes in the beginning of 2010 when he faced the world and confessed that the American Intelligence was experiencing infiltration and failure. That they were facing a real jeopardy. At the time, there was a short span of time between the Detroit operation of Omar Farouq and the martyrdom operation of Abu Dujanah al-Khurasaany.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: Hear the World… a Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 05
ABDALLA ALAZREG, Sudanese Ambassador to the UK (CNN;Christiane Amanpour): Sudan is willing to hand over whomever, provided that America hands over Bush and the United Kingdom hands over Blair. I must say, it’s a fair point. (When Christiuane Amanpour asked him if his country is willing to handover its president, Omar, Al-Bashir, who has been indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court)
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: Why Did I Choose Al-Qaeda? Shaykh Abu Mus’ab Al-Awlaki
Page(s): 19
Will history really forget the stand of the amir of martyrdom seekers Abu Mus’ab Az-Zarqawy (may Allah accept him) when he heard the yell of the Iraqi women who were raped by the US backed up by the Rafidhah? He stood up and said: “here I am, o sister! O mother! O chaste pure woman! I swear by Allah, life will never be comfortable, the eyelid won’t shut and the sword won’t be sheathed till we revenge for your honor and grace. We promise Allah: o dog of Rome, Bush, that you will never enjoy tranquility, your army will not enjoy good life nor safe refuge as long as we have pulsing veins and beating hearts. We are coming by the will of Allah! O lions of Tawheed in the beloved Biladu-Rafiden (Iraq), be determined when you hear this call that no night will fall except your swords are dripping off the enemies’ blood.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: You Ask, We Answer, w/ AQ Consultant
Page(s): 30
QUESTION: I hate the leaders of kufr, I want to assassinate the US president, the French president, the British PM or their ministers?
AQ CONSULTANT: Biidhnillah it is easy, if you ask Allah and be true to Him. These people have many weak points, especially during ceremonies, parties and election campaigns. Bare in mind, they come to and leave from these parties, therefore, there must be some means of transport which is a chance for surveillance or even action. If you think you are unable, then you have easy targets like Bush, Bill Clinton, Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice. Of course you can also kill Sarkozy and Tony Blair. It is now easy to reach these guys, especially that they aren’t in office anymore.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #011, May 2013
Section: Sheikh Ayman Adh-Dhawahiry, Amir of Al-Qaeda
Page(s): 06
You must find common grounds with Muslims, only then will you enjoy security. Or else, if you continue with the foreign policy of Bush and his band, you will never dream of security. Security is something that we are sharing with you. If we become safe you will be safe and if we live in peace you will live in peace. If we are attacked or killed, you will surely be attacked and killed. This is the right equation, so try to comprehend if you have understanding.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Echoes Behind Enemy Lines
Page(s): 05
GymRat: The thing that gets me is why does Obama still carry qudos, its apparent for all that he is even worst than bush, and yet celebrities flock to him, even the desperate Malala wanted a piece of the obama.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Iman Defeats Arrogance
Page(s): 06
The concerns of the US president, his regime and congress is no longer about winning the war but more of surviving and escaping from Irāq and Afghānistān. The imbecile bull, Bush, dragged America into Irāq and Afghānistān. When he failed and was defeated, the ruling forces in America came with a devious president who deceived Muslims and the oppressed. They came up with an apostate president whose father was a Muslim of African origin. “Maybe he will succeed to put an end to the disaster.” He said in his election campaign that the war in Irāq is a war of choice, and that he will leave it to focus on the war of necessity in Afghānistān. So he left Irāq, and now he is leaving Afghānistān, and he has no choice apart from declaring defeat. He had nothing to be proud of in front of the congress better than declaring a run-away from Afghānistān.
How many were the forces of the Islamic Emirate under the leadership of Amir Mullah Muhammad Omar Mujahid – may Allāh preserve him? How many were the American forces that came with their arrogance and masses? But Mullah Omar had the right insight when he said: “Allāh has promised us victory, and Bush has promised us defeat. We shall see who is truer in his promise.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Shattered: A Story About Change, Abu Abdillāh Almorāvid
Page(s): 28
America has failed militarily as it’s clear to all. It has no more adequate capability to engage in great wars to subjugate other nations, especially when we consider the economic effect of the military debacle which started immediately after the 9/11 attacks when investors lost their confidence in the American economy and when the Bush administration decided to engage in a costly military and intelligence war.
I was having a conversation with a Mujahid brother somewhere in the Arabian Peninsula. We were discussing the American military, not their buzzing drones or the Defense budget cuts. We were deep in the foot soldiers’ minds. After a long discussion, he concluded, “They cry under Mujahideen’s fires like babies. They leave their limbs and sanity behind in the battlefields, and others will never leave for home – and if they do, they leave in boxes. As for those returning home, they return to hell on earth,” he sighed, “because of the rascality of their own government. It excludes many of the wounded vets from having access to the low Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, unemployment insurance and any kind of benefits. That’s not all, the Pentagon also gets rid of them by misconduct charges and other mean ‘lawful’ tricks. Veteran advocates say the American army will downsize the military by more than 80,000, and 40% of the downsizing will be accomplished through administrative separation. What a great job fighting in the American army is!” And what a great economy that cannot guarantee ‘war heroes’ good lives.
It is not about the economy crumbling alone. There is also extravagance and misuse of money by the American government and the ruling class. During 2010, an average of $4,005,900 of U.S. taxpayer money was spent on “personal” and “office” expenses per Senator. And you need money to thank those who dragged the country in an economic war, a war of attrition: last year, 2013, 3.7 million dollars were spent to support the lavish lifestyles of former presidents such as George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: Letter to the American people, Sheikh Aiman Adhawâhiri
Page(s): 08
Should the Americans not heed our advice and invitation to guidance and righteousness, then they shall suffer the curse of Bush, who has called them to a crusade in which they will be defeated by the Mujahideen, Allâh willing, just as their crusader forefathers were sent home defeated and disgraced by our Mujahid forefathers. Should the Americans not take heed, they shall meet the fate of the Soviets, who fled Afghānistān to face military defeat, political disintegration, ideological collapse, and economic bankruptcy.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: The Glad Tidings of Victory
Page(s): 12
The end of the American and British combat mission in Afghānistān is a clear evidence of the defeat they have faced from the Afghan nation’s resistance, sacrifice, truthfulness and cohesion with the Mujahideen, and the nation’s love for the Mujahideen’s leadership above them all Amirul Mu’mineen Mullāh Muhammad ‘Umar – may Allāh preserve him, the man who sacrificed his state for the sake of his religion and ummah and refused to bargain his Mujahideen brothers. He said his famous words: “Indeed, Allāh has promised us victory, and Bush has promised us defeat. We shall see who is truer in his promise.” We say to him, “Rejoice! The victory of Allāh has come.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: Words of Wisdom, Sheikh Anwar Al-’Awlaqi
Page(s): 15
Following 9/11, the American people gave George W. Bush unanimous backing to fight against the Mujahideen, and gave him a blank cheque to spend as much as needed to fulfill that objective. The result; he failed, and he failed miserably. So if America failed to defeat the Mujahideen when it gave its president unlimited support, how can it win with Obama who is on a short leash. If America failed to win when it was at its pinnacle of economic strengh, how can it win today with a recession, if not a depression, at hand? The simple answer is America cannot and will not win. The tables have turned, and their is no rolling back of Jihâd worldwide movement.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: The Battle of Marathon: Message to the 99% of the American People
Page(s): 26
This war is not your war. It is the war of the 1%. But you are the one paying the price. And the wave of vengeance will eventually drown you. I know you may wonder why you have to be punished for the sins of the 1%. The answer is simple. You are the people. And the claim is ‘your government is of the people, by the people, for the people’. It is not fair that you take credit for any success and fail to be punished for any failure. In short, you are the rightful ruler of your country. You are the majority. All credit, both good and bad, is yours.
I thought well of you when you occupied Wall Street. But the real problem does not lie in Wall Street, it lies in the Pentagon. That is where your blood and money is being wasted. I don’t say you go there and occupy it; no, that is the job of an invader. I want you to take it back in your hands. To be responsible. By any means necessary. Or else, we will remember another battle, or maybe a massacre.
The war in ‘Irâq was not your war. But it was fought in your name. You stood still, doing nothing. Hundreds of thousands were killed. Your army was defeated. They ran away. You welcomed them as heroes. The warlord Bush was not accounted for. Neither was his sidekick, Dick Cheney.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #014, September 2015
Section: The Corner – Muhsin Ali
Page(s): 11
Tracking AIPAC annual events, one gets a sense of a spiritual bond between America and Israel. It is all very common to hear of western countries shielding their atrocities basing on ‘humanitarian grounds’. This has been the norm to our understanding their propaganda. Justification for invading Iraq, Afghani – stan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria and other Jihadi fronts have all been under the pretext of shielding human rights. That is what the world assumes to be a norm – a common sense act to defend humanity. People like Blair, Bush and Sarkozy are not seen by the world to be heroes who fought for the ‘oppressed’. However, they are viewed as villains who had political justifications to their crimes. Therefore, whatever evil, suffering and misery resulting from their actions are merely perceived as faults from a wrong political decision. Even though some were blatant lies, as in the case of Iraq.
In all AIPAC meetings, America’s tone towards Israel has been of blind support. Reassuring the Jews that whatever it takes or whatever crime they commit, America will always back them. They don’t express it in an abstractive or speculative manner, but in a clear plain tone. For example, look at the efforts by the Arabs to secure Palestine a seat in the ICC. America clearly rejected and gave Israel an assurance that all is well. So this is the big picture; These Arabs see the only solution to solving the Palestinian problem is through the UN. Yet the UN decisions are limited to the wishes of America, and on top of that, America has decided to do whatever it takes to protect Israel from the international laws – whatever the case.
Israel withholds millions of Palestinian money, and the world is silent. Israel kills more than 2000 Palestinians, and America defends it. Palestinian land is occupied on a daily bases, and America still defends it. However, this is not my point, because it is logical for these two criminal countries to help each other in their evil. What is astonishing are the so-called Muslim leaders who have placed their trust in these kuffr ‘solutions’. Knowing for sure that America will always be on the side of oppressing the Palestinians, and the UN bowing down to America. So in this case we don’t see the international community ‘legitimizing’ the crimes, as in the case of the Bush gang. However, we see it helpless to the Arab Leaders who wholeheartedly depend on them.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Interview: Abu-Khubeyb As-Sudani – Economic Consequences
Page(s): 31
America’s economic losses were a lot. The numbers are huge and still rising. It is important to note that Bush assumed the presidency from Clinton in Jan. 2001 with a flood in the budget of more than 230 billion dollars. The national debt at that time was 5.5 trillion dollars. Today it is at about 20 trillion dollars. Since the first days of the strikes, a number of big companies and thousands of the small ones declared bankruptcy and fired their employees. The number exceeded millions and unemployment rate exceeded 12%, therefore they failed to pay the banks and the debts matured. Eventually the situation in 2008 led to what they call a financial crisis – the US housing bubble- and the prices in the Wall Street stock market went down sharply to catastrophic levels followed by sharp falls of stock prices in most of the international stock markets, which led to international economic recession. 9/11 attacks was like a nail hammered in the American economic coffin, An economy guarded by the military force, or you can say by the policy of manifest destiny. Allah was true when He said {Allah destroys interest.}
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Interview: Abu-Khubeyb As-Sudani – Political Consequences
Page(s): 31
With regards to political consequences; the strikes uncovered the mask behind America’s ugly face. That mask fell the moment the World Trade Center buildings and the pentagon collapsed. Letting the world discover that all the claims of freedom, justice, human rights principles and principles of the founding fathers that America boast about, were but a lie. That mask fell to let the world discover the real values of America’s human rights violations in Guantanamo, Abu Ghuraib and in the secret detention facilities. That mask fell to let the world discover that the American foreign policy is always the same bloody and colonial policy of expansionism stated by their founding fathers i.e.:
- “the policy of manifest destiny – the conviction that such expansion was preordained, part of god’s plan to extend what Andrew Jackson called “the area of freedom” across the continent… But the impulse to expand geographically, economically and ideologically is stamped into our DNA … Theodore Roosevelt, for example, added a corollary to Monroe Doctrine, declaring that the United States would intervene in any Latin American or Caribbean country whose government it deemed not to be in America’s liking. “The United States of America has not the option as to whether it will or it will not play a great part in the world,” Roosevelt would argue. “It must play a great part. All that it can decide is whether it will play that part well or badly” … Theodore Roosevelt’s version of the Monroe Doctrine was now the Bush Doctrine, only extended beyond the Western Hemisphere to span the globe. Manifest destiny was back in fashion; all that was needed, according to Bush, was American firepower, American resolve and a ‘coalition of the willing’.” – Audacity of Hope, Obama.
”Any nation, any country has to decide either you are with us or with the terrorist. Who is not with us is against us”. By these words Bush launched his campaign of Manifest Destiny. What this meant was interference to country’s dignity, unimaginable bloody wars, thirst to shed blood of the innocent in tens of thousands massacres committed by the American troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and other countries under the excuse of countering terrorism. Some may say it is you (Al-Qaida) who caused all these massacres. To those we say, if the arguments of our leaders and that of Sheikh Usama from the sharia point of view; together with their logical and rational reasoning in waging this war does not convince you. Then what were the crimes of tens of millions of Red Indians, Mexicans, Philippines, Vietnamese, Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc being massacred? Massacres that Obama referred to in his book as conquests, he says: “it was conquest that, like slavery, contradicted America’s founding principles and tended to be justified in explicitly racist terms, a conquest that America mythology has always had difficulty fully absorbing but that other countries recognized it for what it was – an exercise in raw power”.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Interview: Abu-Khubeyb As-Sudani – Advice to the Lone Mujahid
Page(s): 31
Inspire: Our beloved Sheikh, what is your advice towards the Lone Mujahid?
Sheikh Khubaib: If we look at the enormity of the battle that the Mujahideen are facing today, we find that it cannot be comparable in the balance of power. The whole world, led by America together with those who are from our own people, from of our own blood, those who claim to practice the same religion as us and talk the same language as us, rush to fight the Mujahideen under the pretext of countering terrorism. This is because by the grace of Allah the Mujahideen are the only ones who stood up against their crooked plots and plans. So the battle is too big and the price is too expensive, and to give victory to our religion needs men firm as mountains who will defend the religion the same way as they defend their women and sons. Men that really comprehended the meaning of Bayatul Aqaba, Bayatul Alridhwan, the story of people of the trench and people of the cave. Allah the Almighty says: {Indeed, if they come to know of you, they will stone you or return you to their religion. And never would you succeed, then – ever.} And He also ays, {And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able.}
Therefore, we have to realize this fact very well to avoid falling back under the excuse of revising the path of jihãd and giving victory to Islam. This is the nature of the real battle that we are bearing today against our enemy. Allah The Almighty has exposed this to us more than 1400 years ago, despite alot of trials to change this fact deployed by the Hypocrites. It is an old battle, its history extended since the day the Devil refused to bow down to Adam –peace be upon him- a battle between two parties not three, the party of Allah and the party of Shaytan . So, every single believer has to decide carefully in which party he places himself in, either in the party of the believers, the monotheists and the Mujahideen – among them are those who have wronged themselves, who are moderate in deeds and who are foremost in good deeds by the permission of Allah. Or in the party of the new international order – the manifest destiny- yesterday being led by Bush and before him Roosevelt. Today led by Obama, and tomorrow by their successors. Allah the Almighty say {that those who perished [through disbelief] would perish upon evidence and those who lived [in faith] would live upon evidence;}
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #016, November 2016
Section: The American Globalization Is Falling
Page(s): 21
The American president, Barak Obama, delivered his final speech to the United Nations as American president. The speech was mostly one sided, he called out for the need to global integration, inclusive and pointed out on globalization. We do not care much about the American president who said these words nor about his party affiliation. What we really care about, is that this address expresses the extent and dimension of the American policy and how it views and persives reality in these times.
It is a big lie to propagate and say, “This is Obama’s Policy, or this is Obama’s approach to such and such a policy.” It is as if this or that president is the one who draws the American policy. This is a big fallacy deliberated by America to exit herself from the embarrassment that is associated with it as a result of the wrong actions it takes. The same thing is said with respect to the different parties in America.
In general, this is just deceptive politics and a ploy that America uses to rid of and justify any mistakes that took place during the presidential term of any president, it is as if nothing wrong ever happened. For example, the incidents that took place in Afghanistan, Iraq and the consequences that ensued; is like they all occurred as a result of President George W. Bush‘s policy. And what is happening in Syria, the killing of thousands of innocents, is because of Obama’s isolationist policy; or it being said that what is happening is because of the policies of the republicans or democrats. All this is deception that has unfortunately affected many Muslims and even some politicians. Some of them say that they will wait for the next president who might give them hope and best handle their issues.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #016, November 2016
Section: The American Globalization Is Falling
Page(s): 22
The American ‘justice’ has manifested itself when it invaded the Iraq people, killing, detaining, torturing and violating the honor of hundreds of thousands of people. The entire world witnessed what happened in Abu-Ghuraib prison in Iraq, and how inhumanly the American soldiers treated the prisoners. Up to this day, America did not take one-step to punish the perpetrators; instead, it rewarded them, honored them and gave them medals of bravery as war heroes. America’s crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq are not hidden from the world. America confessed to its crimes, but went on to deceive the world by attributing the crimes that occurred to President Bush’s administration. This is an example of America’s deception and cunningness that we mentioned earlier on. And if Obama’s administration was to disagree with these crimes that occurred during Bush’s administration, then why aren’t the perpetrators of these crimes – headed by the president – not held accountable and presented to the International Criminal Court? This is a rational question that summarizes the reality and morals of the American democracy.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #017, August 2017
Section: Exclusive Inspire Interview: Sheikh Abu Mus’ab Abdul Wadood
Page(s): 22
All of us heard the criminal, Bush, the Junior declaring openly, “This is a crusade.” The verbal attacks on Islam by several Western leaders like Romano Braudy and Rasmussen, and others beginning from the Pope to different journalists are in the same vein. This is as far as statements and open declarations of enmity are concerned, and we believe that what their hearts conceal is much greater.
As far as their actions are concerned, the matter is much clearer. Their encouragement for deliberate methodical campaigns attacking the personality of our noble Messenger and our sacred beliefs is clear evidence of this.
In spite of the hatred concealed in their hearts, it will be worthwhile reminding American politicians a few lessons from history, lest their memory deceives them. No matter how far Trump and his team go in their enmity for Islam and Muslims, and no matter how racist they may be, they were preceded (a decade earlier) by a stronger strand of enmity and racism in the form of Bush Junior. So what was his fate?
Did his own people and most politicians of the world not end up considering him a curse for America and Americans, to the point that some viewed him the worst President ever in American history. So if Trump sticks to his antagonistic policies towards Islam and crosses the limits in his attacks on Muslims, his fate will be no different from that of Bush, if not worse. {And those who do wrong will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned}.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #017, August 2017
Section: Exclusive Inspire Interview: Sheikh Abu Mus’ab Abdul Wadood
Page(s): 25
America possesses the military muscle strong enough to deter any rising power which may threaten Western interests in Africa, whether governments or rebel groups, the foremost being the Mujahideen. It is expected that this cooperation between the two countries will continue, unless some major shock sends an international system edging towards gradual fragmentation into complete disarray. And we are lying in wait for a disaster to afflict them, by Divine intervention or at our hands.
Therefore, the Mujahideen must work to dismantle such alliances by targeting their joints and vital interests, and this is not something impossible. We have still not forgotten how the French President Jacques Chirac rebelled against Bush Jr. and refused to participate in the international coalition which deposed Saddam out of fear for French interests which could have been endangered by participation in the alliance. So consistent pressure can in fact dismantle such alliances.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #003, September 2014
Section: Foreword
Page(s): 03
And with Allah’s permission, Obama will continue to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, Bush, only to become the worst heir for the worst testator, and ultimately bring about the complete collapse of the modern American empire.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: Foreword
Page(s): 04
Abū Mus’ab az-Zarqāwī (rahimahullāh) said, “The hypocrites and those who obstruct the path to Allah will say to you, ‘Do you think anything of what you want will ever be achieved? Do you really think that the Islamic Khilāfah or even just the Islamic State will ever be established? That is something that can never happen and it is closer to imagination than reality.’ So if they say such to you, then remember the statement of Allah ta’ālā, {[Remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was disease said, ‘Their religion has deluded those [Muslims].’ But whoever relies upon Allah – then indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise} [Al-Anfāl: 49]. And say to them, ‘Indeed, Allah will grant the Muslims the conquest of Rome, just as Allah’s Messenger (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) promised'” [Wasāyā Hāmmah Lil Mujāhidīn].
This attitude was also echoed by the mountainous man, Abū ‘Umar al-Baghdādī (rahimahullāh), who said, “O soldiers of the Islamic State, O youth of Muhammad (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam)… Today we are upon the doorstep for a new era, a turning point for the map of the region, rather the world. Today we witness the end of the lie called western civilization and the rise of the Islamic giant. This is exactly what Bush warned against in his last speech in front of veterans when he said, ‘The region is changing into one that threatens civilization with destruction,’ meaning the civilization of shirk and kufr, the civilization of usury and prostitution, the civilization of humiliation and subjugation. And he said regarding the soldiers of the Islamic State in Mesopotamia, ‘They strive to reestablish a khilāfah expanding from Spain to Indonesia.’ This was after he made them the single Sunnī threat towards America and its civilization” [Wa Yamkurūna Wa Yamkurullāh].
And he said, “This prompted the enemy of Allah – Bush – to say after the blessed rise of the Islamic State, ‘They strive to establish an Islamic State stretching from China to Spain.’ He spoke the truth although he is a liar” [Wa Qul Jā’al Haqqu Wa Zahaqal Bātil].
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: The Crusade Serving Iran and Russia
Page(s): 38-39
The odd alliance of Persia and Russia – two powers who for centuries were at war with the West – is an actuality one cannot deny. Regarding some battles of their ancient conflict, Allah ta’ālā revealed, {The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome [their enemy] within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful. [It is] the promise of Allah. Allah does not fail in His promise, but most of the people do not know} [Ar-Rūm: 2-6].
And after centuries of Western conflict with Persia and Russia, we find that two Western leaders – Bush and Obama – are determined to do everything possible to strengthen Persian and Russian influence in the Middle East.
Regarding Bush‘s blunders, Shaykh Abū Hamzah al-Muhājir said, “I want to remind the fool who is obeyed by his people (Bush) that he was able in a very short period to revive the glory of the ancient Persian Empire. Thus, he became more ominous for his country than Gorbatchev was for his Union (the USSR). Bush enabled the spreading of Persian (Iranian) influence over Afghanistan after it had been a tough obstacle for the Persians. He seconded with Iraq and opened up its treasures for them while they had not dreamt of drinking a sip of its water. And now they suck up its oil, loot its treasures, and enslave its men. Third, he panicked its rāfidī nusayrī tyrant – through an embargo upon Syria2 – into opening his country up to hundreds rather thousands of the Persians to nationalize themselves there and become supporters for the agent of the anti-Christ Nasrullāt who is called ‘Nasr Allah’ and who just emerged from a so-called vic tory against the pinnacle of the Roman military machine (the Israeli military). And thus, the ancient Persian empire completed and expanded from Mawarannahr (Transoxiana) to Iran then through Iraq – the location of al-Mada’in (the imperial capital of Persia) – ending in Shām (Syria/Lebanon/Palestine). So do you think that the Magian Persians will ever be able to repay this fool – Bush – who revived their ancient glory for them without them shooting a single bullet or sacrificing a single soldier? And do you think that the reasonable of the Romans will realize that they have become slaves for the Persians and have become mercenary fighters who fight for them without pay” [Inil Hukmu Illā Lillāh].
2 He is referring to the tāghūt Bashar and the embargo on Syria under the leadership of Bush, which only hurt the Muslims of Shām while sparing the tāghūt and his comrades of any real harm. May Allah ta’ālā bring about the destruction of the nusayriyyah upon the hands of the Islamic State
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: History Repeated
Page(s): 42
On “September 17, 2001” George W. Bush said, “This crusade, this war on terrorism, is gonna take a while. And the American people must be patient.” Barack Obama followed his predecessor on “August 9, 2014” by saying the crusade against the Islamic State was “going to be a long-term project.”
But Obama was more hypocritical by saying that the Iraq war was a “dumb war,” starting his presidency with a promise to end the Iraq war only to return from where his predecessor had left off, and sending troops to Iraq after promising not to send any. He then ordered airstrikes leading to the killing of Muslim men, women, and children in Iraq and Shām, granting his army the right to do such while claiming the killings of Foley, Sotloff, Haines, and Henning were unjustified! He achieved all this after receiving the hypocritical Nobel Peace Prize.
And unlike Bush, his administration is divided about what war is and how it should be won. They do not even know whether or not they are at war! Yet all of them – including Bush – are as Allah ta’ālā described them, {They will not all fight you except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their adversity among themselves is severe. You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a people who do not reason} [Al-Hashr: 14].And unlike Bush, his administration is divided about what war is and how it should be won. They do not even know whether or not they are at war! Yet all of them – including Bush – are as Allah ta’ālā described them, {They will not all fight you except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their adversity among themselves is severe. You think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. That is because they are a people who do not reason} [Al-Hashr: 14].
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: The Fading Grayzone
Page(s): 43
This crusade against the Islamic State is the greatest testimony from Allah for the proper manhaj of this Khilāfah. Anyone who says otherwise now should review his faith before death suddenly takes him while he stands with one foot in the trench of the crusaders and the other in the trench of the hypocrites whilst claiming he is in the grayzone! The mujāhid knows no grayzone. As the liar Bush truthfully said, “Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.”
Shaykh Usāmah Ibn Lādin (rahimahullāh) commented, “So the world today is divided into two camps. Bush spoke the truth when he said, ‘Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.’ I.e. either you are with the crusade or you are with Islam. Bush today is in the frontline carrying a huge cross and treading. I swear by Allah the Great that everyone who treads behind Bush in his plan has apostatized from the religion of Muhammad (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). This ruling is from the clearest of rulings in the Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Messenger (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). The scholars have said this as I have mentioned before. The proof for this is the statement of Allah subhānahū wa ta’ālā in which he addresses the believers saying, {O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you – then indeed, he is [one] of them. Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people} [Al-Mā’idah: 51]. The people of knowledge said, ‘Whoever aligns with the kuffār has disbelieved.’ The biggest form of alliance is support whether by statements, spears, or speech. So those who tread behind Bush in his crusade against the Muslims have disbelieved in Allah subhānahū wa ta’ālā and His Messenger. […] So I say to the Muslims, be wary very wary of allying with the Jews and Christians, and whoever has slipped by a word, then let him fear Allah, renew his faith, and repent from his deed. […] Even if he supported them just by a single word. He who aligns with them by a single word falls into apostasy – extreme apostasy, wa lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh” [Interview – 4 Sha’bān 1422H].
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: Foreword
Page(s): 03
“What is Japan’s concern with us? Who has drawn Japan into this difficult, powerful, and fierce war… into this transgression against our sons in Palestine? Japan cannot endure entering into a war against us. Therefore, it should reconsider its stance. What is the concern of Australia in the far south with us and with the condition of the defenseless people of Afghanistan and Palestine? What is Germany’s concern in this war except kufr and crusade? It is yet another crusade just like the former crusades led by Richard the Lionheart, Barbarossa of Germany, and Louis of France. Likewise today, when Bush raised the cross, the crusader countries immediately scrambled. What is the Arab countries’ concern with this crusade? Why have they entered into it nakedly and openly in broad daylight? Because they are pleased with the rule of the cross” [October 2001 Interview].
Shaykh Usāmah Ibn Lādin (rahimahullāh) said the above words 13 years ago when numerous nations rushed to join the crusader coalition mobilized to invade Afghanistan. Japan joined the crusade despite its non-Christian paganism, its “pacifist” constitution, and its great distance from Afghanistan.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: Islam Is the Religion of the Sword Not Pacifism
Page(s): 22
Allah (ta’ālā) also described what should be struck with the sword, {Remember when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip”} [Al-Anfāl: 12]. He (ta’ālā) also said, {So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens} [Muhammad: 4].
His Messenger (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also described the sword as the salvation from evil and fitnah. He (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also described the sword as being the key to Jannah [Reported by Ibn Abī Shaybah on the authority of Abū Mūsā].
He also declared that his worldly provision was placed for him in the shade of his spear and that the best livelihood for the Muslim in the future is what he takes with his sword from the kāfir enemy.
So how can the zanādiqah (heretics) or even those who blindly follow them – Bush4, Obama, and Kerry – obstinately claim that “Islam is a religion of peace,” meaning pacifism?
4 Bush (the son) said, “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace. They represent evil and war.” Obama and Kerry later mimicked Bush and stated that the Islamic State was “un-Islamic” because of its usage of violence. The origin for this isnād (chain of transmission) of falsehood is probably one of the apostate “religious advisors” who visit the White House and claim to represent Islam and the Muslims while clapping in support of the American declarations of war against Islam. May Allah expose the hypocrites and heretics.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: The Extinction of the Grayzone
Page(s): 54
The grayzone is critically endangered, rather on the brink of extinction. Its endangerment began with the blessed operations of September 11th, as these operations manifested two camps before the world for mankind to choose between, a camp of Islam – without the body of Khilāfah to represent it at the time – and a camp of kufr – the crusader coalition. Or as Shaykh Usāmah Ibn Lādin (rahimahullāh) said, “The world today is divided into two camps. Bush spoke the truth when he said, ‘Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.’ Meaning, either you are with the crusade or you are with Islam” [Interview – 4 Sha’bān 1422H].1
The operations quickly exposed the different deviant “Islamic” movements, the palace “scholars,” and the deviant du’āt, not to mention the apostate tawāghīt2 , as all of them rushed to serve the crusaders led by Bush in the war against Islam. And so, the grayzone began to wither…
1 It is strange how ‘Azzām al-Amrīkī in some of his letters criticized the Islamic State’s justification for targeting the hostile Catholics of Iraq in 2010. He decried that its operation against the Catholics was based upon Bush‘s division of the world, when this is exactly how Shaykh Usāmah (rahimahullāh) viewed the world!
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: The Extinction of the Grayzone
Page(s): 62
The Muslims in the West will quickly find themselves between one of two choices, they either apostatize and adopt the kufrī religion propagated by Bush, Obama, Blair, Cameron, Sarkozy, and Hollande in the name of Islam so as to live amongst the kuffār without hardship, or they perform hijrah to the Islamic State and thereby escape persecution from the crusader governments and citizens.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #009, May 2015
Section: Conspiracy Theory: Shirk
Page(s): 48-49
The kuffār undoubtedly do plot out conspiracies, but these plots are weak due to the fragile relationships the kuffār have with each other, the unreliability and cowardice of their hypocritical allies and agents, the kuffār’s fear of the Muslims more than their own fear of Allah, and the kuffār’s fear of death and love of the Dunyā.
Their real conspiracies always have material evidence and are not based on unsupported deductions – {guessing at the unseen} [Al-Kahf: 22]. {And they have thereof no knowledge. They follow not except assumption, and indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all} [An-Najm: 28]. A common enemy and mutual interests does not necessitate that the mujāhidīn are agents of one of the two kāfir camps (especially when the mujāhidīn fight both camps and are fought by both camps). The mujāhidīn against the communist Russians were not agents of the crusader Americans, just as the Muslims’ war against the Persian Empire did not necessitate that the Muslims were agents of the Romans! Also, when one reflects on modern history, the different apostates waging nationalist wars always had open relationships with their kāfir allies. The real conspiracies were not secrets hidden from mankind. The Iraqi Sahwah openly met with Bush, the Iraqi regime, and Rāfidī leaders. The “Islamic” Sahwah factions of Iraq would openly fight alongside the tribal Sahwah against the Islamic State and would have public political representation under the shade of regional tawāghīt. The Syrian Sahwah openly meets in Qatar, Turkey, and “Saudi” Arabia. The Americans openly discuss their backing of the Syrian Sahwah and the support granted to its “Islamic” factions by American allies – Qatar, Turkey, and Āl Salūl. And long ago, the agents of the “Arab Revolt” would openly meet in Europe, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Shām, and Iraq with different crusader officials from amongst the British.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #011, September 2015
Section: From the Battles of Al-Ahzāb to the War of Coalitions
Page(s): 48
Front Stage Cooperation:
Although the Western crusaders’ cooperation with Iran, Syria, and Russia, is undeniable, they attempt to downplay it officially to conceal their role in the Safawī war against the Muslims. Here we will provide some insight into this relationship despite the matter being more visible than the sun at noon on a clear day.
Even before the blessed operations of September 11th, America had cooperated with Iran through the United Nations “Six Plus Two Group on Afghanistan,” part of a plot against the mujāhidīn of Khurāsān. After September 11th, the cooperation developed into what would become known as “the Geneva Contact Group” during the presidency of the crusader George W. Bush. It entailed Iran providing intelligence to the crusaders, building up the relationship between the crusaders and the “Northern Alliance,” and arresting mujāhidīn who attempted to cross the Iranian border on their way to Iraqi Kurdistan or other destinations. Iran provided some of its ports and airbases for the crusader mission, its “Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps” cooperated with US Special Ops and the CIA in Afghanistan, and it partook in the establishment of the apostate puppet Afghan regime. In the months leading up to the American invasion of Iraq, the Americans cooperated with Iran again, but this time mainly through the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The cooperation climaxed through the formation of the Safawī regime of Iraq, essentially a puppet of Iran.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #014, April 2016
Section: Murtaddīn in the West
Page(s): 14
Of the Sūfī so-called “mainstream,” and perhaps the pinnacle of apostasy in Americanist Islam, is Hamza Yusuf. Using his credentials as a veteran “student of knowledge” who traveled throughout West Africa and the Middle East, studying under various Sūfī-taqlīdī teachers, he has established himself a following, filling heads with opinions based on half-truths and false interpretations and using semantic oratory more akin to sorcery through wordy “eloquence” than actual traditional education (as he claims to endorse). It is as Allah’s Messenger g said, “Verily from eloquence comes sorcery” [Reported by al-Bukhārī from Ibn ‘Umar and Muslim from ‘Ammār Ibn Yāsir], i.e. an orator may sound intelligent when he is really misguiding people with his fancy use of words.
Praising the constitution of the United States and its protection of “freedoms,” Hamza Yusuf recently said, “I believe in American exceptionalism,” which is basically the concept that the US is a superior nation and should lead the world by its example. It is not surprising then that he was invited to the White House after the September 11th attacks, becoming an advisor to Bush on the war against Muslims, thus becoming a crusader himself. Allah said, {O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as awliyā’; they are awliyā’ to one another. And whoever of you takes them as awliyā’, then he is of them} [Al-Mā’idah: 51]. At-Tabarī commented on this āyah, saying, “It means that whoever allies with the Jews and the Christians instead of the believers, then he is one of them. So whoever allies with them and supports them against the believers, he is actually from their religion and their community” [At-Tafsīr].
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Rumiyah #002, September 2016
Section: Paths to Victory, by Abu Hamza al-Muhajir
Page(s): 19
We do not fight the Crusader occupation or the Arab apostates for the sake of land, but rather, we do so only in order to raise the word of Allah over the land. Likewise, they do not fight us for some disagreement they have with us regarding some financial gains. If that were the case, it would be easier for them and us to find some middle ground and compromise, but we will never allow the sweet rivers that flow in our hearts and pass through our veins to be polluted by the saline seas of their filthy creed and falsehood.
The old colonialism was but a front for the Crusaders, just as it is today a front for the Jews and Christians. Indeed, the “Caesar of Rome” Bush has declared multiple times that, “It is a Crusade!” So why do people lie and deny this?
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Rumiyah #012, August 2017
Section: Important Advice for the Mujahidin Part 2, by Shakyh Abu Mus’ab Az-Zarqawi
Page(s): 29
Did you not hear how they denounced the slaughtering of the American, Berg. They made this denunciation because they had refrained from fighting the kuffar before, and because they had never breathed the winds of glory and never raised a head with the meaning of iman by which the believer rises over Jahiliyyah and its people:
- “And to Allah belongs [all] honor, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know” (Al-Munafiqun 8).
They did not manifest this bitter truth openly. Instead, they dressed it up in the garment of fiqh, and presented it adorned with the dress of wisdom. Thus, they falsely claimed that this matter had tarnished the image of Islam in the eyes of the Westerners, who have fragile sensitivities, and that the world had been reacting to the crimes of Abu Ghurayb and Guantanamo, but then this operation came and had a negative impact on the reaction and reply of the peoples of the world.
In fact, the popularity of the dog of the Romans, Bush was at its lowest levels. Then, this operation occurred and increased his popularity, and it was as if the so-called free people of the world had sharpened their swords, mobilized their regiments, and stretched out their necks to liberate Iraq and to save the women and the bereaved from the prisons of subjugation and oppression.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Rumiyah #013, September 2017
Section: Foreword
Page(s): 05
What is apparent is that whenever the tawaghit of the European states dispatch their armies to fight and kill the Muslims under America’s banner, they only calculate the gains they will achieve by taking part in that war and forget to gauge the heavy cost they will be forced to pay in order to achieve the gains that they dream of.
Spain experimented with this matter before, allowing herself to be led by the obeyed fool, Bush, in his invasion of Iraq as she dreamt of the oilfields and the potential revenue from construction. But she found the army that she had sent there at the forefront of targets being struck by the mujahidin, who continued making them suffer until Spain was forced to withdraw its troops from Iraq in humiliation, with her soldiers licking their wounds and her government being cursed by its citizens. It appears, however, that this lesson wasn’t enough for the Crusaders to take heed.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Hind Province
Magazine: Voice of Hind #009, October 2020
Section: The Deviant Methodologies and Their Evil Endings
Page(s): 12
The Mujāhidīn against the communist Russians were not agents of the crusader Americans, just as the Muslims’ war against the Persian Empire did not necessitate that the Muslims were agents of the Romans! Also, when one reflects on modern history, the different apostates waging nationalist wars always had open relationships with their kāfir allies. The real conspiracies were not secrets hidden from mankind. The Iraqi Sahwah openly met with Bush, the Iraqi regime, and Rāfidī leaders. The “Islamic” Sahwah factions of Iraq would openly fight alongside the tribal Sahwah against the Islamic State and would have public political representation under the shade of regional tawāghīt. The Syrian Sahwah openly meet in Qatar, Turkey, and “Saudi” Arabia. The Americans openly discuss their backing of the Syrian Sahwah and the support granted to its “Islamic” factions by American allies – Qatar, Turkey, and Āl Salūl. And long ago, the agents of the “Arab Revolt” would openly meet in Europe, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Shām, and Iraq with different crusader officials from amongst the British as discussed earlier.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Hind Province
Magazine: Voice of Hind #015, April 2021
Section: Their Alliance With the Disbelievers Affirm the Firmness of Their Apostasy
Page(s): 05
The Maldives military is among the most useless armies in the world. Multiple times they have openly declared their inability to tackle even the smallest threat that may come their way. The fact that a despicable feminist woman lacking understanding of how the world even functions is put in charge of them sums up their problems. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “No people who appoint a woman as their leader will ever prosper.” (al-Bukharī).
They pretend that they are in good hands, while they know the awkward situation, they are in. Their claims are nothing but show-off and their hearts are filled with cowardice with soldiers who are in the army mostly for the salary and other benefits. This is how Allah has disgraced them for their Kufr and arrogance. Today we see how they go about begging the Kuffār in every situation, hoping for their approval. They willingly stoop to whatever lowliness the Kuffār lead them with their leashes.
Their firmness and pride in their alliance with the Kuffār only add to their apostasy. We see how willing they are to trade the honor of Muslims for a small price. And Allah is ever Watchful of what the tyrants do.
As a final resort by the Murtadd government of Maldives, they are calling the public to provide information that will lead to arrest and persecution of Muslims adhering to Islam in its entirety. They have made stricter laws that will hold any individual accountable for withholding information.
They aim to push the general population into the whirlpool of Kufr they have created. They do not wish to spare anyone, as their motto has been declared and made clear by their former master George W. Bush when he said, “Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Hind Province
Magazine: Voice of Hind #018, July 2021
Section: Victory or Defeat, War in Afghanistan
Page(s): 07
Every nation and every region now have a decision to make, either you are with us or you are with the terrorists said George Bush from the damaged Pentagon after being hit hard by the Lion of Allah Sheikh Osama bin Laden(RA) on the blessed day of September 11.
Since al Qaeda had established itself in the Taliban ruled Afghanistan after the defeat of Soviet. In an address to the Congress, George Bush made the following demands to the Taliban; he said, “and tonight the United States of America makes the following demands on the Taliban:
- Deliver to the United States of America all the leaders of al Qaeda who hide in your land.
- Release all foreign nationals including American citizens.
- Protect the so-called foreign journalists, aid workers and diplomats.
- Close immediately and permanently every training camp in Afghanistan and handover every terrorist and every person in their support structures to appropriate authorities.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State Hind Province
Magazine: Voice of Hind #018, July 2021
Section: Victory or Defeat, War in Afghanistan
Page(s): 08
George Bush while declaring war on Islam (which they call war on terror) said, “this crusade, this war on terror is going to take a while.” The then leadership of Al Qaeda already anticipating it began the preparations for it, moved to Tora Bora mountains. This scenario is perfectly summed by Michael Scheuer in his Book OBL as:
- With smoke still rising from lower Manhattan, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania pasture, bin Laden had little time for celebration. He had sought to lure the United States into invading Afghanistan since at least 1997 and was pretty sure the 9/11 attacks would do the trick. Still, he took no chances. On September 19, 2001, bin Laden announced that while cowardice and fear might yet prevail, if it did launch an invasion “the United States would face a crushing defeat.”
- While continuing to goad Washington, bin Laden acted as if sure the fish was hooked. He later said he’d had six days’ notice of the attacks — learning of the actual date on September 5 — but had of course known for far longer that they were coming. He and his lieutenants probably began moving archives, ordnance, communications gear, and fighters into Afghanistan’s mountains or into Pakistan much earlier. Indeed, Ahmad Zaydan has written, based on observations when interviewing bin Laden before 9/11, that “Usama and al-Qaeda in general were prepared for the worst Western and U.S. strike on Afghanistan”; such readiness helped them avoid getting killed or arrested after the fall of the Taleban. Washington, moreover, gave al-Qaeda twenty-six more days to disperse its resources by not attacking until October; the delay was due to the Pentagon’s lack of planning for Afghanistan and the Bush administration’s fear of casualties or captured servicemen—especially pilots—before enough search-and-rescue units could be deployed to the war zone. Given the quantity of al-Qaeda documents found by journalists and by U.S. and UK militaries, it is clear that evacuation was not completed by October. Nonetheless, the operation had been given priority, and was well planned and executed: nothing that could fatally compromise al-Qaeda, pinpoint its leaders, sketch its worldwide network, detail or locate its financial assets and transfer mechanisms, or outline its intentions, targets, or timetables was left behind.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #003, March 2013
Section: From the Editor, Abu-Sayf
Page(s): 04
After the enormous media hype surrounding the Kenyan occupation of Kismayo, a town that was peaceful under Islamic Shari’ah rule for nearly 5 years, the Kenyan Kuffar politicians and general masses celebrated what they allegedly said was a victory against a ‘rag-tag militia’ that had been a destabilizing menace in the region. The moment had an eerie resemblance to the situation in Iraq in 2003. After American troops bulldozed their way into Baghdad, George W. Bush declared his famous phrase: ‘Mission Accomplished’. It sounded good on media, but on the ground, the task of accomplishing the mission – invasion of a Muslim land – was formidable. The next thing we know is that they were bled to death by the overwhelming attacks of the Mujahideen and resistance forces and soon they were forced to swallow their Crusader pride and withdraw in defeat. This is the fate of all invaders; they invade a Muslim land, the Mujahideen simply retreat and begin to wage deadly guerilla warfare and not before long the crusaders are forced to withdraw in humiliation. This is a recurrent theme in all Jihadi fronts and it is also happening right now in Mali. It is the recipe for dealing with the Crusaders. Kenya is no exception, and now we can see that the Kenyan military (KDF), unable to stand the punishing strikes of the Mujahideen, is gradually beginning to withdraw its troops from Somalia.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #003, March 2013
Section: Message of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki (Rahimahullah) to Americans and Muslims Living in the West
Page(s): 39
Do you think you can harm others and they won’t seek revenge? The decision-makers: politicians, lobbyists, and big business corporations are the ones benefiting from your foreign policies, while you suffer the consequences. After the 9/11 incident, Americans gave George W. Bush full authority to fight against the Mujahideen and granted him unlimited funds to achieve these goals. The result? He failed, and he failed miserably. So now, if America couldn’t defeat the Mujahideen when they had unlimited support from their president, how will they defeat Obama, who has fewer followers? If America failed when its economy was strong, how can it win now when the economy has deteriorated? The answer is clear: America cannot and will not win. The situation has changed, and there is no turning back the tide of global Jihadist Awakening. The night of September 11th was solely Afghanistan’s affair. Today, it is Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the list goes on.
How many American families are ready to receive casualties? How long will the US Treasury endure? 9/11, the Afghan and Iraqi wars, and then the ‘Umar al-Faruq operation, which didn’t cost the Mujahideen much. The result was that the US Treasury had to spend billions of dollars to provide false security to Americans. How long can America endure these wars? Where is the benefit for Americans in getting hurt by supporting the Israelis, the Saudi family, and the Arab kings?
Our brother Omar al-Faruq Abdulmutallab succeeded in penetrating the security arrangement established after 9/11, which cost the US government over 40 billion dollars. Obama promised that his administration would be free from corruption, but he hasn’t fulfilled his promise. His administration deceived people by portraying Nidal Hasan’s operation as the act of a deranged individual. His government concealed and withheld information about this operation for fear of the repercussions on Americans. Until now, his government refuses to disclose the email communications between me and Nidal. Then, after our brother Omar al-Faruq’s operation, his government also tried to hide the truth, but al-Qaeda claimed responsibility, exposing their failed attempt to deceive the world.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #003, March 2013
Section: Message of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki (Rahimahullah) to Americans and Muslims Living in the West
Page(s): 41
As Americans remember George W. Bush for putting them in jeopardy in Iraq, they will also remember Obama for putting them in jeopardy in Yemen. Obama has already ordered missile attacks targeting areas in Abyan and Shabwa in Yemen. The result? It enhanced the reputation of the Mujahideen in Yemen and, conversely, damaged Obama’s reputation in America. Corrupt officials in Yemen, along with tribal elders who claim to be your friends, are celebrating because they receive easy money from America, as your politicians, security officials, and military officials are being squeezed for money every daybreak. They make countless promises to you with unlimited costs. Welcome to the fraudulent politics of Yemeni politicians.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #004, October 2013
Section: Was the Badru Nairobi Operation a Cowardly Act?
Page(s): 11
Since the openly-declared Crusade War by the dumb former American president, George W Bush, after the blessed September 11 raids, the kuffar have come up with numerous strategies and tactics to distort Islam and the interpretation of its texts (Qur’an and Sunnah), to counter the Mujahideen and the media networks of the various Jihad groups. No ways and avenues conjured up have ever come closer and been as sinister to the tactics advocated by an American think-tank, RAND corporation, in a report titled: Civil Democratic Islam. The devil-inspired report comes up with some twisted strategies to facilitate the secularization of Muslim societies, but much emphasis and input has been focused on ways to confront what they refer to as ‘fundamentalists’.
The report specifically mentions eight tactics the enemies of Islam and the Mujahideen must utilize to counter supposedly fundamentalist Jihad groups striving to implement the Sharia’h in different parts of the Muslim world. Practical implementation of these evil machinations can be visibly witnessed in the current crusade against Islam, and the Kenyan government has learnt the game from its Western masters and is no less utilizing this guideline in its Crusade against the Mujahideen in Somalia.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #007, February 2015
Section: Perplexed Propaganda – Meticulous Precision in Designed Kafkaesque Propaganda
Page(s): 24
Hence the Media has been constrained, in fact prejudiced, Henry Makori in his popular article Kenya’s media in bed with the military, writes: “On the day the military incursion was launched, the military held an off-the-record briefing for senior editors in Nairobi. Did they hammer out a secret deal about how the coverage should be handled? That appears to be the case”… But his observation is no surprise as in reality almost every media house preaches some form of propaganda for the imperialists’ benefit, as a show of submission to the famous Bush decree.
Immediately after 9/11, George Bush adamantly decreed that “you are either with us (imperialists) or with the terrorists.” All the sermons about democracy by America was proved to be just crap in a nine word sentence… There was no middle point, there was no give and take, no democracy, no negotiations, no room for opinion, no neutral ground and most shocking there was no one advocating for peace talks. Yes! Peace Talks! the likes that have been on-going endlessly for more than half a century in Palestine, while they get terrorized, massacred, obliterated in hundreds of thousands by Israel, America’s Ally.
Onyango Oloo, again, in his BlogSpot under the heading Quixotic invasion of Somalia will devastate Kenya writes: “As our preening neo-colonial chieftains, who get their talking points from Washington, London, Brussels and other capitals, try to out Bush Bush and out Blair Blair in banging the drums of war and clanging the cymbals of foreign intervention, the hapless wananchi are reduced to an abject bleating national choir of meek sheep endorsing every propaganda sound byte of the cynical war mongers in cabinet and the self-serving parliament”