Barack Obama
44th President of the United States

Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Questions We All Should Be Asking
Page(s): 07
Isn’t it clear that ‘Democratic’ France & Belgium’s actions to ban the niqab have proved that they harbor tremendous revulsion for Islam itself? Obama‘s silent consent evidently conveys his ‘new relationship’ with the Muslims.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Interview With Shaykh Abu Basir, the Head of Al-Qa’idah in the Arabian Peninsula, Conducted by Al-Malahem Staff
Page(s): 15
Q4: Regarding the operation of brother `Umar al-Fārūq – may Allāh hasten his release – on the Detroit flight, even though the device did not explode, analysts considered that the message intended by the operation has reached its destination. What is the message behind the operation? And what are the fruits of the operation?
A: The fruits of the operation are many. Some of which:
- Great loss to the US economy which reached $41 billion and all of their security measures have gone with the wind.
- The fear which has spread throughout airports and security institutions has revealed to the American people that its security institutions are not to be counted upon.
- Delivering fear to the American people and creating a balance in fear and that security is not something that the government of Obama can control.
- Opening the door for many Muslim youth in the West who want to seek revenge from the Crusader states that are fighting Islām.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Shaykh Anwar’s Message to the American People and Muslims in the West
Page(s): 56
Following 9-11, The American people gave George W. Bush, unanimous backing to fight against the mujāhidīn, and gave him a blank check to spend as much as needed to fulfill that objective. The result? He failed, and he failed miserably. So if America failed to defeat the mujāhidīn when it gave its president unlimited support, how can it win with Obama who is on a short leash? If America failed to win when it was at its pinnacle of economic strength, how can it win today with a recession at hand?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Shaykh Anwar’s Message to the American People and Muslims in the West
Page(s): 57
Obama has promised that his administration would be one of transparency. But he has not fulfilled his promise. His administration, tried to portray the operation of brother Niđāl Ĥassan, as an individual act of violence from an estranged individual. The administration practiced a control on the leak of information concerning the operation in order to cushion the reaction of the American public. Until this moment the administration is refusing to release the emails exchanged between myself and Niđāl. And after the operation of our brother `Umar al-Fārūq the initial comments coming from the administration were looking the same: another attempt at covering up the truth. But al-Qā`idah cutoff Obama from deceiving the world again, by issuing their statement claiming responsibility for the operation.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #001, July 2010
Section: Shaykh Anwar’s Message to the American People and Muslims in the West
Page(s): 58
If George W. Bush is remembered by getting America stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq, it’s looking like Obama wants to be remembered as the president who got America stuck in Yemen. Obama has already started his war on Yemen by the aerial bombings of Abyan and Shabwa. By doing that, he has waged a publicity campaign for the mujāhidīn in Yemen, and within days accomplished for them the work of years. As the popularity of the mujāhidīn in Yemen skyrocketed, the popularity of Obama in American plummeted.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #002, October 2010
Section: Obama’s Ploy and the Peak of Islam, Shayk Ibrahim al-Banna
Page(s): 23
We would like to say to the American people that your president Obama is deceiving you in his claim that his war is a war against al Qaeda rather than a war against Islam. This is a crusade just as his predecessor Bush has declared and Obama is following his footsteps and Muslims understand this fact. We will not stop targeting you on your soil and elsewhere as long as you are occupying our land and bombing our homes and killing our children, women and elderly, and as long as you are supporting the Jews in their occupation of Jerusalem.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #002, October 2010
Section: Adam Yahiye Gadahn: Legitimate Demands: Barack’s Dilemma
Page(s): 69-70
The fact is, Barack, if you ever decide to get serious about improving America’s security, protecting the American people, and preventing a sharp rise in the number of American casualties at home and abroad, and in the air, at sea, and on land, then there are a number of simple, sound and effective steps which you can take, which can go a long way towards achieving those goals. The Muslim mujahidin defending their faith and brethren against your nation’s evil doing have repeatedly made clear these steps, but because I suspect you have been living in the Ivory Tower and information vacuum in which arrogant Washington insiders like you often live, I shall summarize these steps here.
As Shaykh Usama told you, if you don’t heed our warnings and stop your support of Israel, we will have no choice but to continue to use other ways to get our message across. In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. From Usama to Obama: peace be upon he who follows the guidance. As for what comes after: if our messages to you were conveyed by words, we wouldn’t send them to you on airplanes; and the message meant to reach you by way of the airplane of the mujahid hero Umar al-Farouk – may Allah release him – is a underlining of a previous message which the heroes of the 11th [of September] brought to you, and which has been reiterated both before and since: namely, that America will never dream of security until we actually experience it in Palestine, and that it is not fair that you enjoy life while our brothers in Gaza are living the most miserable of lives. And consequently, Allah permitting, our raids against you will continue as long as your support for the Israelis continues. And may peace be upon he who follows the guidance.
Your refusal to release our prisoners or your failure to meet any of our other legitimate demands will mean the continuation of our just struggle against your tyranny, until God willing, you finally relent. But only after massive losses and great suffering for the people of America which you, Barack Hussein Obama, can still prevent provided you make the right decision today.
And let us be clear Barack, a pull out from Iraq alone in the absence of compliance with the remainder of our legitimate demands will get you nowhere. So stop wasting your time Barack, and start making some serious moves. And Barack, there’s one other thing you should keep in mind as you maul over your next move. When one compares the already huge number of dead, wounded, displaced, and deprived Muslims, and other people for whose su”ering you bear responsibility, with the relatively small number of American’s we have killed so far, it becomes crystal clear that we haven’t even begun to even the score. That’s why, next time, we might not show the restraint and self-control we have shown up until now; so make your choice Barack, before it’s too late.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #003, November 2010
Section: Operation Hemorrhage
Page(s): 04
We, in the al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula would like to convey to our nation the glad news and the awaited surprise: We have been enabled by Allah to blowup a UPS cargo plane on the 3rd of September, 2010, after its takeoff from Dubai International Airport. We have succeeded in bringing down the UPS plane but because the enemy’s media did not attribute the operation to us we have remained silent so we may repeat the operation. This time we sent two explosive packages, one was sent through UPS, and the other through FedEx.
We would like to ask: Why didn’t the enemy reveal the truth about what happened with the downed UPS plane? Is it because the enemy could not discover why the plane was brought down? Or was it because the Obama administration wanted to conceal the truth so it doesn’t expose the failure of his administration especially that it was during an election season?
We would like to say to Obama: We have struck against your aircrafts twice within one year and we will continue directing our blows towards your interests and the interests of your allies. With the praise of Allah, our developed explosive device gives the option of detonation in the air or at the point of arrival and it is designed to evade the latest bomb detection methods.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #003, November 2010
Section: The Objectives of Operation Hemorrhage, The Head of Foreign Operations
Page(s): 07
Today we are facing a coalition of Crusaders and Zionists and we in al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula will never forget Palestine. How can we forget it when our motto is: “Here we start and in al-Aqsa we meet”? So we listed the address of the “Congregation Or Chadash”, a Gay and Lesbian synagogue on our one of our packages. The second package was sent to “Congregation B’nai Zion”. Both synagogues are in Chicago, Obama‘s city.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #003, November 2010
Section: Tawaghit Exposed
Page(s): 11
Obama stood in front of the world with a terrified face announcing that his nation is being threatened by terrorism (i.e. real Islam) and he was thanking the government of al-Saud for the intelligence information they provided on the explosive packages. Obama called King Abdullah to thank him on this cooperation.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #005, March 2011
Section: Inspire Responses: Responding to Inquiries
Page(s): 09-10
E-mailed Question: Does your news agency have internal conflict in balancing your need for sensational reports and the integrity all reporters strive for in reporting the truth to the people? In other words, what is it that forces you to distort the news and the views of the West? Is it that you believe what you are reporting is truth? Or has your hatred for the West potentially clouded your judgement in reporting? For example, your latest issue of Inspire condemns the lies within the American media, however, you too confuse your reporting in writing that “Obama is deceiving in claiming that his war is a war against al Qaeda rather than Islam.” This is a lie from your own end. America has seven million Muslims who live in peace here with no conflict with the government or public.
E-mailed response: We appreciate you taking your time out to write your questions to us. If you have any further questions, please ask. It’s better to talk to the source than to rely on what others say… If we understood your question correctly, you asked us why are we spreading lies, especially about Obama being against Islam when the Muslim population in his country is evidence that he isn’t since there are no major conflicts of any sort between the American Muslim community and the status quo?
Firstly, news is something which specifically deals with events like politics, economics and such. For us to say that Obama is waging war against Islam, this doesn’t fall under the news category; it is our worldview, which is actually shared by millions of Muslims across the globe who are not associated with al Qaeda or any jihadi groups. There’s a di!erence between what a person believes in, and what they report as news. So in our reports – which are actually limited to local events here in Yemen (which are released via our Arabic internet statements) – we mention what occurs in the operation(s) or local event. As for our beliefs, you will find it in nearly every page of our Inspire Magazine.
As for the claim that millions of Muslims live in America and that therefore Obama is not waging a war against Islam, we fail to see the connection. If you’re implying that since Muslims in America are living peacefully and are not being mass slaughtered by Obama, then we say to you: Obama doesn’t have to kill all the Muslims in America or even a single one for you to say that he’s against Islam. Rather, Obama can say things like, “the terrorists want shari’ah law,” “they want a global caliphate,” “they don’t practice the true Islam; they are not Muslims,” and so on, and that would by default put him at war with Islam because he wants a type of Islam that Allah didn’t choose for us to follow. He wants an Islam empty of jihad, shari’ah, walâ’ wal barâ’, khilâfah, and such; in fact, it’s not only him but the entire American administration from top to bottom.
Today, America has invaded two Muslim lands and goes around sending missiles on Muslims in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan. Do you not feel any shame for saying that Obama is not at war with Islam when he’s slaughtering your Pakistani brothers and sisters with his drone attacks? It has been proven in numerous media reports that the majority of those killed in the attacks are not Taliban or al Qaeda fighters, but ordinary Pakistani citizens.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #005, March 2011
Section: An Interview With Shaykh Abu Hurairah, the Military Commander of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
Page(s): 09-10
Q5: Obama and the American administration often repeat the statement that “the terrorists have killed more Muslims in comparison with nonMuslims”? What’s your comment on that?
A: This Obama resembles Pharaoh in many aspects, and there is no room here to mention them all, but I remember here Pharaoh’s saying as Allah informed us about him: ﴾Pharaoh said, “Let me kill Musa and let him call upon his Lord. Indeed, I fear that he will change your religion or that he will cause corruption in the land”﴿ [40: 26]. Thereupon Pharaoh feared for the religion of the people to be changed by Musa and he feared that “corruption” (i.e., dissension or civil strife) would appear in the land because of Musa and his call. And this criminal Obama fears for the Muslims from their own sons, after which he sends out destruction and corruption upon the Muslims in all fronts including the non-conflict zones. It is astonishing that Obama started listening a lot to the agents of his agents and then believed them to be genuine. He contradicts himself by making such a statement and truthful is our Prophet when he said: “If you have no shame, then do as you like.”
But perhaps Obama is saying the truth if he meant that we kill those who have the characteristic of those Muslims whom he loves and they love him, whom he commands and they listen, the likes of Ahmed Karzai, Ali Salih, Muhammad bin Nayyif, Maliki and their soldiers, including their agents from among the Shi’a. With regard to those, indeed we have killed of them more than we killed of the kuffâr of origin because the American’s were a lot cleverer than the apostates since they ransomed their blood for the blood of those who sold their religion in exchange of preserving the life of others (i.e., Americans); and to us the rule concerning them is that they are apostate agents and it is an obligation to get rid of them.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #006, July 2011
Section: Inspire Reactions: Government & Media Responses
Page(s): 11
[The Washington Times]: President Obama’s advisers give him credit for energizing the Arab revolts and saving the Libyan rebels. For al Qaeda’s leadership, this is all a gift from Allah. Al Qaeda central’s views are detailed in the latest issue of their English-language propaganda magazine Inspire, which features a special section on “The Revolution.” […]
Al Qaeda has always recognized that the greatest obstacles to jihadist progress in the Middle East were what they call the “apostate regimes,” the generally pro-Western kings and authoritarian rulers who have kept a lid on violent extremists like al Qaeda and other groups. As these regimes totter and fall, the conditions are being created for the kind of radical change the Islamists have been working towards for decades. […]
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #006, July 2011
Section: Why Did I Choose Al-Qaeda? Shaykh Abu Mus’ab Al-Awlaki
Page(s): 33
Al Qaeda declared war against the Jews and Christians and their murtadîn agents and made its plan clear to restore the Islamic caliphate which extends from China in the East to Andalusia in the West; indeed beyond that according to capability until the land of the kuffâr are conquered. So whoever declares such is more deserving to be from the millah of Ibrahim than the representative of Ikhwân al-Muslimîn in Egypt when he stated to Obama – during his visit to Egypt – that the Ikhwân al-Muslimîn will consider the American interests if they are to rule.
There is no apparent enmity like the enmity of al Qaeda towards the kâfirîn. Perhaps one might ask: from among the Muslims, are there those who display their enmity other than al Qaeda? We say: yes, but does this manifestation of `adâwah and barâah from them reach to the levels of `adâwah and barâ’ah of al Qaeda? The answer is no, and the American enemy testifies that the harshest of those who act hostilely towards them from among the Muslims is al Qaeda. Obama proclaimed that publicly in his last speech to the Muslims in Egypt. What’s more is that from all the groups of the Muslims, the murtadîn rulers are particularly hostile and fearful of al Qaeda, and the truth is testified by the enemy.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #006, July 2011
Section: Sadness, Contentment & Aspiration, Samir Khan
Page(s): 49
Obama came out with ringing declarations; among them, Shaykh Usama was not a shahÎd because of his rejection of democracy! This has to be the first time in history that a kâfir leader has declared that a Muslim mujahid died rejecting shirk!
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #007, September 2011
Section: Hear the World… A Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 04
Michael Scheuer, CIA 1982-2004 (al-Jazeera): “Our political leaders are still fighting an enemy that doesn’t exist. They think, in a rather racist way, that the Muslim world is mad at Americans because we have freedom, and liberty and women in the workplace; and not because we are the unflinching supporters of Israel, because we support the Saudi police state, because we have troops in the Arab Peninsula, in Iraq and other places. So really no matter how big the intelligence community gets in the United States, as long as U.S. foreign policy remains what it is, the enemy will continue to grow in numbers and probably lethality. […] If you listen to President Obama or former President Bush, it’s still that they hate us for our freedoms and our liberties, and we’re going to kill them or capture them one at a time. And yet we killed Usama bin Ladin in this age of celebrity; we think that ended a big part of the war. Well, while we focused on Bin Ladin, al Qaeda expanded from basically being an Afghanistan-centric group to being still in parts of Afghanistan, in a big part of Pakistan, in Yemen, across North Africa, Somalia, Iraq and Palestine.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #007, September 2011
Section: A Decade in Pictures From 9/11 Till Today
Page(s): 11
“I swear by Allah, your troops can’t go on! Your troops are tired, tired, tired!” – Shaykh Khalid Husainan in his message to Obama on the U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Winning on the Ground
Page(s): 01
Does the assassination of senior jihadi figures have any significance in validating Obama‘s claims? After a decade of ferocious war, who is more entitled to security?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Hear the World… A Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 05
Osama Abu Rasheed – Editor of al Mizan newspaper (From Washington): “When it comes to the [American] foreign policy, they [democratic candidates] want to appear more on the right [more extreme] than Obama who is now more on the right than Bush. As to using unmanned drones, the number of those killed by Obama’s administration is more than Bush’s. When it comes to the issue of escalating the so called war on terror, Obama is more on the right than Bush even though he was quoted saying :‘’ We are not in a war with Islam’’. However, it is clear now that Bush’s strategies are continuing and that Obama wants to say ‘’ I am on the right more than Bush with regard to this issue’’. They [democratic candidates] also want to say: “We are more on the right than Obama.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Where Are the People of Al-Sham?
Page(s): 07
Al-Assad’s attack on the sons of al-Sham will continue to be a massacre if the people don’t start doing something to seriously counteract the military. Reliance on the Gulf States and Western powers has proven futile in this event since neither of them have much interest in Syria to begin with. Their endless talks and threats show that they’ve clearly slapped the gear into turtle speed. I mean, the West’s hypocrisy lays bare for all to see when it comes to comparing Libya vs. Syria. In Libya’s case, it is becoming all the more apparent that the question on the mind of their leaders was not “should we invade for the sake of the innocent?” but “should we invade to guarantee oil preservation?” Cornel West said it all in his interview with Riz Khan, “Two and a half years ago, we had precious Palestinians who were being massacred by the hundreds. Barack Obama didn’t say a mumbling word.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: They Killed Father, They Killed Son – Um Ahmed
Page(s): 20
American administration led by Obama proved yet again it is without any moral code of warfare. It is not the first time U.S. drones are killing children all over the Muslims lands. But it is the first time that a child was killed intentionally. The only thing why Abdur-Rahmaan Bin Anwar Al Awlaki was “guilty”was the fact he was a son of Shaykh Anwar Al Awlaki. But can we blame somebody because of being somebody’s son? What will next America do, will they kill Shaykh’s Anwar parents only because they are his parents. Will they kill all Shaykh’s children only because they are his children? America showed again its hypocrisy accusing Muslims for killing women and children in “suicide attacks” but in reality who is the one who targets children?
One should wonder what Obama will do, what Obama would feel if Muslims kill his daughters only for being his daughters? We are sure that not only the Americans but the whole world would condemn such murder. But Muslims would never intentionally killed children no matter who their parents are. No matter if they are the worst enemy of Islam, if they are children it is prohibited to target them intentionally.
We are asking Obama, even if Shaykh Anwar is guilty according to your man-made laws, even if he was on you capture or kill list without any trial, we are asking you what guilt his son have?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Spilling Out the Beans – Al Awlaki Revealing His Side of the Story
Page(s): 52
I decided that I have had enough and it is time to leave the US for good. But I was so entangled in life in the US, It took me three years and September 11 to finally unwind myself from this web and leave the United States. But I did take one step very soon after what happened in San Diego. I left San Diego for Washington. I believed that if the issue in San Diego was with local government I should be safe from it if I move somewhere else. September 11 was a Tuesday. By Thursday the FBI were knocking on my door. The questions revolved around the attacks. They visited me again but this time they were asking for cooperation which I made it clear that they shouldn’t expect and the third meeting which was the last I had my lawyer attend the meeting.
This is what I know about the US from experience and you want to tell me to vote for these people?!
For those who believe Obama is the savior. Do you think he can rein in the FBI, CIA and the other alphabet soup of intelligence agencies that have been carrying on with their behind the scenes plots since the day of their inception while presidents come and go? Do you really believe he can reform the US foreign policy that has been consistent on issues that concern us for decades? If Obama tries to go against the tide, the tide will engulf him. JFK was killed on American soil by an American citizen.
So am I justified in my dislike of America?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Winning on the Ground, Yahya Ibrahim
Page(s): 54
10 days before Obama‘s announcement in in Virginia, the Yemeni area of Rafad in Shabwah was the meeting place that held a press interview with the 2nd most wanted man on the C.I.A. list. Fahad bin Muhammad Al Quso who insisted in a daylight challenging American spying drones and that interview must be in the same place that was previously bombarded by the Americans at the end of 2009. It is worth mentioning that that interview was published by al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #009, May 2012
Section: Winning on the Ground, Yahya Ibrahim
Page(s): 55-57
Another aspect that he [the Shaykh] acts internationally, he plans and he operates. Remember that we are weighing things here from the American perspective. So let him be like the Americans have described him: ” The man in charge of al Qaeda’s foreign affairs”. What does this mean? This has a number of meanings. Apparently means that he has a massive base of relationships in the West that he can mobilize through da’awah. As for planning and executions of operations, al Qaeda – praise be to Allah- has many great minds which manage operations just like those ascribed to Shaykh Anwar.” o ” Reaching this point, we can discuss Obama‘s baseless claims concerning America’s safety. The same safety which Shaykh Osama bin Laden – may Allah have mercy on him – swore by Allah in 2001 to deprive them of. Ten years later, Obama deludes his nation claiming that killing an individual in al-Juf’s desert will render Washington to live in permanent peace!
Obama‘s wrong thinking have been repeated previously by those who preceded him in office. In the 2003. the U.S. president George W. Bush, in a ridiculous scene of an illusionary victory, was celebrating the end of the military operations in Iraq which was actually the ignition for jihad. Iraq then emerged to be one of the fiercest centers for jihad. The celebrations had no impact on the movement of jihad. However, the media broadcasted the celebrations in a dexterous way and that’s how America wins; through baseless claims. On 29th Oct. 2011 the world was engaged in a ceremony just like that of Bush, but this time it was Obama‘s. The same way Bush was celebrating, unaware of the long tough war. Obama was trying to shorten the fate of the ongoing conflict through a decade in an ambiguous speech. Aiming to end a war which had just intensified. Obama had put aside these mistakes in the beginning of 2010 when he faced the world and confessed that the American Intelligence was experiencing infiltration and failure. That they were facing a real jeopardy. At the time, there was a short span of time between the Detroit operation of Omar Farouq and the martyrdom operation of Abu Dujanah al-Khurasaany.
The second didn’t give Obama any opportunity to lie, so the Intelligence’s failure couldn’t be justified at the time and Obama was more realistic than now. Later, came the wave of attacks once again. The operation of Feisal Shahzaad in Time Square in New York. Followed by the parcel operations, better know as operation Hemorrhage that disturbed the world and caused big losses to the economy, especially America’s.
Currently, nothing had changed in reality except that Obama‘s mistakes have increased than ever before. As for the conflict, it is still gaining momentum.The size of the challenge is manifested by considering the number of jihad operations on the American soil in the course of the last two years. Therefore, no one could underestimate Shaykh Anwar who had a role in either inspiring or planning. Now, Obama‘s mistake became obvious when he addressed his nation in that naive manner; because the American war has never been – at any time – against an individual or a party. Rather, it had been a crusade war waged against the Muslim ummah. That is becoming very clear from the number of countries that are participating in the so called “war on terror”. Taking into account the huge amount of money spent in this course which surpasses the budget of the first and second world war. From another perspective, we can see the different varieties of operations targeting America in the past few years. Hereby, we know that Obama is mistaken and this war will continue without any doubt as the signs from both sides are evident. To the degree that the magnitude of the unmanned drones attacks in Yemen intensifies day after day. And signs of the ongoing challenge are uncoverable.
On the other hand, Obama should know that whenever he talks about the capabilities of C.I.A. as well as depending on it, he has to be cautious because this agency will certainly let him down. On the contrary, the fact that the mujahideen are Muslims, whenever they mention their capability they consider it nothing, except when it is connected with the assistance of Allah, The powerful. This is what we believe and declare.
As for the economic reasons, let us review the year 2009 where a very modest and small laboratory in a rural area prepared a bomb which penetrated all checkpoints and could not be detected by the advanced detecting machines. The first was carried by brother Abul Khayr as he executed a martyrdom operation inside the castle of America’s agent, Muhammad bin Naif al-Saud – the head of the intelligence wing of the war against the mujahideen. Obama wasn’t worried when his servant bin Naif explained to him what happened. Bin Naif travelled to Washington days after he had miraculously survived just to inform his master on the undetectable bomb. Later, came the operation of Omar Farouq which required only $5,000. At the time, the mujahideen couldn’t provide more than half of the amount. The other half was borrowed from one mujahid’s pocket. The operation costed the world over $40,000,000,000. Once more, another operation of the air-cargo from the same modest lab. It shocked all the crusade countries and caused economic losses and discomfort to the American cargos in the air. Two years after the operation of Abul Khayr, the New York Times reports on the mujahideen’s preparations in Yemen and their advanced labs. Especially after A.Q.A.P has obtained a large deal of chemicals from military laboratories after they conquered Zinjibaar and other cities and towns in the south of Yemen. Of course, the modest lab has transformed into a modern one. Hence, no wearisome measures are taken anymore to attain the needed large amount of chemicals for explosives. Also, the operations now do not lack money as before. The account of Allah is always full – by His grace. This is what Obama forgot to mention in his fascinating speech at that party. It is an extremely difficult challenge.
It is upon the Americans to remember that they are always attacked without exceptions if their foreign policies does not change. And it is upon the mujahideen to remember that these reasons are nothing except by the help of Allah, The Almighty.
So again, who is more deserving to security?
When you talk about security, you tend to talk about money and wealth in the time of need. Unlike Obama, when he speaks of American security, he talks about its deteriorated economy. If anyone was to talk about the assassination of Shaykh Anwar Al Awlaki, his talk will synchronize with the congestion of the streets of New york, Detroit, Los Angeles, Chicago with tens of thousands of Americans who criticize the politics of capitalism and banks. All of that is firstly through the favor of Allah and then through the worldwide jihadi operations.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: In This Issue – We Are All Usama
Page(s): 03
“Obama! We are all Usama” – The slogan which echoed like thunderstorm during the Anti-Islam US film protests.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: Hear the World… A Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 05
Warren Weinstein, American POW (As-Sahab Media): I’m 71, am a consultant. I was working in Pakistan when I was captured by the mujahideen. I appealed to the president of United States and the American government to intervene on my behalf and to seek my release. I am a father of two daughters, I have a wife, am a grandfather and I was hoping I would be able to again see my family alive. Unfortunately, president Obama and the American government have shown no interest in my case and did not respond, and in no way tried to be responsive to and accept the demands of the mujahideen. Therefore, as a Jew I am appealing to you prime minister, Netanyahu . . . .as one Jew to another, to please intervene on my behalf, to work with the mujahideen and to accept their demands so that I can be released and return to my family, see my wife, my children and my grandchildren again.
Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Al-Qaeda Member (Truth has Prevailed): It was sad to hear the news of the martyrdom of Sheikh Anwar and Samir Khan. We ask Allah to accept them as martyrs and we say innaa lillahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji’un . . . I think America and Barrack Obama in particular have now shown their true colors for all to see. Even American citizens are now targets for the CIA and for the drone strikes. . . This is a wake-up call for Muslims in America. Today American Muslims are being killed in Yemen, tomorrow they are gonna be killed in New York and Los Angeles. . . Get ready for the holocaust!”
Joseph Massad, Arab Politics Teacher New York University ( In Yemen, the US has become the new direct absolute ruler of the country, no longer ruling through a dictator agent. They are killing and maiming Yemenis at will under the pretext of fighting the terror of Al-Qaeda. . . The terror that US forces and their ambassador Gerald Feierstein have imposed on the country has been the major achievement of the Obama administration since the Arab revolts started in January 2011.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: Inspire Responses: Responding to Inquiries
Page(s): 07
E-MAILED QUESTION: How do you evaluate drone strikes targeting Al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen? – Isaac
E-MAILED ANSWER: Drones are weapons like any other. They could be owned by our enemies, AQAP, other jihad groups or individual mujahideen in the West. But America is using these weapons in Yemen, Waziristan, Libya, Somalia and other Muslim countries cowardly. Instead of using them in the battlefields, they are used in residential areas.
In Yemen, they roam over Muslim houses, terrorizing children, women and the weak. Moreover they bombard ‘suspected’ targets in villages, towns and cities. Why? Because far from Yemen, in the Whitehouse, Obama took a decision. He decided to start a new chapter, a chapter more savage and barbaric than the previous chapters of the crusade on Yemeni Muslims. A chapter which relies on the strategy of the unmanned drones, ‘the strategy of signature strikes’.
This strategy allows officials in the CIA and the PTSD army to carry out attacks on any human, vehicle or building in Yemen if ‘suspected’ to be a threat to the security of the US without the need to identify the real identity of the target, whether Al-Qaeda or not. This includes women and children. Just because an American ‘feels’ this person poses danger. Whenever they have this ‘feeling’ they order for a ‘Hell Fire missile’ to be launched. These missiles are usually carried by the unmanned drones to kill this or that target cold-bloodedly.
Of course! Obama is declaring a crusade! These missiles have no eyes and their launchers are more blind. They kill civilians more than mujahideen.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: America Will Never Profit From the Assassination of Imam Anwar Awlaki
Page(s): 22
Imam Anwar Awlaki was a well educated American citizen who was a scholar in Islamic as well as secular education and had lived and grown up in America, so he understands the culture and was fully aware of the hypocrisy of the government and its manifestations abroad (i.e. in their Foreign Policy). So when he spoke, the Muslim world listened and this angered Obama and America because they saw it as a challenge and danger to their hegemony over the Muslim lands. Hence, they had to silence him by any means necessary, but at what price?
So America was given two choices:
- To allow Awlaki the freedom to expose their oppression of Muslims and our double standards to them.
- To slaughter their goal called freedom before the whole world.
So with a fading economy, disunited political entity, multi quagmires abroad (Iraq & Afghanistan), Obama and his gang decided to slaughter freedom in front of the whole world once again. They did so many times before in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq War, Assassination of Shaykh Usama Ibn Laden. So, how could America profit from the anger of Allah, when the greatest profit is the pleasure of Allah? How could America benefit from the assassination of such a noble figure when they have just exposed their hypocrisy before the world? How could America profit from this assassination when they have angered the ‘moderate’ as well as the ‘extremist’ Muslims of the whole globe?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: We Are All Usama
Page(s): 23
Shaykh Usama, the Head of Lions,
Caused the Trigger of Global Sirens,
He Sent His Message through Planes,
Spreading in the US Blood Stains.
Jihad is Explained through You,
Your Supporters Are no Longer Few,
We Promise to Allah then You,
That the Fight will Continue to Brew.
America will Face their Worst,
Because We Are All Usama,
We will Show Them How We Burst,
Hear Us Very Well Barrack Obama.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #010, March 2013
Section: We Are All Usama – Yahya Ibrahim
Page(s): 24
As I was watching the anti-Islam US film protests of September 11 last year, tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. The scene was amazing. The Muslim ummah has risen from its long slumber. The protesters chanted “Obama! Obama! We are all Usama.” These words echoed throughout the world. I tried to imagine the faces of kuffar. Then I remembered my ex-country (before hijrah) and how the kuffar would tremble with fear upon hearing the name ‘Usama’. And Today, they are not only hearing it, but they witness millions embracing his path. America has failed its people. It promised them peace and stability subsequent to the martyrdom of Sheikh Usama. And Obama arrogantly announces, “Al-Qaeda has been weakened and Usama bin Laden is no more.” But what was the price? Killing a man in order to raise thousands like him. Is it a gain or a loss? America, you have raised awareness to Muslims all over the globe and passed on the message of Sheikh Usama that you are truly the enemy of Islam.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #011, May 2013
Section: Inspire Reactions: Government & Media Responses
Page(s): 04
The FBI, who frequently communicate with Dr Terry Jones about death threats, have called to tell him that they take this latest threat very seriously. . . A gun is also pictured, pointing at his head, with his brains blown out the other side. The whole magazine is written in good english showing that there are Westerners actively recruiting for radical Islam with this group in Yemen, despite Obama’s drone warfare. [STAND UP AMERICA]
The release of the latest edition of Inspire shows that al Qaeda’s core in Pakistan is not cut off from its affiliates, and that AQAP retains the ability to produce the magazine de – spite the loss of two Americans who were thought to be important to its continuation. AQAP touted Gadahn’s article as an “exclusive,” which means the group was either able to contact Gadahn to solicit and receive it, or that Gadahn contacted the publishers of Inspire to offer the article. Gadahn is believed to be based in Pakistan and is known to work with As Sahab, al Qaeda’s primary propaganda production outfit. The Obama administration has claimed that al Qaeda’s “core” leader – ship cadre in Pakistan is cut off and disconnected and isolated from its affiliates, and that the terror group is on the verge of defeat. But as Gadahn’s latest article and numer – ous propaganda tapes and communiques by al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri and other top leaders show, the terror group is intact and capable of producing propaganda and communicating with its affiliates worldwide. [THE LONG WAR JOURNAL]
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #011, May 2013
Section: Allah Will Restrain the Evil Might of Those Who Disbelieve, Sheikh Ibrahim Ar-Rubaysh
Page(s): 08
America did not hesitate a bit to invade Afghanistan after the Battle of Manhattan. It did not wait except a little to occupy Iraq as it was playing up in the remaining Muslim lands to the extent its agents – so called muslim rulers – became terrified and scared. An American official once told the Libyan ambassador that Gaddafi would not have listened if he had not seen Saddam climbing out of a hole, this has been released by As-Sahab Media in one of its productions. But this loftiness did not last long, as Allah has preordained that nothing will rise in this world except He will lower it. No sooner had they entered than they confessed that they were wrong to enter Iraq. Then they started retreating bit by bit, claiming their mission is accomplished. When the revolution in Libya began, America turned away from leading the Alliance: Obama declared he will not repeat the Iraq mistake by invading Libya. He justified that by declaring that it will cost him men and money. So did the foreign minister say, “do not wait for us to intervene in Syria as we did in Libya.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #011, May 2013
Section: Who & Why, Abu Abdillah Almoravid
Page(s): 15
As Obama confessed his intelligence failure after the operation of Umar Farouq the Nigerian in 2009, he is obliged to confess the same failure once again after the Boston Marathon operation, and more. Exactly as bin Laden promised in his famous oath in late 2001, America has never enjoyed and never will it dream of security, before it changes its foreign policies.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #011, May 2013
Section: Who & Why, Abu Abdillah Almoravid
Page(s): 16
A CIA official said that after he has spent his entire life protecting the national security, America is still having insecure weak points vulnerable to Lone Jihad. This official meant what he said, just like Sheikh Usama bin Laden (may Allah accept him) meant what he said in his famous oath of 2001, “America will never enjoy peace until we live in peace.” Between Sheikh Usama’s promise and the American government’s failure to protect its citizens, the Lone Mujahid finds his way to balance the equation shared by the Muslim nation and the West led by America. After this, it is upon President Obama to announce another failure once again. In the aftermath of Umar Farouq Operation, Obama was more courageous to pronounce the failure and the intelligence infiltration. And it is upon President Obama to apologize to the American people for the declaration he made in the Chief of Staff resignation party. He said, “America has become safe” and terror will not reach it again after the killing of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki.
It also seems that Obama will have to announce a new type of Lone Jihad which is impossible to counter and stop, except when basic cooking ingredients and building material become illegal! Yes, this is the only solution. A Lone Jihad operation like that of Boston Marathon requires nothing more than a few utensils, some matchsticks, a box of nails and a clock for timing. Another ingredient which I should mention is a group of American citizens gathered in a ceremony, sports event or just surprising time and place. Obama is obligated to announce that he is out of options to counter operations inside the US boundaries. And the Intelligence community has no more options. So the American people are to face their fate alone. If Obama does not take the initiative to speak out frankly and make this vital and sensitive file transparent, and if the Intelligence agencies, above all the FBI, prefer not to speak about this frustrating fact, then Mr. Brennan will have to explain to the American people about the amazing relation between the unmanned drones killing the innocents in Waziristan, Yemen and Somalia and the American homeland security.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Hear the World… a Collection of Quotes From Friend and Foe
Page(s): 03
BARACK OBAMA, US President (CNN): Across the political spectrum, Americans recognize that we had to adapt to a world in which a bomb could be built in a basement. (In a recent speech of his justifying NSA›s mass surveillance.)
DR. CORNEL WEST, American Philosopher & Civil Rights Activist (Huffington Post): I think we have to acknowledge that President Obama has very little moral authority at this point, because we know anybody who tries to rationalize the killing of innocent people, a criminal – George Zimmerman is a criminal – but President Obama is a global George Zimmerman (pointing to Obama‘s attempt to rationalize the killing of innocent children in U.S. drone strikes).
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Mujahid’s Notes
Page(s): 04
- DEATH OF A VEGETABLE HITS NEWS STANDS! Afta da death of criminal of war, Sharon, Obama renews his sincere commitment of support of Israel + more of spying on allies.
- Obama‘s declaration of AQAP’s danger caused me to join this front of ‘dangerous’ people to fight the Empire of Evil, America.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Echoes Behind Enemy Lines
Page(s): 05
Bilderberg CEO: Richard Nixon? He got busted spying on his competitors, and he resigned. Obama has the NSA spying on the ENTIRE COUNTRY and he is still in office.
GymRat: The thing that gets me is why does Obama still carry qudos, its apparent for all that he is even worst than bush, and yet celebrities flock to him, even the desperate Malala wanted a piece of the obama.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Iman Defeats Arrogance
Page(s): 06-07
One of the first things Obama did in his presidency is pardoning the CIA agents who tortured Muslims. In so doing, he sent a clear message to Muslims; “We will still torture your prisoners, and all the treaties we signed that prohibit torture in dealing with prisoners are for our right and not yours. Expect nothing from us except criminality, torture and insults.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Questions We Should Be Asking
Page(s): 07
Isn’t it saddening that Bo, Obama‘s dog, dines with the tax payers’ money better food than that of 100 million Americans?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Q&A With Sheikh Anwar Al-’Awlaki – May Allah Accept His Martyrdom
Page(s): 09
I would also want to say to my brothers that we want to understand what is the objective of our operations: The primarily objective is not to achieve the most deaths but to achieve the most effect, the most leverage. So an operation such as the parcel bombs did not actually kill anyone but it achieved an effect that may surpass an operation where tens of people get killed. That is because the parcel bomb operation, which the enemy calls foiled parcel bomb plot and we call Operation Hemorrhage and consider it to be successful by all means, will end up costing the enemy billions of dollars in added security measures, billions of dollars in lost revenue because of stricter security measures, a xenophobic knee jerk reaction by the Obama administration that introduced mandatory new security measures in all US airports which would cost money and most importantly aggravation it would cause to the American people.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: The Crusade and the Swap of Stances, Sheikh Ibrāhīm Ar-Rubaysh
Page(s): 14
When you want to fight your enemy while you realize the material difference between your strengh and his, certainly you need a strong will to take the decision of declaring war. However, after you have cut a long way into the war, and you see your enemy in a position of taking decisions similar to yours before declaring the war, you will be happy and thank Allāh Who gave you tawfeeq to take the decision of war. Actually, this was my feeling when I was watching Obama proclaiming that Al-Qāeda is ‘decimated’ and is on ‘its path to defeat’. These declarations from this failure reminded me of the Ummah’s condition before the Battles of New York and Washington, and before Nairobi, Dar-Es-Salaam and Aden. At that period, the Ummah was being killed and expelled worldwide, and Muslims were contented with mourning on pulpits and condemning in the media. The enemy was disposing our affairs, killing, snatching honors, expelling and starving Muslims, and our suffering changed nothing on the ground.
Presently, the crusader enemy is in the same condition we were in before the war. On the media, you hear Obama‘s statement on Al-Qāeda’s defeat, at the same time you see America evacuating around twenty of her embassies out of fear of mere communication claims between Al-Qāeda leaders, a bomb alert in its consulate in Milan and an emergency landing made by an American plane out of suspicion of a bomb. All this and Al-Qāeda is on its path to defeat! How would things be if it was on its path to victory? Lately, Obama has been deceived by the intensification of the usage of drones. And he thinks he is putting an end to this war. This deceived guy has forgotten that the war between us is not ceased in this way. If we remember, all types of planes and soldiers were deployed in Irāq, they killed a lot of people – only their Creator knows the exact statistics. In the end, the enemy was forced to retreat, pulling the tails of defeat behind him plus debts which drain the blood of the concussed treasury. On the other hand, the Mujahideen are strengthening day by day. So what will a remote controlled plane achieve?
The unmanned drones propel the Jihād against the crusaders. They make the issue clearer to Muslims. They drive them to take on the path of Jihād. While Obama thinks he is killing Al-Qāeda, he is actually building an army which he will fight against eventually. Obama is like a very thirsty patient that suffers from high blood pressure. As he becomes thirstier he finds a cup of salty water with salt crystals visible. To make the water drinkable, he has to get rid of the salt. So he stirs the water. As he stirs, the salt begins to disappear, this makes him very happy. So he stirs until the salt totally disappears. Yes, the salt disappeared from sight, but the taste of the water became saltier. This is exactly what Obama is doing by the use of unmanned drones.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: In Hot Pursuit of Mirage Drones: Firing or Backfiring?
Page(s): 15
Micah Zenko, Council on Foreign Relations Member, The Drone Debate Upends DC’s Right/Left Divide: There is also a strong correlation between targeted killings in Yemen since December 2009 – primarily conducted by U.S. drones – and increased anger toward the United States and sympathy or allegiance to AQAP. In 2010, the Obama administration described AQAP as “several hundred Al-Qāeda members”; two years later, it increased to “more than a thousand members.” Now, AQAP has a “few thousand members.” After a drone strike reportedly killed 13 civilians in early September, Yemeni activist Nasr Abdullah noted: “I would not be surprised if a hundred tribesmen joined the lines of Al-Qāeda as a result of the latest drone mistake.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: City Wolves, Abdulilāh Shāye’, Free Lance Journalist
Page(s): 16
Shāye’, a Yemeni journalist spent three years in a Yemeni solitary cell for exposing the American massacre of 45 women and children in southern Yemen lately. Subsequent to his release, Obama expressed his concern over his freedom. When Obama expressed his worries over a journalist, who had nothing but a pen and the truth regarding American crimes and lies, he made a confession. An official confession from the White House: America is breathing its last and the Jewish gangs running the country and the West are giving up on them. His way of expressing his worries demands cogitation; he picked up the presidential phone to make an urgent call to one of the mercenaries of his with the status ‘President of Yemen’.
Being worried is a condition expressing fear. And disregarding diplomatic customs, by addressing a mercenary in a direct way, is a new problem in the history the presidents of America, a country that was built on the foundation stone of – as its constitution states: All men are created equal, with equal rights under the law that shall not be denied or abridged.
As the president of a country controlling the media run by capitalist companies, he was capable of directing the State Department or the CIA to notify their agents and mercenaries in Yemen of his desires. It is not unusual for them to obey. There was no need for him to pick up the phone and address another country’s president personally, and give a direct order to place a journalist in a solitary cell for more than three years.
The American president’s resort to that is a clear evidence of the condition of fear and – at the same time – of weakness. The truth is ripping through the façade and expose the real face of falsity and evil hidden by America and the West and the Jewish gangs that rule and dominate both of them. As the journalist, whose pen and words worry Obama, is spending his time in a solitary cell by Obama‘s order, there were a number of wolves terrorizing Obama and threatening America’s peace and security. They presented to the world evidences that America will be something of history in next to no time.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: City Wolves, Abdulilāh Shāye’, Free Lance Journalist
Page(s): 16
Jawhar Tsarnaev: As the British journalist, Iona Craig, and the American journalist, Jeremy Scahill, were discussing ways of spreading the reality of Obama‘s orders that brought about my imprisonment in a solitary cell for three years, there were two brothers in the historic city of Boston preparing bombs in the kitchen of their mom. They used instructions from the English magazine, Inspire. They had the same motives and reasons: adherence to the bond of Imān and Islamic brotherhood that exists among Muslims through supporting each other against an enemy assaulting them, their land and wealth and killing their women and children in different parts of the world… And when a journalist strived to reveal the truth to the American and Western public, Obama and the Jewish gangs who run capitalism in America and hold the reins of wealth, politics and media became scared. Their fear reached the level of terror to the extent Obama picked up the phone to give his orders to place a journalist in a solitary cell. He believed by so doing he has placed the truth behind bars.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: An Interview With Obama, Muhannad Jannah Seeker
Page(s): 24
This hypothetical interview with the White House gangster was carried out by a member of our team. It is important to note that all of Obama‘s answers are directly quoted from the counterterrorism speech he gave on 23rd May, 2013. The main idea here is to focus on the change of the American tone regarding the zio-crusade war waged on the Muslim Ummah and its Jihadi front. This change comes after years of fighting and massive losses on the enemy’s side to the extent that the American regime has realized it’s too difficult to achieve victory in such a long ferocious war.
Q: Why do you always avoid giving a clear pledge to defeat what you call ‘terror’?
A: Neither I, nor any president, can promise the total defeat of terror.
Q: Do you believe your vicious war against Islam and Muslims will end someday?
A: This war, like all wars, must end. That’s what history advises. That is what our democracy demands.
Q: Finally, how much damage can a lone Mujahid do to harm America? Make your answer short. Your time is up.
A: U.S. citizens or legal residents can do enormous damage, particularly when inspired by larger notions of violent Jihad. That pull towards extremism appears to have led to the shooting at Fort Hood, and the bombing of the Boston Marathon.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Shattered: A Story About Change, Abu Abdillāh Almorāvid
Page(s): 27
Obama lied in regard of the NSA program. He asserted it did not spy on its citizens. But every dog has its day, and NSA’s day came when the whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the No Secret Agency’s dark secrets. The people called for the government to observe the American principles but it did not listen. It abandoned all its privacy policies.
This rogue country did not stop at spying on its citizens, it killed them too. Several of its citizens have been targeted in their extra judicial killing program. Children are not left out from this program. Abdulrahman Al-Awlaqi, a 16-year-old kid born in Colorado was targeted in Yemen while he was having supper. He was killed because his father was someone Obama did not like. In this same program, America is not respecting weaker countries’ sovereignty.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: Shattered: A Story About Change, Abu Abdillāh Almorāvid
Page(s): 28
It is enough we know that the Irāq failure broke the will of the ‘Coalition of the Willing’ – the countries who supported, militarily or verbally, the 2003 invasion of Irāq – hence, America is left with no ally who would risk a gamble with his forces and sovereignty in front of the world. This became clear in the Syrian file. The allies did not support America’s limited military action against Syria in response to its use of chemical weapons which are ‘banned’ internationally, even though Obama warned that the use of chemical weapon was a red line. After it has been let down by the allies, the weak America justified its silence by announcing that America is no longer the world police.
Therefore, America has failed militarily as it’s clear to all. It has no more adequate capability to engage in great wars to subjugate other nations, especially when we consider the economic effect of the military debacle which started immediately after the 9/11 attacks when investors lost their confidence in the American economy and when the Bush administration decided to engage in a costly military and intelligence war.
Since it does not – as Obama said – consider itself the world police, the US government prefers using unmanned drones in view of the fact that it has no capability of waging a war on the ground. Thus, these unmanned drones are more a sign of military weakness than a sign of technology advancement. The US government depends on the drones too much because it has no alternative, because it has no more the second element of global leadership: A strong military power.
Obama said the United State of America will emerge stronger than before. He forgot the old saying “power is in the money”. Strength requires money. It requires a strong economy. The English word ‘economy’, is traced back to the Greek word οἰκονόμος, i.e. ‘one who manages a household’. Strong economy means agreeable management and strong country, and vice versa. Without the money, a country cannot run. Money is also the sticky part that holds the country together, with a weak economy, bonds become weak too, and as a result: Things will fall apart.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #012, March 2014
Section: ‘Peace’ and AMISOM Peacekeepers
Page(s): 28
Obama: “We will provide them whatever law enforcement as there is necessary. The United States will continue work with the entire continent of Africa and around the world to make sure that we are dismantling these networks.”
And who will provide for your indebted country?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: Editor’s Letter
Page(s): 03
25 years ago, the Soviet Army withdrew from Afghânistân heads down, defeated, after ten years of fierce fighting. They returned home to face a disintegrating union. Today, America is withdrawing from Afghânistân, also defeated. But the difference between the two defeats is that instead of the American forces going back home, they are being dragged into a new phase of the long global war.
The reasons of this war are always undermined. Many think it is a war for land, oil or wealth. While others think it is a war for waterways or airspaces. It is not the war of Usâma, ‘Awlaki or Obama. All these could be secondary reasons, but the essence and the core of this war is Tawheed.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: A Message for the American People Regarding the Killing of the Hostage Luke Somers
Page(s): 05
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allâh, He supports the weak and defeats the arrogant, and gives glory to the believers and humiliates the kuffar. May His Peace and Blessings be upon the Imam of the mujahideen, who conveyed the message, fulfilled the trust, and waged Jihâd in the Way of Allâh until death came unto him, and upon his noble family and companions. As to what follows:
This is a message for the American people regarding the killing of the hostage (Luke Somers) in Yemen. In our previous message, we gave both Obama and the US government a three-day ultimatum to meet the demands of the Mujahideen. We also attached to it a plea from the American hostage. However, Obama took the wrong decision which is considered a signature on the execution order for the American citizen. In spite of our warning of the consequences of any foolishness in this regard, Obama remained adamant and did nothing to stop the death of the hostage and save his life. Rather he took the decision of death and gave a deaf ear to the sincere advisers among his people, following the example of Fir’aun (Pharaoh): {I show you only that which I see (correct), and I guide you only to the path of the right policy!} {40: 29]
Obama and his government knew our demands were just. They could have at least negotiated some of them, or showed a good intent to do so. But Obama chose a military solution, which has previously failed. By the Grace of Allâh the Almighty, the military solution failed again, and the extent of his soldiers’ cowardice and weakness became apparent, despite of their huge arsenal, advanced weapons, and aerial support from both helicopters and unmanned drones.
As for the appeal made by the hostage’s family, it should have been directed to Obama and his government, not to us. Because Obama took the decision that caused things to take a completely different cause that we did not want. He was capable of warding off this fate from the US hostage, an inevitable fate in a military solution, at the time of exchanging of fire with their special forces. Then Obama condemns the killing of the hostage and calls it ‘barbaric murder’ to cover up his own barbaric actions, and his callous indifference for the life of his citizen and the life of a South African hostage whose negotiations for his release were in progress. He also did not care for other innocent lives whom were killed and wounded in this failed operation in which one woman was wounded. We ask Allâh (swt) to hasten the healing of the wounded and to accept the killed among the martyrs.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: Drowning in Information
Page(s): 06
Jeremy Scahill: Look at the cases we’ve seen in this country of racial profiling. And right now in the post 9/11 world, it’s often Muslims … They are being targeted in some forms or another. … We spoke to pretty conservative former FBI agents who told us they are drowning in information. That it is making it even more difficult to track actual terrorists or suspected terrorists. You know what I really think is at the heart of this is not keeping us safe. The reason they want so many names in it is to use as leverage against people to make them informants and to cover their butts because no one wants to be the person who didn’t put so-and-so’s name in the database. ‘Umar Fārouq Abdul-Muttalib, the so-called underwear bomber, he was not actually on the No-Fly List. His name was in the Intelligence Community. But he hadn’t been actually nominated in that process. So what happened is that the Obama administration said after the underwear bomb plot, “We want all the information. Collect it all.” So actual counterterrorism agents are drowning in largely meaningless information, trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: Questions We Should Be Asking
Page(s): 13
Why would Obama swap prisoners with Cuba and fail to swap with the Mujahideen? Is the Obama administration scared that the swap will reveal its unjust foreign policy?
“we TORTURED some FOLKS” – Obama‘s disparaging talk on the detention and torture of Muslim prisoners.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: Words of Wisdom
Page(s): 15
Sheikh Anwar Al- ’Awlaqi: Following 9/11, the American people gave George W. Bush unanimous backing to fight against the Mujahideen, and gave him a blank cheque to spend as much as needed to fulfill that objective. The result; he failed, and he failed miserably. So if America failed to defeat the Mujahideen when it gave its president unlimited support, how can it win with Obama who is on a short leash. If America failed to win when it was at its pinnacle of economic strengh, how can it win today with a recession, if not a depression, at hand? The simple answer is America cannot and will not win. The tables have turned, and their is no rolling back of Jihâd worldwide movement.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #013, December 2014
Section: The Battle of Marathon: Message to the 99% of the American People
Page(s): 26
On April 15, 9 years after the message of Sheikh Usāma, Tamerlan Tsarnaev set out to send his message to recipients further than 26 miles. He had to outrun Pheidippides hundredfold to achieve his goal. Tamerlan was determined. He echoed the legendary Battle of Marathon, 490 BC. While the marathoners were sweating to reach the finish line, Tamerlan’s message boomed and its echoes spread throughout the Americas and across the Atlantic to Europe: “To those who realize the stake they are at. To those who put their country’s interest above the warlords’ interest. To the 99% of the American people. I do not address Obama or the Congress. I do not address those who think of you as pawns and themselves as the King. I address you the American citizen because the game is in your hands. You are the only one who can stop yourself and your economy from bleeding.”
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #014, September 2015
Section: Mujahid’s Notes: Age of the Assassins
Page(s): 07
- a free country or a war zone, 10,000 French soldiers deployed on the streets of Paris
- over 19,000 French websites hacked immediately after Charlie Hebdo attacks.
- A perverted society: French Roma infant denied burrial by mayor, because graves are for those who pay taxes.
- “I am with the terrorists.” – 8yr old French boy arrested for expressing ‘radical’ ideas and showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo attackers.
- in just 3 months, Inspire was downloaded 50,000 times in the UK alone. downloading the maga- zine in the UK is illegal … guess it’s just a matter of time before something pops-up.
- three Muslims killed in US, and the only debate going on is if it was a hate crime.
- Why is Lars too afraid to attend more conferences?
- Israel President, Mahmoud Abbas, Jordan king, Horllande, Sarkozy, British PM, Malian President …. bunch of criminals having a day out.
- If the US killed Warren and never knew about it, what does that ex- plain about the innocent Muslims killed by US.
- Obama changes policy concerning hostages, this comes after numerous failed rescues …. did he realy have to wait that long to make a logical decision?
- which of the following truly defines Obama‘s secret service?
- the drunk.
- the children with toys
- the lazy boyz
- All of the above
- I wonder what went through Obama‘s mind on March 7th
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #014, September 2015
Section: The Blacks in America
Page(s): 11
The killing of Gray shocked the Afro-American community. This is mainly because, it occurred while they were still mourning Michael Brown’s death, and the manner in which Gray was killed. The incident was shocking. How do five police officers attack an unarmed person in such a manner? Hitting and strangling him to death. How can they say that the killing was not intentional, when the place and manner indicated clear intent? The Baltimore community was shocked; widespread demonstrations began across the city, alerting state security organs. They began by announcing a state of emergency, followed by deploying 5000 National Guard soldiers across the city in order to protect it, as they claim. Demonstrations sprawl to other states echoing the call for America to stop racism.
The attempt by American leaders, top of them President Obama, in their addresses indicated sympathy and solidarity towards the black community. Maybe as an attempt to desensitize them from their anger. As people were still making their voices heard concerning Gray, another incident surfaced – the South Carolina Church attack by a white supremacist, killing nine Afro-Americans. Making it among the recent racist attacks against Afro-Americans. And from my own analysis, basing on the reasons, objectives and the historic background that gave rise to such incidents, I view that such attacks against Afro-Americans will continue to rise.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #014, September 2015
Section: The Blacks in America – The Rights of Blacks: Their State and Challenges
Page(s): 12
Those who live and travel between the different states in America and interact with people in their daily lives, will discover that racism and discrimina tion still exist in the minds of the white. If you take a look at the educational opportunities, economic growth, political representation and job opportunities, you will find that most of the Afro-Americans are deprived from these basic benefits; Insufficient healthcare system, discrimination in housing bene – fits, law-enforcement injustices. The Afro-Americans are the main victims of these injustices. Thus we are not surprised when we see a series of criminal aggression against them occurring frequently in such a pace. But what is surprising is the continual high support of the Black-Africans towards the democrats in elections. The same party in power as before, and the same oppression and injustices towards the black continue to repeat themselves. What is more unfortunate is that the President is of the same race, who does not pay any attention to the injustices of his own people: Rather his greatest fear is his political position and his clinging to power.
The current Anglo-Saxon generation has been raised with this kind of arrogance mentality, arrogance towards all kinds of people – especially the Black Americans. And history will never forget their past sufferings. Therefore, when we read about the killings of Black youth by the police or the white supremacists, we have to examine – as they say in criminology – the objectives and psychological motives to these crimes. From here we can say that the main motives to these crimes is not gun violence, as Obama tries to portray. But the reality is that we cannot separate this violence with the fanatic white racists supremamists, which must be stopped by all means possible.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #014, September 2015
Section: Suleiman Al-Halabi, First Lone Mujahid to Attack the French
Page(s): 16
The battle of Hearts & Minds will never cease to exist: Ever since the days of Prophet Muhammad, the disbeliever have tirelessly embarked on an effort to gain support; either by propagating their ideals or by conspiring against Islam. This is the same case with current disbeliever; the Obamas, Horllandes & Charlie Hebdos. They will always continue to exist, serving as a scale for Muslims. A scale that weighs their Love for the sake of religion and a scale that exposes the hypocrites and their betrayal for the very core of Islamic values. Will a Muslim stand up against the disbelievers or will he just ignore and try to mold his own taste of Islam in-order to please the disbelievers? And how will a Muslim comprehend the verse {the Jews and christians willl never be pleased with you until you follow their millah} and the verse {You will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they be their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their relatives}, [Soorah al-Mujaadilah, Aayah 22]
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Editor’s Letter
Page(s): 03
Today America is in a season of presidential elections, which will define the winning party to the presidency. This may cause a slight difference to the American citizens but for us it is still the same story; this is because between a foolish candidate that openly declare his enmity towards Islam and a candidate pretending to be a friend of Islam, thousands of Muslims continue to die as a result of the inhuman American policies in Islamic lands. After America failed to impose its direct domination and rule under the excuse of countering terrorism. And after America was exhausted in fighting many wars with Islamic groups. And after realizing that it is losing a battle rather than winning, they began to think of making arrangements on how to retreat from our lands ‘safely’. America found that the best way to achieve this is by igniting the region with sectarian wars. Their aim was not to weaken one party over the other, but rather total annihilation of one party … the Sunnis.
This is the kind of war occupying Sunni Muslims today. Exhausting them and weakening them so as not to enjoy living freely under the Islamic Shariah. Keeping them busy in wars, since they (America) were unable to confront the Muslims directly on the ground. These are the dirty politics of America, led by the Democratic Party under the leadership of Obama. And on the other hand we have the republicans, who openly kill, fight and declare enmity towards Islam under the banner of the crusade. The Democrats smile at the Muslims while stabbing them at their backs. They consolidated Iran’s influence in the region, giving them privileges and allowing them to use every opportunity to kill Sunnis. They turn a blind eye to what Bashar is doing in Syria, supporting the Iraq government, and secretly negotiating with the Houthis in Yemen to fight the Sunni. Allah the Almighty is true when He said: {And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able.} [2:217]. It is enmity between truth and falsehood. And the ancient struggle between those who worship Allah, and those who worship the Shaytan. If Shaytan came to you dressed in garments preaching and giving advice, then you never know what is buried underneath the garment in plot, grudge and enmity.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Mujahid’s Notes: American Justice
Page(s): 07
- 17 yr old Muslim (Hamza) brutally beaten and thrown from a 60ft building in seattle U.S.
- America surveys a Doctors Without Borders Hospitall in Kunduz, finds out that there are no Mujahideen in the Hospital … but later on decides to bomb the hospital anyway. more than 20 civilians killed
- What does America call the children killed in drone strikes? is it “Near certainty casualties” ? No! they are refered to as “Fun-sized terrorists” , “Cutting the grass before its too long – Michael Haas, Former drone operator
- 13 yr old boy Mohammed Saleh Tauiman killed by US drone strike. days before the strike he was recording a video for T he Guardian, documenting how his family is coping after his father was targeted by a drone strike. “Obama‘s fun-sized terrorist
- U.S soldier kills a young afghani boy near an American airfield near Kabul.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Mujahid’s Notes: “The Mulla in Americastan”
Page(s): 07
it seems someone is tirelessly doing his ‘best’ to study Islam but all for the wrong resons. in a letest move to pump up his CVE campaign, (the mulla of Americastan) obama went to Baltimore to teach muslims how to be ‘true Muslims’ – the ‘Wala wal Bara’, Obama‘s Version.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: A Moment in the Life of Sheikh Usama, By Sheikh Khubaib As-Sudani
Page(s): 13
The enemies were overwhelmed with joy for the kill – ing of Sheikh Usama. They rushed to the streets, dancing to tunes, beating drums and singing as the incident occurred. But how can these fools ever understand the reality that our dead are in paradise and theirs are in hell. How arrogant enough are they not to grasp that concept? How far are them from realizing that martyrdom in the path of Allah is what the Sheikh ever hoped for and waited for it after long decades. In his final days the Sheikh was about to die in his bed due to illness but Allah the Exalted wanted to raise his status high and chose him as a martyr instead. He was finally granted martyrdom in his home, after years searching for it and directing the war in the battlefield.
Were they drunk enough to realize that the Sheikh al – ways used to utter this hadith [“I would like to enter the battlefield in the path of Allah and be killed, resurrecting in the battlefield and be killed then resurrected once more and be killed.’] These fools thought that by targeting Sheikh Usama, the blessed Jihadi caravan will end. Surely, they were disappointed, and their wishes not fulfilled. They were disappointed, the same way when they took hold of Afghanistan in two months. The decree of Allah came upon them from where they never expected. The sparks and flames of Jihad roared in Afghanistan, its West and East burn – ing their interests in all countries. And once again they lost hope and died in their own rage and wrath when they saw the gathering of Muslims all over the world. Muslims rushing down to the streets just after the an – nouncement of his killing, cheering, shouting and repeating the now famous quote “Obama, Obama, we are all Usama.”
Yes, by the Lord of Kaaba, Obama we are all Usama. We are a nation, which does not know how to surren – der. A nation that never dies with the death of its men or leaders. We either attain victory and prevail or taste what Usama tasted.
Yes, by the Lord of kaaba, Obama we are a nation that does not worship Usama. Rather we worship the Lord of Usama. We are a nation that acquires light in the darkness through the Holy book of Allah, the Sunnah of the prophet and through the life history of our leaders and their words which are echoed through their blood. Their words are like candles, even if they die, they still lit a sparkle of hope. Their words spread among the one and united ummah, with which if a part of it is hurt, the whole ummah is shaken, stays alert and awake.
Yes by the Lord of Kaaba, Obama we are an ummah born from a fresh. A clear start. We will not be like our predecessor who you wanted to be as sheep – taken to be slaughtered from vein to vein, and when beheaded and a drop of blood spurts into the white cloth of the butcher, he raises with anger pointing to it and say, ‘Oh, this is a terrorist sheep.
Yes, by the Lord of kaaba, Obama, we are an ummah that holds its souls at the palm of our hands, saying unto you – living in peace is a two way equation; If we live in peace and safety, you too shall live in peace and harmony. If you strike and kill us, then expect nothing but to be hit and killed. What type of millah is it that declares your dead as innocent and ours as nothing? In which faith is it that declares your blood as blood and ours as water? This is the simple, moderate and clear equation; As you threaten our security, we too shall crash and destroy yours. And the initiator is the worst of oppressors.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Questions We Should Be Asking
Page(s): 23
Why are there more Taliban Mujahideen than during the American invasion in Afghanistan in 2001?
Why do we see more Mujahideen in Iraq and Sham after America declared it’s ‘victory’ in Iraq?
Why do we see an incease in the number of mujahideen in Yemen even after America’s ‘successful’ drone campaign by Obama and a military assisstance of over 400$ million to the Yemeni governement?
Isn’t the ratio of Mujahideen, Jihadi fronts and Jihad awareness much greater than before 9/11?
Is America really winning a war?
Is America really a safer country?
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: The Corner: Inside Obama‘s Rationality – Muhsin Ali
Page(s): 24
Days were quite simple, when we could not differentiate between a crazy leader and the effect of his propaganda. You only had to look and hear the words of Hitler, Stalin and other past dictators to make your mind on their hideous acts. They were obvious, exposed and predictable. But now we have new forms of dictators. Those who come with smiles and soft speeches but act very similarly to their past mentors. They learned from the past, made amendments, adjusted and improved from where their historical likes went careless. They understood that propaganda and evil intentions never required fiery speeches nor an iron fist upon the masses. Therefore, for them it came down to the hearts & minds of the populations, devise ways of achieving evil in the softest of approach and path. They devised ways of protecting their subjects at the expense of others. These are the 21st century Hitlers, they do not go berserk when giving speeches nor have funny haircuts, they are masters of manipulating public opinion – their logical thinking is the only thinking, their rationale is the only rationale and their methods are the only solutions. In simple terms, think of them as 21st century Hitler and 20th century Obama, separable by methods not actions.
Recently in the news there has been much debate on the closure of Guantanamo Bay. Obama‘s rationality is that he never wants the ‘terrorists’ to benefit from it, and described Guantanamo as the “recruitment brochure for our enemies.”, while others cited multiple security concerns. I will not be adding anything to this – lest I give Obama an extra line in his next speech – but I would like to talk on the whole idea as to why this ‘rational’ president would consider closing Gitmo. Maybe if we had Hitler instead of Obama he would not have closed Guantanamo, he would not have been affected by our so called ‘rhetoric’. But think of Obama as a witty dictator.
The basic principles as to why Obama closes Guantanamo brings to light many questions than answers. If the question of morality, principles, humanity, security and denying us the ‘benefit of rhetoric’ would make Obama think of Guantanamo, then one asks himself why doesn’t the same logic apply to every other issue affecting the Muslims?
Before Guantanamo, we had Palestine: If our ‘rhetoric’ is among Obama‘s decision to close Guantanamo, then one wonders why America boastfully talks on how partisan they are when it comes to supporting Israel. The plight of the Palestinians has been our talk from years before, many have joined Jihad because of the Palestinian ‘rhetoric’ compared to Guantanamo. In fact we can say Guantanamo and 9/11 would not have existed if the Americans had not had a hand in the oppression of Palestinians. The very core reasons for our fight is Palestine, our motto has always been “O Aqsa we are coming”.
American presidents and leaders give blind assurance to AIPAC to support the Jews in any means necessary. The rhetoric going on in these meetings is overwhelming, everyone competes in pleasing the Jews, even the so-called rational Presidents compete with each other in proving who is the most biased, irrational, partisan president when it comes to supporting the Jews. And from the very beginning to date, America has constantly supported the Zionists against the Palestinians, giving Israel the ammunition to massacre them. Thwarts of Palestinians are evicted from their lands on daily bases yet all these crimes are not seen, by the ‘rational’ Obama, as being our ‘rhetoric’ recruitment tool, or a long term security concern, or not in the interest of the taxpayer, or being inhumane, immoral, irrational, barbaric, or being a dark dot in the history of America. What America did is save the Jews from a dictator and protected them using a different dictator. Hitler’s goal was to empower a race by annihilating another, and our 21st century soft dictators are simply doing their best to protect a race by merely helping to destroy the Palestinians. Yet all this does not fit in the closet of Obama‘s rationality, logic and morality.
A Malala in prison and a Malala in NewYork: When a frail Muslim woman, Aafiah Sidique Khan, and her children are kidnapped, rendered to Afghanistan, detained in isolation for 3 years, then sentenced to 86 years in an American prison for allegedly threatening an American soldier in Afghanistan, you get an understanding of the scope and magnitude of America’s injustice. The incident has always been a part of our ‘rhetoric’ or a ‘recruitment tool’ and will continue to be for time to come. We will continue to threaten America’s security because of it, and continue to incite others to attack America because of it.
Trying to kill a girl just because you do not want her to study is unacceptable. Taking advantage of the situation to make a public relations (propaganda, rhetoric) tool to coat the western countries in glamorous colors is far much worse. The hundreds of children killed by drone strikes in the Pakistani tribal areas are not given any attention, or is it that they have no same right to life, education and love as Malala. And how can we compare the one who shot with a gun and the one who gave the order to bomb children from afar. I see no difference – in action – from the two, Obama has his radical violent means as the other had his own radical violent means. Therefore Malala in NewYork becomes a public relations tool served with a Noble Peace price, while another silently awaits her death in an American Prison. The juxtaposition of these situations exposes the hypocritical nature of America. Still Obama‘s rationality does not apply to this case.
in conclusion we simply So we find that Obama‘s rationality isn’t about solving problems in a logical manner, but rather it is all about management … managing America’s injustice towards Muslims.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Interview: Abu-Khubeyb As-Sudani – Political Consequences
Page(s): 31
With regards to political consequences; the strikes uncovered the mask behind America’s ugly face. That mask fell the moment the World Trade Center buildings and the pentagon collapsed. Letting the world discover that all the claims of freedom, justice, human rights principles and principles of the founding fathers that America boast about, were but a lie. That mask fell to let the world discover the real values of America’s human rights violations in Guantanamo, Abu Ghuraib and in the secret detention facilities. That mask fell to let the world discover that the American foreign policy is always the same bloody and colonial policy of expansionism stated by their founding fathers i.e.:
- “the policy of manifest destiny – the conviction that such expansion was preordained, part of god’s plan to extend what Andrew Jackson called “the area of freedom” across the continent… But the impulse to expand geographically, economically and ideologically is stamped into our DNA … Theodore Roosevelt, for example, added a corollary to Monroe Doctrine, declaring that the United States would intervene in any Latin American or Caribbean country whose government it deemed not to be in America’s liking. “The United States of America has not the option as to whether it will or it will not play a great part in the world,” Roosevelt would argue. “It must play a great part. All that it can decide is whether it will play that part well or badly” … Theodore Roosevelt’s version of the Monroe Doctrine was now the Bush Doctrine, only extended beyond the Western Hemisphere to span the globe. Manifest destiny was back in fashion; all that was needed, according to Bush, was American firepower, American resolve and a ‘coalition of the willing’.” – Audacity of Hope, Obama.
“Any nation, any country has to decide either you are with us or with the terrorist. Who is not with us is against us”. By these words Bush launched his campaign of Manifest Destiny. What this meant was interference to country’s dignity, unimaginable bloody wars, thirst to shed blood of the innocent in tens of thousands massacres committed by the American troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and other countries under the excuse of countering terrorism. Some may say it is you (Al-Qaida) who caused all these massacres. To those we say, if the arguments of our leaders and that of Sheikh Usama from the sharia point of view; together with their logical and rational reasoning in waging this war does not convince you. Then what were the crimes of tens of millions of Red Indians, Mexicans, Philippines, Vietnamese, Hiroshima and Nagasaki etc being massacred? Massacres that Obama referred to in his book as conquests, he says: “it was conquest that, like slavery, contradicted America’s founding principles and tended to be justified in explicitly racist terms, a conquest that America mythology has always had difficulty fully absorbing but that other countries recognized it for what it was – an exercise in raw power”.
But we also realize this in its true sense as Allah the Almighty says {they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion[ to disbelief].} He also said, {we will surely drive you out of our land, or you must return to our religion}. In addition, if Obama seems to be crying over the crimes committed by America, and say: “America mythology has always had difficulty fully absorbing (the massacres)”. We say to him, that the American foreign policy – Manifest Destiny – throughout the history of America up to date is to play a part by either one of the two ways as mentioned by Roosevelt above “It must play a great part. All that it can decide is whether it will play that part well or badly”.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #015, May 2016
Section: Interview: Abu-Khubeyb As-Sudani – Advice to the Lone Mujahid
Page(s): 32
Inspire: Our beloved Sheikh, what is your advice towards the Lone Mujahid?
Sheikh Khubaib: If we look at the enormity of the battle that the Mujahideen are facing today, we find that it cannot be comparable in the balance of power. The whole world, led by America together with those who are from our own people, from of our own blood, those who claim to practice the same religion as us and talk the same language as us, rush to fight the Mujahideen under the pretext of countering terrorism. This is because by the grace of Allah the Mujahideen are the only ones who stood up against their crooked plots and plans. So the battle is too big and the price is too expensive, and to give victory to our religion needs men firm as mountains who will defend the religion the same way as they defend their women and sons. Men that really comprehended the meaning of Bayatul Aqaba, Bayatul Alridhwan, the story of people of the trench and people of the cave. Allah the Almighty says: {Indeed, if they come to know of you, they will stone you or return you to their religion. And never would you succeed, then – ever.} And He also ays, {And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able.}
Therefore, we have to realize this fact very well to avoid falling back under the excuse of revising the path of jihãd and giving victory to Islam. This is the nature of the real battle that we are bearing today against our enemy. Allah The Almighty has exposed this to us more than 1400 years ago, despite alot of trials to change this fact deployed by the Hypocrites. It is an old battle, its history extended since the day the Devil refused to bow down to Adam –peace be upon him- a battle between two parties not three, the party of Allah and the party of Shaytan . So, every single believer has to decide carefully in which party he places himself in, either in the party of the believers, the monotheists and the Mujahideen – among them are those who have wronged themselves, who are moderate in deeds and who are foremost in good deeds by the permission of Allah. Or in the party of the new international order – the manifest destiny- yesterday being led by Bush and before him Roosevelt. Today led by Obama, and tomorrow by their successors. Allah the Almighty say {that those who perished [through disbelief] would perish upon evidence and those who lived [in faith] would live upon evidence;}
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #016, November 2016
Section: Inspire Guide: New Jersey, Minnesota and Chelsea Operations
Page(s): 04
When the operations began in New Jersey, the government tried to downplay the situation and convince the public opinion that it was not an intentional act and that Jihad has nothing to do with it. It did not take long and the second operation took place in Minnesota, and the government still did not take the incident seriously as a Lone Jihad act despite the attacker making takbir and targeting non-Muslim only. And within a short span of time, before the Minnesota operation by half an hour came the third operation, an explosion in the suburbs of Manhattan. And even though the security organs managed to find a note near the explosive devices, as suggested previously by Inspire Magazine to Lone Jihad operations, the government still tried to downplay the incident, distancing it from Jihad in order not to excite fears once more in Manhattan.
Anyone who witnessed the incident and the steps and procedures taken during investigation, will clearly notice that these procedures are only placed when there is a Jihadi Operation: Immediately after the operations the Counter Terrorism Joint Force, federal officials and the FBI began investigations, and President Obama was immediately briefed … these procedures take place when there is a Jihadi Operation.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #016, November 2016
Section: The Issue of African Americans
Page(s): 18
The killing of Michael Brown:
- 9\8\2014 Michael Brown shot dead by a white police officer.
- 10\8\2014 protesters took to the streets of Ferguson. Three hundred police officers being called, they use excessive force to break up the demonstration.
- 13\8\2014 President Obama delivered an address attempting to calm the situation
- 9\10\2014 Saint Louis city, a black teenage shot dead by a white police officer.
- 11\10\2014 widespread demonstrations and confrontations broke out; lasted more than ten days and extended to seventy American cities.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #016, November 2016
Section: The American Globalization Is Falling
Page(s): 21-24
The American president, Barak Obama, delivered his final speech to the United Nations as American president. The speech was mostly one sided, he called out for the need to global integration, inclusive and pointed out on globalization. We do not care much about the American president who said these words nor about his party affiliation. What we really care about, is that this address expresses the extent and dimension of the American policy and how it views and persives reality in these times.
It is a big lie to propagate and say, “This is Obama‘s Policy, or this is Obama‘s approach to such and such a policy.” It is as if this or that president is the one who draws the American policy. This is a big fallacy deliberated by America to exit herself from the embarrassment that is associated with it as a result of the wrong actions it takes. The same thing is said with respect to the different parties in America.
In general, this is just deceptive politics and a ploy that America uses to rid of and justify any mistakes that took place during the presidential term of any president, it is as if nothing wrong ever happened. For example, the incidents that took place in Afghanistan, Iraq and the consequences that ensued; is like they all occurred as a result of President George W. Bush’s policy. And what is happening in Syria, the killing of thousands of innocents, is because of Obama‘s isolationist policy; or it being said that what is happening is because of the policies of the republicans or democrats. All this is deception that has unfortunately affected many Muslims and even some politicians. Some of them say that they will wait for the next president who might give them hope and best handle their issues.
In America, the policy of the decision makers, always take into account the internal economic situation in relationship to the the external affairs. American policy takes into consideration all external powers, and builds its foreign policy on the measures of its internal power. For example, You will not find a republican or a democrat president who wages a war and invades a country at a time in which the economy is suffering from recession.
If we agree to the above introduction and basing it upon our concept of America’s policy, it will be easy for us to read and understand deeper the breadth of this article.
Obama started his address by talking about global integration, cooperation, solutions present in promoting globalization and explaining that there is no solution except in strengthening the centralization of international order. The speech talked about the end of the cold war and how it lifted the shadow of nuclear war pointing out to international order. But the president commented by saying that, “The end of the Cold War may have led too many to forget this truth”. This is a paradox, which shows how America is always trying to separate between globalization from American Imperialism, and this might be hard to believe, because globalization emerged after the collapse of the Soviets, after which the world witnessed the America’s wars, invasions and the extent of the American imperialistic influence in the world.
Obama‘s speech on the economic aspect of globalization did not last long. He went on to talk about values and virtuous aspect of democracy as a culture and the value of a state that is upon such globalization. The president talked much on democracy, describing it in terms of its justice and freedom. When talking about justice and equality he said, “both the facts and history, I believe, are on our side.” But will history and facts truly be on the side of America and stand by its falsehood or by the facts that can never be hidden from young Muslim children?
The American ‘justice’ has manifested itself when it invaded the Iraq people, killing, detaining, torturing and violating the honor of hundreds of thousands of people. The entire world witnessed what happened in Abu-Ghuraib prison in Iraq, and how inhumanly the American soldiers treated the prisoners. Up to this day, America did not take one-step to punish the perpetrators; instead, it rewarded them, honored them and gave them medals of bravery as war heroes. America’s crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq are not hidden from the world. America confessed to its crimes, but went on to deceive the world by attributing the crimes that occurred to President Bush’s administration. This is an example of America’s deception and cunningness that we mentioned earlier on. And if Obama‘s administration was to disagree with these crimes that occurred during Bush’s administration, then why aren’t the perpetrators of these crimes – headed by the president – not held accountable and presented to the International Criminal Court? This is a rational question that summarizes the reality and morals of the American democracy.
One of the things that exposes the reality of the American democracy is the issue of Palestine. There is no contradiction among the world nations that Israel is occupying, seizing and oppressing the Palestinian people. Then where is the justice of America to flash-out the aggressor and do justice to the Palestinians? But the matter is much worse, because the state of Israel cannot support itself as an occupying state all this time except by the continuing support of America politically, militarily and economically. Just recently America has approved one of the biggest support America has ever given to Israel, Obama‘s administration supported Israel by 38 billion dollars in militarily support. What type of justice is America talking about? Isn’t it that according to your traditions and norms that supporting a criminal is considered crime?
In addition to what the president said in his address about freedom,” I know that some countries, which now recognize the power of free markets, still reject the model of free societies”. Just to prove that that these speeches are meaningless but only used as a media tool, and that they are far away from their values is the issue of the African American. We will not even go far away from America, the state that Obama boast of its ‘justice’, is witnessing demonstrations and protests from time to time by a social class which has been suffering for centuries. They are the African Americans who through history gained their rights by force, and this is the class that is still suffering from discrimination. And more often we see videos documenting cases of racial killings and the victim has repeatedly been the African American.
Obama continues to say in his speech,” what is true in the Middle East is true for all of us … religious traditions can be honored and upheld while teaching young people science and math ” … ” if our religion leads us to discriminate on the basis of race or tribe or ethnicity… to persecute those of another faith… to prevent girls from going to school, he also said,” … “We see this mindset in too many parts of the Middle East”
These brief sentences summarize his long speech, whereby he portrayed his intentions. The speech from the beginning up to end was categorizing people in two groups: one group representing justice, freedom and rights, represented by America and those it selects. The other group representing dictatorship, injustice, violation of rights and those who are culturally backward – represented by the Middle East and Arab countries. From his point of view, Obama attributed the reasons and origin of this problem to religious fundamentalism, tribes and aggressive nationalism. From here, we understand that Obama‘s address was briefly a ‘call for cultural globalization and integration’ based upon his own liking and understanding.
One mistakes if he thinks that this is Obama‘s policy but rather this is a clear embodiment to America’s policy in the Middle East. According to the American vision, wars will continue in the Middle East until the break-up of the regimes that do not call for American values, an example is Saudi regime – although this might be gradually. Wars will continue until it manages to finish the extremist Islamic organizations. Arabs and Muslims will not live in peace until they reject their ‘undemocratic’ affiliation towards their religion and accept ‘America’s religion’. This is because their religion prohibits sexual perversion that America call for. It is common sense that any Arab tribe will definitely see that it is shameful to walk on streets naked as animals. Obama‘s thinking is that integration should only be upon American culture, so that we march together and live a life of animals and that America continues leading the world.
Even the environment has suffered from America’s policies. In latest official statistics of International Health Organization, it mentions that %92 of the world population are breathing polluted air. Moreover, 6.5 million people are dying annually because of air pollution. One of the main cause of pollution results from American factories, which produce %36.1 of greenhouse gases. Despite that, up to this day America hasn’t taken any tangible steps to reduce these harmful gases. In addition to this America opposed some laws that were imposed so as to reduce the use of materials that produce greenhouse gases. It is astonishing and deceptive to hear Obama talk about the necessity of acting boldly in combating the danger of greenhouse gases, yet his own state has not responded and dealt adequately in reducing these deadly emissions. And what is more ridiculous is when he talked about Green Climate Funds and technologies, he says, “make these technologies accessible and affordable for poorer countries” to produce clean energy … it is as if he is pointing out that the third world countries are the source of these gases.
Whoever contemplated carefully to Obama‘s last address in the United Nation General Assembly, will sense exhaustion from war, a sense of retreat and a person who lowly presents himself to nations and asks them to participate and converge together. One will notice the absence of words of pride and arrogance. The expressions of America as being the number one nation has faded away and America has started saying to other nations that they are one. America is not subjugated to this state except by enduring in waging Jihad and being patience. It might just be little longer and America will be forgotten – by the Will of Allah.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #017, August 2017
Section: Targeting Means of Transportation, Ibrahim Ibn Hassan Al-Asiri
Page(s): 07
After this quick review, in which we show the importance of focusing on specific kinds of targets, I urge my Mujahideen brothers everywhere, especially the Lone Jihad heroes; I say to them: Target America, by Allah they are in a great predicament. They cannot get out of it and cannot find real solutions to its problems beyond its borders. We see them laying alternative plans to their wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places; making alliances after being unable to fight the war all alone. This state of weakness appears clearly in one of Obama‘s speeches in which he said “globalization is still standing”. Trying to imply that America is still a dominant power. What makes Obama declare this is the weakness that is overshadowing America. The U.S. laid a fifteen-year plan in which it raised the debt, lowered interest rates and reduced military expenditure, which will continue for many years to come. America today is refreshing its efforts to revive its economy. And we should continue to focus our efforts against it until the world gets rid of this international system led by America, and until Muslims enjoy freedom to practice their faith, freedom to apply the Laws of Allah and until Muslims secure themselves, wealth and resources from the hands of America.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire #017, August 2017
Section: Exclusive Inspire Interview: Sheikh Abu Mus’ab Abdul Wadood
Page(s): 21-22
After eight years of a Democrat President, Obama, the Republican Trump has assumed office in America. Does this actually hold any significance for the Muslim world or Muslims in general?
We must bear in mind that Democrats and Republicans have been alternating in power for more than a century and a half in the United States. In spite of this, American foreign policy hasn’t seen any radical changes. The differences between these two parties are limited to well-known domestic issues (taxation, social issues, economic policy etc.).
Many Muslims wanted Trump to lose the elections, hoping that Hillary Clinton would be relatively merciful and less antagonistic towards them. This was just a false hope. Have they forgotten what Democrats under Bill Clinton did to Muslims? Have they forgotten the deaths of a million Iraqi children due to the sanctions imposed by Democrats? Have they forgotten the thousands who fell victims to America’s ‘smart’ bombs and its drones during Obama‘s tenure? ‘Kufr’ (Disbelief) is a single nation. In fact, Trump’s blunt statements and his hostile stance towards Islam and Muslims may be beneficial in ways that only Allah knows. His rash candidness is a powerful reminder to the Islamic Ummah of the reality of these disbelievers, about whom our Lord has informed us in the Quran in these words, {And they will not cease fighting you until they turn you back from your Religion, if they are able to do so}
With regards to America, it is a country farthest from values, and the last one to bring up values in its public discourse. This is because America has historically thrived on plunder and murder, and its history is stained with crimes, which have affected Muslims and non-Muslims alike. And this peculiarity is not limited to the American state, but can be seen in the individual American as well. This is why we see that crime rates in America are much higher than other nations, and it comes as no surprise that most crimes are of a racist nature. And this is something that Obama on the eve of his departure from the White House himself admitted frankly.
Jihadi Group: Al-Qaeda
Magazine: Inspire Guide #006, June 2021
Section: Operation of the Shaami Mujahid Ahmed Al-Issa
Page(s): 03
In this issue, we will cover that operation and its impact on the American enemy, and we incite and guide those involved in lone Jihad to carry out and obtain the best results, by the help of Allah.
This operation has increased anxiety and fear among the Americans. Obama said in a statement, commenting on the Colorado incident, “In a normal life, we should be able to buy groceries without fear. We should be able to go to school, or go out with our friends, or worship together without mentally planning our escape if someone shows up with a gun. We should be able to live our lives without wondering if the next trip outside our home could be our last.” He then continued saying “We should. But in America, we can’t.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #003, September 2014
Section: Foreword
Page(s): 04
On the 11th of Shawwāl 1435H (August 7, 2014), the USA decided to officially get involved once again in the affairs of the Muslim Ummah by conducting airstrikes against the Islamic State and its people. There were a number of related events that the Obama administration and western media tried to ignore when discussing the strikes and the consequential execution of James Foley.
Upon receiving the threat and prior to the execution, Obama scurried to prevent knowledge of the affair from reaching his citizenry. His administration immediately ordered a number of online social networks to shut down all Islamic State media accounts, including accounts of Islamic State supporters.
In his speech on “August 20, 2014,” Obama completely avoided mention of Steven Sotloff, again showing his “people” that the number one interest of the American government is the sanctity of Israel and its allies, which include the Zionist Peshmerga forces. These are more important than the lives of his citizenry.
And with Allah’s permission, Obama will continue to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, Bush, only to become the worst heir for the worst testator, and ultimately bring about the complete collapse of the modern American empire.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #003, September 2014
Section: In the Words of the Enemy
Page(s): 35-36
On 7 August 2014, the crusader, apostate Barack Obama announced to the world the continuation of the American crusade against Islam and the Muslims of Iraq, only to prove to his followers that there is no difference between his partisan politics and that of his predecessor – Bush – apart from cosmetic, superficial touches. His decisions also expose the hypocritical politics of America that only serve the interests of their Jewish ally, Israel, and their own capitalist gluttony. So while genocide is committed by the Maliki, Asadi, and Israeli forces against the Muslims via systematic massacres, chemical warfare, rape, and starvation by siege, Obama watches with euphoria. However, when his brothers in Yazidi Satanism and Peshmergan Zionism are killed, he panics. Obama had this to say: “Today I authorized two operations in Iraq – targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water, and facing almost certain death. Let me explain the actions we are taking and why…”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #003, September 2014
Section: Foley’s Blood Is on Obama‘s Hands
Page(s): 37-38
James Wright Foley was an American who spent a large part of his career travelling exclusively to war zones embedded with the American military at war with Muslims. He had entered Afghanistan and Iraq numerous times from 2008 to 2010, during the ongoing crusades. TG Taylor and Mathew Gregory were two of his military overseers as he covered the US military in Afghanistan.
James traveled to Syria, taking many security precautions due to his prior knowledge and experience as an American “journalist.” He knew that Americans were not welcome in Muslim lands because of their government’s shameless and lengthy record of aggression against Muslims. Nevertheless, he entered Syria carrying along with him items used for espionage, which were also found on his possession at the time of his capture.
As for who is ultimately responsible for his execution, then the Obama administration was aware of James’s detention as early as November 2013. In a message sent thereafter, the simple solution for his release was clearly stated to the Americans. All that Obama had to do was release our Muslim brothers and sisters from their prisons.
During this long 9-month period, as the American government was dragging its feet, reluctant to take the necessary steps to save James’s life, negotiations were made by the governments of a number of European prisoners, which resulted in the release of a dozen of their prisoners, after the demands of the Islamic State were met. That left a number of British and American prisoners remaining in the cells of the Islamic State, only after their governments arrogantly refused to release our imprisoned brothers and our sister, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui.
To paraphrase James, the Obama administration ultimately hit the last nail in James’s coffin and killed him by bombing Iraq. A message was sent two days before James’s execution, warning of his demise as a result of the US airstrikes in Iraq. The solution was easy… Stop the airstrikes!
The arrogant US government paid no attention to the offer nor to the threats that accompanied it, so the question that every rational person needs to ask is what is the real reason behind the Obama administration’s refusal to comply with the demands put forward by the Islamic State for the safe release of American citizens?
The answer is that Obama now blindly follows the example of “the war president” Bush. He will continue to strengthen the ancient and historical enemy of the West – Persia/Iran. He sends comforting signals to the agents of the Iranian government in Syria and Lebanon (al-Asad and Hezbollah). Through his decisions, he solidifies the Iranian puppet government in Iraq as well as the Iranian-backed Shiite militias allied to the puppet government.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: Excerpts From “Indeed Your Lord Is Ever Watchful” by the Official Spokesman for the Islamic State
Page(s): 08
You claimed to have withdrawn from Iraq – O Obama – four years ago. We said to you then that you were liars, that you had not withdrawn, and that if you had withdrawn that you would return, even if after some time, you would return. Here you are; you have not withdrawn. Rather you hid some of your forces behind your proxies and withdrew the rest. Your forces will return greater in number than they were before. You will return and your proxies will not avail you. And if you are not able to return, then we will come to your homeland by Allah’s permission.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: The Revival of Slavery Before the Hour
Page(s): 14
The Yazidis present-day creed – as it has changed over history – entails the worship of Iblīs who they consider to be a fallen but forgiven angel amongst the angels who were ordered to prostrate to Ādam! He alone refused to prostrate to Ādam, and they consider this arrogant disobedience of Allah to be his noblest deed! They consider him to be misunderstood by mankind! They consider him to be good and enlightened, and claim that Allah will openly forgive him on THE REVIVAL OF SLAVERY BEFORE THE HOUR Judgment Day after already forgiving him beforehand for crying tears of piety over a period of thousands of years! So they have made Iblīs – who is the biggest tāghūt – the symbolic head of enlightenment and piety! What arrogant kufr can be greater than this?
Their creed is so deviant from the truth that even cross-worshipping Christians for ages considered them devil worshippers and Satanists, as is recorded in accounts of Westerners and Orientalists who encountered them or studied them. It is ultimately ironic that Obama sites these devil worshippers as the main cause for his intervention in Iraq and Shām, as he sides with the peshmerga – gangs of mercenaries related to the Marxist PUK and allied with the Marxist PKK – a “terrorist” organization according to the tāghūt laws the West “believes” in.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: The Crusade Serving Iran and Russia
Page(s): 38
The odd alliance of Persia and Russia – two powers who for centuries were at war with the West – is an actuality one cannot deny. Regarding some battles of their ancient conflict, Allah ta’ālā revealed, {The Romans have been defeated in the nearest land. But they, after their defeat, will overcome [their enemy] within three to nine years. To Allah belongs the command before and after. And that day the believers will rejoice in the victory of Allah. He gives victory to whom He wills, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Merciful. [It is] the promise of Allah. Allah does not fail in His promise, but most of the people do not know} [Ar-Rūm: 2-6].
And after centuries of Western conflict with Persia and Russia, we find that two Western leaders – Bush and Obama – are determined to do everything possible to strengthen Persian and Russian influence in the Middle East.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: The Crusade Serving Iran and Russia
Page(s): 39-40
Former CIA Chief of “the Bin Laden Issue Station,” Michael Scheuer, said,
“For now, however, the beginning of wisdom is to look at what is going on in Iraq and Syria and see it clearly. In both places all of those folks that multiple US administrations have identified as enemies of America are killing each other. In Syria, the Assad regime, Iran, and Lebanese Hizballah are killing Sunni mujahedin from all over the world, as well as their local allies and supporters. In turn, the Sunni Islamists in Syria are killing Assad’s troops, Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and Hizballah fighters. This is a perfect circumstance for the United States, all our enemies are killing each other and it is not costing us a cent or a life.”
“Over in Iraq, we see much the same marvelous phenomena occurring. Multinational Sunni mujahedin and Saddam’s former military personnel are fighting and killing Maliki’s dictatorial regime, its Shia military forces, and their Iranian military supporters. And, as in Syria, Maliki and his gang are killing our Sunni Islamist enemies. In Iraq there also is the potential for a delightful bonus coming to fruition. If the United States stays out of the affair, the renewed war in Iraq may trigger a widespread Shia-vs-Sunni civil war in which our Muslim enemies – as they are defined by our bipartisan political elite – may begin to kill each other for a prolonged period and at unprecedented levels, and, again, at no cost to us in lives or dollars.”
“So let us take both a deep breath and Lt. Col. Peters advice and sit back and watch what is going on in Syria and Iraq with equanimity and absolutely from the sidelines. Cheer for neither side, answer no one’s call for help – especially not one from the near-frantic Neocons who now know they sank their beloved Israel with the 2003 invasion of Iraq – and pray that Obama does not cooperate with Iran to restore Maliki’s Shia tyranny and thereby earn the eternal enmity of all of the Sunni world.”
Obama now strengthens the Iraqi regime, which is undeniably backed by Iranian intelligence, military, and finances. Iranian Shia militias currently fight to “defend” Baghdad. The Iraqi regime and its Iranian founder have been one of the biggest allies of the Asad regime in Syria. They have sent fighters to the Abul-Fadl al-‘Abbās battalion. The Asad air force has stopped all airstrikes against the Islamic State in a number of Shāmī wilāyat, probably because it is cheaper for them to benefit from the US airstrikes on their behalf, especially since the Asad regime is collapsing financially and isn’t very good at hitting targets accurately. At the same time, it has managed to “hide” chemical weapons from the West and use them without a deterrent. Hezbollah has sent guerillas to fight against Muslims in Iraq and Syria. The Houthis of Yemen – allies of Iran – have overrun Sanaa. Most significantly, Russia – Iran’s biggest ally as well as an ally of China – has entered the Ukraine, which is supposedly claimed by the West. Russia continues to arm the Asad regime against the Muslims of Shām. They have boasted of their nuclear capabilities once again. And yet Obama insists upon strengthening “the Persian Crescent” and Russian influence in the region. It seems American leaders are blinded by their love of the Jewish state into doing things that only damage supposed Western interests.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: History Repeated
Page(s): 42
On “September 17, 2001” George W. Bush said, “This crusade, this war on terrorism, is gonna take a while. And the American people must be patient.” Barack Obama followed his predecessor on “August 9, 2014” by saying the crusade against the Islamic State was “going to be a long-term project.”
But Obama was more hypocritical by saying that the Iraq war was a “dumb war,” starting his presidency with a promise to end the Iraq war only to return from where his predecessor had left off, and sending troops to Iraq after promising not to send any. He then ordered airstrikes leading to the killing of Muslim men, women, and children in Iraq and Shām, granting his army the right to do such while claiming the killings of Foley, Sotloff, Haines, and Henning were unjustified! He achieved all this after receiving the hypocritical Nobel Peace Prize.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: The Fading Grayzone
Page(s): 43
Since the beginning of this crusade on the media frontline, self-styled jihadist ideologues and quasi-mujāhidīn have tried to position themselves in an area that is neither Islamic State nor Sahwah… only to be sucked into the trenches of the apostate media and religious scholarship of the Arab tawāghīt. They even imitated the nusayriyyah and secularist opposition by labelling the Islamic State as “Daesh” and “Tandhīm ad-Dawlah,” in a manner precisely mimicking the satellite channels and palace scholars of Āl Salūl and Qatar. One of the top “jihadist ideologues” presented a verdict entailing ways to confront the “extremism and takfīr” of “Jamā’at ad-Dawlah” matching those expressed by Obama, Chuck Hagel, Dempsey, and the US State Department. His suggestions included preventing financial and human resources from reaching the Islamic State as well as religiously delegitimizing the State in a manner US officials said “Muslim” scholars must do. And yet he and his likes claim they are neutral!
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: In The Words of the Enemy
Page(s): 45-46
On Tuesday “September 16, 2014,” the American crusader and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel testified before the US Senate Armed Services Committee in support of the crusade – headed by Barack Obama – against the Islamic State.
Hagel had the following to say: “… Although the intelligence community has not yet detected specific plotting against the US homeland, ISIL has global aspirations. And as President Obama has made clear, ISIL’s leaders have threatened America and our allies. If left unchecked, ISIL will directly threaten our homeland and our allies.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: A Message From Sotloff to His Mother Days Before His Execution
Page(s): 47-48
Below you will read the message sent from Steven Sotloff to his mother days before his execution. Again, his killing was the consequence of US arrogance and transgression which all US citizens are responsible for as they are represented by the government they have elected, approved of, and supported, through votes, polls, and taxes.
The case of Steven Sotloff contains a direct refutation against those who portray western journalism and humanitarian aid as purely innocent, for this man was a Jew and citizen of the Jewish state. In addition to his work for crusader media including TIME, National Interest, Foreign Policy, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Long War Journal, he also “freelanced” for two Jewish publications – the Jerusalem Report and the Jerusalem Post. The war against Islam for the sake of tāghūt is a media war as well as a military and intelligence struggle. It is not surprising then to know that dozens of specialists were employed to hide his Jewish identity from the world prior to his execution. This intelligence operation was done in cooperation with the Jewish state and media.
So let the weak-hearted and sick-hearted wake up before defending these “innocent civilians.”
To Mom,
I do not have much time and will probably not get this opportunity again, so I would like to get straight to the point.
Your recent public video of pleading to the Caliphate not to kill me has been received loud and clear by them. However, this in itself is not enough to save me. Although I’ve been informed that the aerial campaign in Iraq has been halted, which at the moment has given me breathing room thanks be to God, I believe it looks like it’s not enough Mom because Obama’s recent decision to fly spy drones over Syria in the Islamic State’s airspace is only aggravating and infuriating my captors further. This is obviously because the US government is interfering yet again in the affairs of the Islamic State. As for me being a journalist, they know this. I’ve repeatedly told them this, but like they always say, do US airstrikes differentiate between those who are armed and those who are unarmed? Likewise they don’t. Beseeching the Caliphate to spare my life will not help either of us, as the matter is in Obama’s next judgment. As you and the world have plainly seen in the recent video, the message was my life depends on Obama‘s next decision.
Mom, please don’t let Obama kill me. Do not let him get away with murder again. What doesn’t our government understand? Don’t get involved in the Islamic State’s internal and external affairs. Leave them to fight their own war.
Mom, you can still save my life, just like the families of my previous cellmates who I’m sure you’ve met. Pressure our government to not involve themselves in the affairs of these people.
At the rate that Obama‘s administration is going, this could very well be the last you hear from me. Please don’t let that be the case. Fight for me.
I love you.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #004, October 2014
Section: Hard Talk, The Real Story Behind My Videos, John Cantlie
Page(s): 54
Having watched Obama‘s address to the nation on September 10th, I was appalled at the way the names of my dead friends were used to beat the drums of war, like they were being used to incite the public into supporting military action. I watched Steven’s mother making a televised plea to the Islamic State to spare her son after her government declined to discuss anything with her, and read how Diane Foley was threatened with ‘funding terrorism’ charges as she tried to raise a ransom. I read emails from the mothers who’d sent letters to the President begging for help, and another where they’d directly contacted the family of one of the Muslim prisoners wanted in exchange for us to see if there was anything, anything they could do. I learned about the failed rescue attempt, how our chances of survival were rated as so low that it was considered the best option. “The intelligence was a bit stale, but you couldn’t not give it a swing,” said a spokesman.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #005, November 2014
Section: The Fight for Wilayat Al-Anbar
Page(s): 10
As the focus of the international media lay squarely on ‘Ayn al-Islām, ignoring the massacres carried out by the Safawī army and militias and their American backers against the Sunni population in Iraq, the mujāhidīn were at work seeing through the Islamic State’s strategy for the liberation of Wilāyat Al-Anbār.
This defiant region had long been a stronghold of the mujāhidīn in their fight against the US invasion more than a decade ago, continually terrorizing US forces and their allies during the course of their war in Iraq. Indeed, cities such as Fallūjah are the very reason that it was long considered political suicide for Obama to put “boots on the ground.” Thus, it would only be natural to assume that as the Islamic State continued to expand, it would place a strong focus on cleansing its bastion of Safawī forces and Sahwāh militias, thereby consolidating its hold on the very region that gave it birth only a few years before.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #005, November 2014
Section: The Fight for ’Ayn Al-Islam
Page(s): 15-16
Formerly ‘Ayn al-‘Arab, or Kobani, the city of ‘Ayn al-Islām was the target of an aggressive advance by the Islamic State that began nearly two months ago. The mujāhidīn quickly overwhelmed the resistance put up by the PKK/YPG and reached the outskirts of the city, even as American warplanes began targeting their positions in support of the communist entity. From there, it wasn’t long before they broke the murtaddīn’s defenses and fought their way through the city, as PKK supporters and media correspondents alike watched the onslaught from the sidelines in Turkey.
Their cheer and ecstasy at the sight of airstrikes against the mujāhidīn turned into sorrow and frustration as they realized the lack of effect that they had in stopping the advance. In Turkey, the communists began rioting, and even attacking and killing Muslims in anger over the course of events on the battlefield.
Soon afterwards, the media was abuzz with the news that the Peshmerga and FSA murtaddīn would be sending reinforcements. This further highlighted the PKK’s impotence in fighting the Islamic State. They were supported by a coalition that armed them, supplied them, reinforced them, and even provided them with almost daily air cover, but they still couldn’t dislodge the mujāhidīn or even stop their advance. Indeed, the only thing that the kuffār are likely to find more impressively baffling than the incompetence of the PKK, is Obama‘s decision to keep relying on the incompetence of the PKK.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #005, November 2014
Section: If I Were the US President Today… (John Cantlie)
Page(s): 36-39
If ever there were a shining, 24-carat example of good reasons not to reverse your own promises and declare another war in the Middle East, then we are witnessing it right now. $424 million dollars’ worth of airstrikes over Iraq and Syria have resulted in little more than the continued expansion and consolidation of the Islamic State in both countries, while the black flag of tawhīd now flutters on the skylines of Libya, Yemen, Sinai, and elsewhere, as the growth of the Islamic State gathers pace abroad.
It is absolutely the last thing Team Obama and his allies would have wanted after drumming up their coalition and heading off to war to make their countries safer places, or, lost as they are in their own arrogance and inability to learn the lessons of the past, even have expected.
“Trained and battle-hardened, these fighters could try to return to their home countries and carry out deadly attacks,” warned Obama in his speech to the nation on 10th September. But what he hadn’t counted on was his own citizens picking up weapons and attacking his police officers without any training or battle experience whatsoever.
From my own experience here, our governments are too aloof, prideful, and conventional in their way of thinking to have any idea how to proceed in the face of such a global threat. They will simply continue to do what they’ve been doing for the last two decades which has gradually been making the situation worse and worse. The intervention in Iraq today (such as it is) is little different to the one before except with more window-dressing and, at some point in the future, proxy boots on the ground instead of American ones because, to the people back in the USA, it doesn’t matter how many of their allies die. And until they get their act together the Peshmerga can bear the brunt of the dying with the odd resupply from the air and some Special Forces help on the ground.
The governments are like a robot that is stuck on a loop, continually performing the wrong sequence despite repeated instructions by its master to the contrary. Master to robot: You have to find a different way of addressing the danger the mujāhidīn pose to the west. “Cannot… compute…” Military action doesn’t work, what about negotiations? “Must… obey… programming…” Everything you’ve done since 9/11 has put us in more danger, not less. “Zzzzz… syntax… error…”
Of course, Robo-Obama doesn’t listen to voices of reason and thus programs himself with the same corrupted old data, making the same mistakes over and over again. James Comey described the Islamic State mujāhidīn as “savages” in September (a classic example of prideful and conventionalist thinking that will progress absolutely nothing) while Nick Paton-Walsh described their tactics in CNN as “eerily sophisticated,” which is a much more educated comment and closer to the truth, except Nick’s just a journalist while James Comey is director of the FBI.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: Foreword
Page(s): 03
Almost a decade later, “pacifist” Japan has once again defied wisdom by entering into another crusader coalition against the Muslims, but this time under the leadership of the “Nobel Peace Prize” winner Obama. And so a “pacifist” country is led by a “peace” prizewinner in a war doomed to fail. What interests did Abe Shinzo expect to achieve for Japan by publicly committing more than 200 million dollars to be explicitly used in the war against the Islamic State, as if the Khilāfah were not a dangerous entity to anger? What kind of hubris blinded him to make his thoughtless announcement from a podium erected by the tāghūt Sisi who wages war against the soldiers of the Khilāfah in Wilāyat Saynā’? What begot him into “forgetting” that the Islamic State had two Japanese prisoners inside its jails awaiting the blunders of Japanese leadership?
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: Islam Is the Religion of the Sword Not Pacifism
Page(s): 22
Allah (ta’ālā) also described what should be struck with the sword, {Remember when your Lord revealed to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip”} [Al-Anfāl: 12]. He (ta’ālā) also said, {So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens} [Muhammad: 4].
His Messenger (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also described the sword as the salvation from evil and fitnah. He (sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also described the sword as being the key to Jannah [Reported by Ibn Abī Shaybah on the authority of Abū Mūsā].
He also declared that his worldly provision was placed for him in the shade of his spear and that the best livelihood for the Muslim in the future is what he takes with his sword from the kāfir enemy.
So how can the zanādiqah (heretics) or even those who blindly follow them – Bush4, Obama, and Kerry – obstinately claim that “Islam is a religion of peace,” meaning pacifism?
4 Bush (the son) said, “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace. They represent evil and war.” Obama and Kerry later mimicked Bush and stated that the Islamic State was “un-Islamic” because of its usage of violence. The origin for this isnād (chain of transmission) of falsehood is probably one of the apostate “religious advisors” who visit the White House and claim to represent Islam and the Muslims while clapping in support of the American declarations of war against Islam. May Allah expose the hypocrites and heretics.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: In the Words of the Enemy – The Kāfir Patrick Cockburn
Page(s): 52-53
This month, Patrick Cockburn – a kāfir journalist and citizen of Britain, a member of the crusader coalition against the Islamic State – wrote an article titled “Isis Hostage Crisis: Militant Group Stands Strong as Its Numerous Enemies Fail to Find a Common Plan to Defeat It.” In this article, the author contrasts the successes of the Islamic State with the overall failure of the crusaders in their war against the Khilāfah. Although the article contains exaggerations of the “abilities” and “advances” attributed to the murtaddīn from amongst the Safawī forces, the PKK, and the peshmerga, the author makes a number of sensible points. He had the following to say: “…Western analysts are encouraged by the number of experienced Isis commanders killed last year, but its ideology is built around martyrdom, and the high casualty rate among leaders shows that they fight in the frontline. President Obama says America’s main effort is in Iraq but unless it can rebuild the Iraqi army then it will be near impossible to defeat Isis there. And so long as Isis continues, so too will high profile hostage-taking and executions.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: The Extinction of the Grayzone
Page(s): 62
The Muslims in the West will quickly find themselves between one of two choices, they either apostatize and adopt the kufrī religion propagated by Bush, Obama, Blair, Cameron, Sarkozy, and Hollande in the name of Islam so as to live amongst the kuffār without hardship, or they perform hijrah to the Islamic State and thereby escape persecution from the crusader governments and citizens.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #007, February 2015
Section: The Anger Factory
Page(s): 77-78
In Britain, someone called Eric Pickles wrote an open letter to the UK’s Muslim community asking for help in “dealing with this problem of radicalization.” “British values are Muslim values,” he blurted, clearly having no idea what he was talking about, before hastily adding that Islam’s “message of peace and unity” makes the country better and stronger.
British leader David Cameron waded as he always does after the fact, saying, “Anyone, frankly, reading this letter, who has a problem with it, I think really has a problem. What he is saying is that British Muslims make a great contribution to our country, that what is happening in terms of extremist terror has nothing to do with the true religion of Islam. It’s being perverted by a minority who have been radicalized. Frankly, all of us have a responsibility to try and confront this radicalization, and make sure we stop young people being drawn into this poisonous, fanatical death cult that a very small minority of people have created.”
What we have here are two people, politicians with a tremendous amount of power, who do not have the slightest idea what they’re on about. They clearly have little knowledge about Islam, the Sharī’ah, jihād, the mujāhidīn, or why Muslims are getting angrier and angrier about how the West arrogantly pushes and shoves its principles and beliefs on the rest of the world.
And yet, as politicians and leaders, they have the platform to spread their opinions and influence millions of others. It’s the same rubbish we hear from Obama, Hollande, Netanyahu, and the others time and again, the old “the Islamic State is not Islamic” diatribe. How Islam is great, we really like Muslims, but only “Muslims” who conform to our definition of what a “Muslim” should be, who fits neatly into the definition of a working democracy. And whoever does not conform to this new definition of “Muslim” will be persecuted.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #008, March 2015
Section: Paradigm Shift by John Cantlie
Page(s): 64
After all the gnashing of teeth in September, there appears now a grudging acceptance by many Western politicians that the Islamic State is different to anything they’ve seen before. Their response, by necessity, has to be different too.
From the toothless roaring of Obama‘s address to the nation on 10th September, in which he declared that the Islamic State “is a terrorist organization, pure and simple,” it would seem that some of his closest advisors, many figures in the rest of the NATO world and the media in general are not convinced by such a simplistic description, although “terrorism” is undoubtedly one of the tactics, amongst many, adeptly employed and advanced by the Islamic State in its jihād.
Obama‘s own former defense secretary Chuck Hagel described the situation as “one of the most challenging periods in history for American leadership.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #008, March 2015
Section: Paradigm Shift by John Cantlie
Page(s): 67
The only question is, how many more Westerners will die between then and now?
The way things are going at the moment, the answer is many. France, Belgium, Denmark, Australia, and Canada, have all been the targets of mujāhidīn attacks over the last three months alone, and as more Islamic fighters from different groups in different countries pledge allegiance to the Islamic State, such attacks will surely only become more numerous and better-executed.
“Foreign fighters travelled everywhere, from Europe, to the United States, to Australia, to other parts of the Muslim world, converging on Syria,” said Obama on an interview aired on 60 Minutes. “And so this became ground zero for jihadists around the world. And this is one of the challenges that we’re going to have generally. Where you’ve got states that are failing or in the midst of civil war, these kinds of organizations thrive.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #009, May 2015
Section: From Our Sisters: Slave-Girls or Prostitutes? By Umm Sumayyah Al-Muhajirah
Page(s): 48-49
Are slave-girls whom we took by Allah’s command better, or prostitutes – an evil you do not denounce – who are grabbed by quasi men in the lands of kufr where you live? A prostitute in your lands comes and goes, openly committing sin. She lives by selling her honor, within the sight and hearing of the deviant scholars from whom we don’t hear even a faint sound. As for the slave-girl that was taken by the swords of men following the cheerful warrior (Muhammad – sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), then her enslavement is in opposition to human rights and copulation with her is rape?! What is wrong with you? How do you make such a judgment? What is your religion? What is your law? Rather, tell me who is your lord?
Never did the Khilāfah’s soldiers revive a Sunnah or extinguish a bid’ah except that you shouted with lewdness and heresy! Leave us alone with your burping and wait for a Khilāfah that Obama comes to you with or whose landmarks Abū Kurdūs (Iblīs) draws up for you! I swear by Allah, O you who feign to be knowledgeable and shout with falsehood in every gathering, surely the slave markets will be established against the will of the politically “correct”!
And who knows, maybe Michelle Obama‘s price won’t even exceed a third of a dīnār, and a third of a dīnār is too much for her!
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #009, May 2015
Section: In the Words of the Enemy
Page(s): 60-62
A major crusader think-tank – the Carnegie Endowment – wrote on “24 March 2015,”
“The West currently sees the Nusra Front as a threat. But Nusra’s pragmatism and ongoing evolution mean that it could become an ally in the fight against the Islamic State. … Instead of putting Nusra and the Islamic State in the same basket, the West should look beyond the Nusra Front’s ideological affiliation and encourage its pragmatism as it seeks an end to the Syrian conflict.”
… “In order for US President Barack Obama to fulfill his promise to ‘degrade and ultimately destroy’ ISIS, he must weaken ISIS’ control of Mosul, Raqqa, and other large population centers, as well as stop its expansion. Inadvertently, the administration’s cautious approach to military intervention makes al Qaeda – which views ISIS as a renegade offshoot – an important player in curtailing ISIS’ growth.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #009, May 2015
Section: The Perfect Storm
Page(s): 74-75
“This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.” – Obama, September 2014.
The pledges of allegiance that are now being announced on a seemingly monthly basis from Islamic groups around the world to the Islamic State are exactly what every mujāhid prayed for and a nightmare scenario for the military and political leaders of the democratic world. The incredible growth of the Caliphate and the fact that it is a living, breathing entity with thousands of square miles of territory has given Muslims around the Middle East, Asia, and Africa the belief and confidence to take up arms, pledge their loyalty, and launch operations with a unity and strength of purpose that has simply not been seen before.
The mujāhidīn of West Africa control much of Nigeria and their attacks are intensifying, pushing back an exhausted and smashed national army that is now is in a virtual state of collapse. They declared allegiance to the Caliphate in March, and they are the same group, remember, that Obama claimed just last year was being successfully pushed back by American intervention policy. Indeed, he claimed that the same model (cutting finances, recruitment tools, and the will to fight) that worked so “well” in the degradation of the mujāhidīn there before their pledge of allegiance, would work just as well on the Islamic State.
As the groups evolve from splintered cells each waging their own wars to a single, unified body, it becomes a force of immense power, like a snowball that rolls down a mountain getting larger until you end up with an avalanche. The more outfits work together, so they can use each other’s skills and strengths to fill in the gaps until there are very few weak points.
“Say one group is very good at bomb making and the other group is very good at propaganda,” says Jonah Blank from the US “think-tank” RAND Corporation. “If you put the right bomb in the right place for the right propaganda effect, that can be far more important than either of these things on their own.”
“This isn’t just propaganda,” said Gary Bernsten, a former CIA intelligence officer on an interview with Fox News on 9th March. “ISIS has billions of dollars. They have a network of communications for reaching out to these groups. And it shows you how deadly and effective ISIS is. They are truly the most successful Sunni terrorist group in history because they’ve carved out a space for a nation state, and these other groups recognize that. It shows Obama‘s statement that ‘this isn’t Islam’ is a false narrative. ISIS has been brilliant at selling itself to the hundreds of millions of people out there looking for a message.”
And what of Obama of late? In all honesty, I haven’t seen what the Nobel Peace prizewinner has been commenting on recently, but he can’t be having much fun. “This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years,” he said last September. I do not have any information on the current situation within Somalia, but Yemen is exploding, the Islamic State is already taking advantage of the chaos there, and it is clear nothing has been “successfully pursued.” The American embassy has been closed for more than three months now, out of fear “terrorists” might attack it, as the country descends into further chaos. Would you like those words served with relish or pickle, president?
“[Obama] cited US policy in Yemen and Somalia as a successful illustration of what’s in store for Iraq and Syria – a one-two punch of US air power with local ground forces. But Somalia is a failed state and Yemen is hardly a healthy one; both remain incubators of dangerous terrorism,” wrote the Washington Post in reply to the president’s statement. And that was eight months ago before large portions of the Muslim world took up arms.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #010, July 2015
Section: The Allies of al-Qā’idah in Shām, Part III
Page(s): 06-07
On Friday 2 Rabī’ al-Awwal 1435AH (3 January 2014), the Syrian Sahwah was launched against the Islamic State after the leadership of the factions gathered to plot their conspiracy. “Jaysh al-Mujāhidīn” and “Jabhat Thuwwār Sūriyā” (of Jamāl Ma’rūf) made the first move and were followed systematically by the “Islamic Front” and the Jawlānī front. One of the biggest allies of the Jawlānī front since the beginning of the Sahwah has been the “Islamic Front” with Zahran Alloush as its top military commander.
In Sha’bān, the crusaders of “McClatchy” interviewed Zahran Alloush in Turkey, the favored base of the Sahwah leadership. The following are excerpts from an article the interviewers wrote summarizing the interview: “[Zahran] said the Army of Islam had been in direct touch with Daniel Rubinstein, the Obama administration’s special envoy for Syria, an assertion the State Department confirmed.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #010, July 2015
Section: The Allies of al-Qā’idah in Shām, Part III
Page(s): 12-13
Labib al-Nahhas – head of foreign political relations for Ahrār ashShām – wrote an article for the Washington Post on “10 July 2015” titled “The Deadly Consequences of Mislabeling Syria’s Revolutionaries.” In it he said:
“As has become obvious, the Obama administration’s response to the Syrian conflict is an abject failure … Short-term, stopgap measures informed by the Iraq and Afghanistan experiences, along with the noise generated by a media fixated on the Islamic State, have taken priority over achievable, long-term goals … Nowhere is this failure clearer than in the consequence of the misguided way that Syrian revolutionaries are labeled as either ‘moderate’ or ‘extremist.'”
“The group to which I belong, Ahrar al-Sham, is one example. Our name means ‘Free Men of Syria.’ We consider ourselves a mainstream Sunni Islamic group that is led by Syrians and fights for Syrians. We are fighting for justice for the Syrian people. Yet we have been falsely accused of having organizational links to al-Qaeda and of espousing al-Qaeda’s ideology.”
“Nothing could be further from the truth. We believe that Syria needs a national unifying project that cannot be controlled or delivered by a single party or group and should not be bound to a single ideology. We believe in striking a balance that respects the legitimate aspirations of the majority as well as protects minority communities and enables them to play a real and positive role in Syria’s future. We believe in a moderate future for Syria that preserves the state and institutes reforms that benefit all Syrians … Syrians consider us an integral, valued element of the revolutionary landscape, yet we have been unfairly vilified by the Obama administration from Day One.”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #010, July 2015
Section: In the Words of the Enemy, The Murtadd Rami Adbulrahman”
Page(s): 66
The mujāhidīn are not used to seeing the jets of the cross and tāghūt striking the “Khawārij” in defense of “AhlusSunnah wal-Jamā’ah” except in the era of the so-called “Arab Spring.” So when the jets of the wicked kuffār come to strike and defend the Sahwah Coalition – including the Jawlānī front – and help the Sahwah Coalition advance against the Islamic State under the cover of the Crusader Coalition, then know that despite the severe violence among themselves and despite the disagreement of their hearts, they are but allies of one another.
And so, after the army of the Khilāfah overtook Sawrān I’zāz and expelled the humiliated Sahwah Coalition from it, the Syrian National Coalition and the heads of the factions and councils in Turkey called for the help of America on behalf of the Sahwah Coalition (leaders of Ahrār ash-Shām and the Shāmiyyah Front did not forget to partake in this supplication), and the two Republicans John McCain and Lindsey Graham exerted pressure on the holder of the crusader banner, Obama. So Obama replied to their requests, and the Islamic State was struck in Sawrān I’zāz and adjacent areas on “7 June 2015,” and “14 June 2015,” as well as on other days and nights, all the strikes serving the interests of the Sahwah Coalition.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #010, July 2015
Section: In the Words of the Enemy, the Kāfir Journalist Yaroslav Trofimov
Page(s): 69
“‘Nusra has been a real magnet for young Syrian fighters who don’t have any particular jihadist or even radical sectarian agenda,’ said Frederic Hof, who served as President Obama’s envoy to the Syrian opposition … Nusra’s attempt to differentiate itself from Islamic State was clear in recent interviews that the group’s leader, Abu Muhammad al Jawlani, gave to Qatar’s Al Jazeera television network. Dressed in a plaid shirt and his face covered, Mr. Jawlani sat in a high-backed, thronelike chair once occupied by Idlib’s former governor. He fielded fawning questions during the two separate, nearly hourlong broadcasts, which were widely seen in the region as an effort by Qatar to make Nusra more attractive. While Mr. Jawlani repeated his allegiance to al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri, he said Nusra wasn’t targeting the West and made conciliatory remarks about the Christian minority…”
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #011, September 2015
Section: From the Battles of Al-Ahzāb to the War of Coalitions
Page(s): 48-52
On “6 November 2014,” the “Wall Street Journal” released an article titled “Obama Wrote Secret Letter to Iran’s Khamenei about Fighting Islamic State – Presidential Correspondence with Ayatollah Stresses Shared U.S.- Iranian Interests in Combating Insurgents, Urges Progress on Nuclear Talks.” In the article, they report that “Obama secretly wrote to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei” and that his letter “described a shared interest in fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.” The letter was “aimed both at buttressing the campaign against Islamic State and nudging Iran’s religious leader closer to a nuclear deal” and stressed “that any cooperation on Islamic State was largely contingent on Iran reaching a comprehensive agreement with global powers on the future of Tehran’s nuclear program.” The letter also “marked at least the fourth time Obama has written Iran’s most powerful political and religious leader since taking office in 2009 and pledging to engage with Tehran’s Islamist government” and “underscores that Obama views Iran as important … to his emerging military and diplomatic campaign to push Islamic State from the territories it has gained.” Through the letter, Obama seeks “to assuage Iran’s concerns about the future of its close ally, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria” and reassures Iran that “the U.S.’s military operations inside Syria aren’t targeted at Assad or his security forces.”
They also report that “the Obama administration launched secret talks with Iran in the Omani capital of Muscat in mid-2012″ and that “White House press secretary Josh Earnest … acknowledged U.S. officials in the past have discussed the Islamic State campaign with Iranian officials on the sidelines of international nuclear talks. He added the negotiations remain centered on Iran’s nuclear program.”
They also report that “Obama sent two letters to Iran’s 75-year-old supreme leader during the first half of 2009, calling for improvements in U.S.-Iran ties … U.S.-Iran relations have thawed considerably since the election of President Hasan Rouhani in June 2013. He and Obama shared a 15-minute phone call in September 2013, and Messrs. Kerry and Zarif have regularly held direct talks on the nuclear diplomacy and regional issues” and that “the State Department has confirmed that senior U.S. officials have discussed Iraq with Zarif on the sidelines of nuclear negotiations in Vienna. U.S. diplomats have also passed on messages to Tehran via Abadi’s government in Baghdad and through the offices of Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, among the most powerful religious leaders in the Shiite world. Among the messages conveyed to Tehran, according to U.S. officials, is that U.S. military operations in Iraq and Syria aren’t aimed at weakening Tehran or its allies. ‘We’ve passed on messages to the Iranians through the Iraqi government and Sistani saying our objective is against ISIL,’ said a senior U.S. official briefed on these communications. ‘We’re not using this as a platform to reoccupy Iraq or to undermine Iran.'”
After this letter, the Rāfidī Khamenei responded himself with a letter to Obama. The “Wall Street Journal” reported in an article on “13 February 2015” titled “Iran’s Ayatollah Sends New Letter to Obama amid Nuclear Talks” that Khamenei responded positively with a letter seeking better relations with the United States and further cooperation against the Islamic State.
But the cooperation was already there on the ground for some time. On “31 August 2014,” the “New York Times” released an article titled “U.S. and Iran Unlikely Allies in Iraq Battle.” They report that a senior US administration official said, “Any coordinating with the Shiite militias was not done by us – it would have been done by the ISF [the ‘Iraqi Security Forces’]” and then comment on his words with the following: “But it is well known that the Shiite militias have been fighting alongside the army in recent months as the threat from ISIS became clear.” Later in the article, they say that “the Obama administration has tried to avoid being seen as taking sides in a sectarian war, because the Shiite militias are especially feared by Iraq’s Sunnis. But for the weekend at least, the realities on the ground appeared to override any concerns of effectively supporting the militias.” Essentially, the Americans cooperate with Iran, its forces, and its militias, but through the Safawī Iraqi regime – in imitation of those Jews who worked but “did not work” on Saturday despite the prohibition and who were thus transformed into apes and swine. This is similar to the Jawlānī front’s claim that they do not cooperate with the tawāghīt when they cooperate with the factions of the tawāghīt…
According to “The Hill” in an article titled “Hagel: US knows Iran, Russia aiding Iraq in fight against ISIS” released on “11 July 2014,” Chuck Hagel commented on reports that “quoted Iraqi military officials saying that Iran and Russia were conducting airstrikes in their country, hitting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) targets,” by saying, “We are aware of the Iranian and Russian efforts to help the Iraqis.”
Hence, Iran and all its allies are directly involved in the crusaders’ war against the Islamic State. “Foreign Policy” reports on “12 November 2014” in an article titled “Who Has Contributed What in the Coalition against the Islamic State?” “Although Iran is not an acknowledged coalition partner, it and the United States are conferring informally.”
This was all topped by the “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” nuclear agreement between the American-led West and the Iranian regime backed by Russia.
In the end, America serves the interests of the Safawī Empire with its airstrikes, intelligence, and politics, and the Safawī Empire cooperates with the Americans similarly against the mujāhidīn. This is done covertly, indirectly, and even publicly. The “middleman” – when needed – is the Safawī puppet regime in Iraq. David Petraeus (former top American military commander in Iraq) commented on the Obama administration’s war, “This cannot be the United States being the air force for Shia militias or a Shia-on-Sunni Arab fight.” And this is exactly what is going on, but it is a war against Islam, not against Arabs.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #011, September 2015
Section: In the Words of the Enemy, the Kāfir Michael Scheuer
Page(s): 56-57
[On “8 August 2015,” Michael Scheuer – former Chief of the CIA “Bin Laden Issue Station” – released an article titled “Islamic State is winning, America must soon use its one remaining option.” In it, he addresses the American crusaders, calling them to end their hopeless war against Islam and its caliphate. He brings to their attention the reality that the Islamic State is winning and will continue to expand despite all the efforts of the weakened states of America. The article is presented below.]
… What is important, at the moment, lies in the quite inexplicable inability of U.S. and NATO policymakers to see what the Islamic State is up to in terms of its regional planning, or how that planning is not only immune to but fueled by the relentless, seriatim intervention of the West in each Muslim country that displeases it – excepting, of course, the Muslim tyrannies the West fawns over, protects, and is bribed by. (NB: This is not to argue that a multi-Muslimnation intervention by U.S.-NATO forces is needed. First, that mother of all Western interventions would be the single most powerful ally for IS’s goal of uniting the Sunni world. Second, the U.S. military is worn out after two decades of war-losing; is being neutered by Obama‘s calculated-to-destroy budget cuts, manpower reductions, and effeminization; and the NATO militaries — save Turkey’s — are tiny, antiquated, underfunded, and could not stop Putin’s panzers from rolling down the Champs Elysees without using nuclear weapons. The only effective U.S.- NATO defense against the Islamists is to stop all intervention, and let the Sunnis, Shias, and Israelis settle their differences in whatever merrily murderous manner pleases them.)
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #012, November 2015
Section: You Think They Are Together, But Their Hearts Are Divided
Page(s): 47
Despite the rivalries between the Rāfidah and the Jewish state, they have more in common with each other than any other religions of kufr. They both await a “savior” whom they allege will wipe out the followers of Allah’s Messenger. And the Russian intervention in Shām has brought an opportunity for the Rāfidah and the Jewish state to get closer to each other through Russia. Before executing its first round of airstrikes in Shām, Russia contacted the Jewish state to warn it of Russian presence in the skies of Shām. Putin then met with Netanyahu in Moscow on “21 September 2015” to discuss the details of the attacks and coordinate their separate missions. In this regards, Zvi Magen – former Israeli ambassador to Moscow – said to the Economist on “30 September 2015,” “Israel made clear to him [Putin] that we [the Jews] have no real problem with Assad.” At the same time, Russia promised to limit the Iranian influence and that of Hizbullāt (Hezbollah) in Shām.
Is it possible this relationship between the Jewish state and the Rāfidah and the Nusayriyyah through Russia grows into something bigger while Netanyahu and Obama clash over American-Jewish relations and policies?
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #012, November 2015
Section: Paradigm Shift Part II, by John Cantlie
Page(s): 50
Failed attempts by the coalition to “contain” the Caliphate are already old news. But the N-word, negotiate? That’s a bombshell. Just recently, Obama said there still “would be no negotiating” with the Islamic State, a fact not lost on my former cellmates. But then he changed his policy regarding that, so maybe he or the next president will have to change their policy on this.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #014, April 2016
Section: Murtaddīn in the West
Page(s): 14
Responding to the tāghūt Barack Obama wishing Muslims a blessed Ramadān, Suhaib Webb tweeted, “Obama makes me proud. Thank you, Mr. President.” Does this “imām” truly feel honored through his kāfir leader? Does he not know that Allah said, {Inform the hypocrites that theirs is a painful torment; those who take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers. Do they seek honor with them? For verily all honor belongs to Allah} [An-Nisā’: 138-139]? Knowing this and that he admires the secularist US Constitution and does not oppose sodomite marriage, it should be easy to grasp that he is nothing but another murtadd imām of kufr.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Dabiq #014, April 2016
Section: The Blood of Shame, by John Cantlie
Page(s): 54-55
I saw a few emails between the Islamic State negotiators and some of the American families at the time. The desperation and pleading for more time by mothers as they singlehandedly tried to facilitate the freeing of prisoners held in “black site” US prisons in exchange for their sons was awful to read and testament to just how little their government had done or even discussed with them as the clock ticked relentlessly down. Just days before he was killed, Steven Sotloff’s mother was still, impossibly, trying to get Obama to discuss the freeing of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui in exchange for Steven’s life. One mum versus an entire government. Of course, she lost.
Perhaps the simplest way to examine the woeful inadequacy of American and British hostage policy compared to, say, the French approach is to look at everything that’s happened over the last 18 months and suggest if the US and UK “tough guy” stance changed things for the better; if by not negotiating in any way when the others did that they somehow improved their political or military situation against the Islamic State. Let’s look at the facts.
For example, by not paying a ransom, forbidding the families to even try and refusing to discuss a prisoner exchange with the Islamic State for the lives of my five previous cellmates, did those decisions by Obama and Cameron prevent the Caliphate expanding its borders east and west? No. Did those decisions stop affiliate Islamic groups in the Sinai Peninsula, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, and Libya from declaring allegiance to the Caliphate, thereby creating the largest Sharī’ah governance ever seen in the modern world? No. Did it stop the Islamic State pushing back the feeble Iraqi army and capturing most of Anbar province while the Shia dropped their guns and fled? No. Did it stop America spending billions of dollars on the air campaign thus far and deploying thousands of advisory troops in a country they departed in 2011? No. And did it stop attacks by mujāhidīn in Texas, New York, Tunisia, and California throughout 2015 that have left dozens of Britons and Americans killed or wounded? Absolutely not.
Jihadi Group: Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS)
Magazine: Rumiyah #004, December 2016
Section: Interview With the Wali of Tarabulus, Shaykh Abu Hudhayfah al-Muhajir
Page(s): 10
Question: Eight months have passed since our interview with Shaykh ‘Abdul-Qadir an-Najdi. Could you summarize for us the most important events the Libyan wilayat have witnessed during this period?
Answer: Eight months of waging jihad against the enemies of Allah and endeavoring to establish His law on His earth have gone by. There were conquests and victories in the regions and villages under the control and influence of Martin Kobler, Paolo Gentiloni, Hollande, and Obama, as well as the expulsion and impairment of their allies, including the army and battalions of both the “National Accord” and “National Congress” governments, in order to forcefully take the land from them and it thereby attains the honor of returning to the embrace of the Khilafah, the authority of the Shari’ah, and the divine laws, after centuries of misguidance. Thereafter, they attacked once again in a battle in which the mujahidin sacrificed – and continue to sacrifice – everything precious and dear to them to protect the issue of tawhid and defend the boundaries of the Shari’ah. It is a battle in which the soldiers of the Khilafah were victorious in its first days when they chose death in the path of Allah so that the murtaddin would not take a step in Dar al-Islam except over the pure bodies of the shuhada. Thus, they rendered the Dunya cheap, aspiring towards what was with Allah, and competed to join the caravans of the devout mujahidin, and that is the clear victory.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #002, April 2012
Section: Important Notice
Page(s): 23
Wanted Dead or Alive
Name: Barak Obama
According to our brothers in Somalia, we have considered it necessary to issue a statement like the one released by Sheikh Mujahid Fuad Shongole, just a day after the Americans showed their weakness in their inability to fight against the Muslims of Somalia because the Muslims of Somalia stood together with the Mujahideen… they have begun their negligence of trying to sell their religion for the sake of money. Sheikh Fuad, in his regular sermon in front of the congregation, issued a proclamation calling for the killing of Obama. Some may consider it a joke, but I see it as a very important matter. Especially when we see that this proclamation was made openly in front of the people, even after America issued its own proclamation, this situation reveals two things: That the Muslims of Somalia prioritize their faith over the world, and that the value placed on killing or capturing Obama was equivalent to 10 camels – and this clearly shows you the low value of these American infidels.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #003, March 2013
Section: Message of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki (Rahimahullah) to Americans and Muslims Living in the West
Page(s): 39
Do you think you can harm others and they won’t seek revenge? The decision-makers: politicians, lobbyists, and big business corporations are the ones benefiting from your foreign policies, while you suffer the consequences. After the 9/11 incident, Americans gave George W. Bush full authority to fight against the Mujahideen and granted him unlimited funds to achieve these goals. The result? He failed, and he failed miserably. So now, if America couldn’t defeat the Mujahideen when they had unlimited support from their president, how will they defeat Obama, who has fewer followers? If America failed when its economy was strong, how can it win now when the economy has deteriorated? The answer is clear: America cannot and will not win. The situation has changed, and there is no turning back the tide of global Jihadist Awakening. The night of September 11th was solely Afghanistan’s affair. Today, it is Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the list goes on.
How many American families are ready to receive casualties? How long will the US Treasury endure? 9/11, the Afghan and Iraqi wars, and then the ‘Umar al-Faruq operation, which didn’t cost the Mujahideen much. The result was that the US Treasury had to spend billions of dollars to provide false security to Americans. How long can America endure these wars? Where is the benefit for Americans in getting hurt by supporting the Israelis, the Saudi family, and the Arab kings?
Our brother Omar al-Faruq Abdulmutallab succeeded in penetrating the security arrangement established after 9/11, which cost the US government over 40 billion dollars. Obama promised that his administration would be free from corruption, but he hasn’t fulfilled his promise. His administration deceived people by portraying Nidal Hasan’s operation as the act of a deranged individual. His government concealed and withheld information about this operation for fear of the repercussions on Americans. Until now, his government refuses to disclose the email communications between me and Nidal. Then, after our brother Omar al-Faruq’s operation, his government also tried to hide the truth, but al-Qaeda claimed responsibility, exposing their failed attempt to deceive the world.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #003, March 2013
Section: Message of Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki (Rahimahullah) to Americans and Muslims Living in the West
Page(s): 41
As Americans remember George W. Bush for putting them in jeopardy in Iraq, they will also remember Obama for putting them in jeopardy in Yemen. Obama has already ordered missile attacks targeting areas in Abyan and Shabwa in Yemen. The result? It enhanced the reputation of the Mujahideen in Yemen and, conversely, damaged Obama‘s reputation in America. Corrupt officials in Yemen, along with tribal elders who claim to be your friends, are celebrating because they receive easy money from America, as your politicians, security officials, and military officials are being squeezed for money every daybreak. They make countless promises to you with unlimited costs. Welcome to the fraudulent politics of Yemeni politicians.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #006, September 2014
Section: Fight for the Sake of Allah Not for Democracy, Abdullah Al-Kenyi
Page(s): 12-13
Arab Tyrant kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and U.A.E to take the lead in the battle against Mursi supporters. It was not a hidden fact that the rulers of these oil kingdoms were unhappy and threatened by the rising into power of the modern Muslim brotherhood, as they feared their Muslim subjects would follow suit and revolt against their un-Islamic corrupt rule. It’s not a secret that the American constitution dictates the cutting of ties and aid money with any regime which comes to power through a military coup, so sensing the need to conform to the dictates of this law, Barack Obama simply refused to acknowledge the Egyptian military’s deposition of a democratically elected President as a coup as this would have necessitated cutting off aid money to their stooges (i.e. the Egyptian army). The whole world and the Muslims in particular need to recognize and expose these hypocritical stances by the US government which are always driven by selfish American interests, lives which are being violently and mercilessly slaughtered in Syria are no less worth in anyway with the lives lost in Egypt. So if the US government is against the Bashar regime in Syria because of launching a bloody killing spree against innocent Muslim non-combatants, then likewise it should also concurrently oppose the Egyptian army which after overthrowing a popularly elected government has engaged in a killing spree of innocent demonstrators who were demanding the reinstatement of a democratically elected president.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #007, February 2015
Section: War With Peace, Abu Maryam The Migrant
Page(s): 06
Although there are many things unique to living under Shari’ah law the matter which always strikes me is the confidence people have to leave their merchandise unprotected. As I stared into the traffic of shoppers, labourers, and pedestrians I kept thinking to myself how would life be for these people without Shari’ah law? Seven years ago before the arrival of the Mujahedeen the whole city used to come to a complete standstill by sunset due to the fear of bandits and criminals, today however you can find shops open as late as 10:00 pm and groups of youth and elderly socializing into the late hours of the night without fear of anyone besides Allaah and possibly some stray dogs. What would happen to the Islamic schools, the hijaabs, and the most importantly the law of Allaah? It was almost 9:00 and I was still in the market. I am not the type to linger around idly but today my thoughts got the better me and the more I contemplated the angrier I became. All this walking and reflection made me hungry and the pleasant aroma of fresh vegetables made my stomach growl. I was late for breakfast so I decided to call it a day. I quickly finished grocery shopping and headed home. On my way I was almost knocked over by a stampede of school children returning from recess. Their bright yellow and blue uniforms added so much energy to the city and even as they ran about and threw rocks at birds, each one of them was tightly gripping a copy of the Qur’aan to his chest lest it should touch the ground. Dressed in mini hijaabs, the girls- who were naturally calmer than the boys- innocently sang nasheeds as they queued in line in front of the school. If only they knew I thought to myself; here they are artlessly enjoying life under the shade of Shari’ah while their air, land and sea are being occupied by those who seek to abolish it. The more I watched them play and sing, the angrier I became.
Frustration had wiped away my hunger so when I reached home I just had a few bites of canjeelo and a cup of tea and decided to hit the hay. My brain was on ultra speed and it refused to turn off. The more I tossed and turned and tried to get comfy the more thoughts came to my mind. Why was the world oblivious to such great achievements? I asked myself. If only they could see what I see. Don’t they know that in a span of just a few months the world’s most dangerous country, a failed state, the epitome of anarchy, Somalia, was transformed into a functioning crimeless country. Here you go again I thought being naïve. I couldn’t help but laugh when I remembered the time I actually use to believe that the Mujahedeen would receive a Noble Peace Prize for their accomplishments. My logic at the time was that if people like Barack Obama – who is responsible for the murder of thousands- can be nominated for the award then the Mujahedeen of Somalia who restored order after 20 years of bloodshed should be more than deserving.
Jihadi Group: Al-Shabaab
Magazine: Gaidi Mtaani #008, January 2017
Section: Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki and Me, a Ghaba Production
Page(s): 09-10
When checking on the Sheikh’s website one day, one of the brothers saw his article titled Salutations to the Shabaab. He immediately brought my attention to it and I checked it out. I was overjoyed to know that the Sheikh was following the every day developments in Somalia and was being openly supportive. The brothers in the media depart- ment decided to reply to the salutations as they respected the Sheikh very much and he had been an inspiration for many of us who had made it to Jihad in Somalia. They wrote a reply to the Sheikh which was posted on the Sheikh’s website a few days later. The Sheikh continued to support the Mujahideen all over the world, and in Somalia specifically, in his words and writings as he did in his article The Voting for Sharia in Somalia.
I was delighted to hear during the following year, that Sheikh Anwar had joined the Mujahideen in the Arabian Peninsula and that he had followed his words of encouragement with actions that matched those words, he actually walked the talk. The Sheikh became a role model for all students of knowledge and callers to Islam as he left his comfortable, well-off life as a famous and loved caller to Islam in order to implement what he had learned and had been teaching. He knew that what he was doing was going to change his life but he was ready for that because that is the path of the Prophets and the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him. He was ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of Allah as he had taught us and knew with certainty that the enemies of Allah could do him no harm unless it had been decreed for him. I was a bit disappointed because I had always hoped he would hop on a boat and make his way over to us in Somalia but as long as he joined the Mujahideen it was good enough for me because we have known them for their solid creed, patience, sacrifice, and steadfastness. I remembered his old paintball skills and thought they would probably be coming in handy.
Soon thereafter, Obama decided that Sheikh Anwar was too much of a threat and that they needed him to be taken out ‘dead or alive.’ The enemy claimed to have killed him more than once but each time they were proved wrong. The drone bombing campaign that was going on in Yemen had been going on for some time by then and the Americans had killed scores of civilians, not that they would be concerned about that. Then came the failed drone assassination attempt on the Sheikh which is a lesson for us in the issue of Qadar; that no matter what technology or how many missiles one has, if it is not someone’s time, then it is not their time. The Sheikh was not shaken or deterred from his mission and he continued forward knowing fully well that the enemies of Islam would be trying even more to kill him now that they had embarrassed themselves in the failed attempt.